本帖最后由 wwdboy 于 2010-12-15 13:24 编辑
Hello a lucky avast! Winner! :)
Thank you again for participating in our December Quiz. :-)
You were among first 100 lucky one, who replied correctly to our question. As promised we generated one free 1-year license of avast! Internet Security.
Please note, it will be delivered in a separate email.
You can download avast! 5.0 from our webpage:
link http://www.avast.com/download-software#tab2
If you already installed the software, lease make sure, you have inserted the license file into your avast!.
After receiving your license file, you just need to double-click to open it and your license will be inserted into your program automatically. You can now continue to use your avast! antivirus for the duration of your license and you will continue to receive automatic updates to both the program and your virus definitions.
Alternatively, save the license file on your computer, open the avast! interface and click on the Maintenance tab. Next click on "Subscription" and then on "Insert license file". A new window will open and by clicking on "Insert license file" again, you can browse your computer to locate your license file. Once you have located it, double click on it and it will be automatically inserted into the program.
If you have purchased a multi-license to protect several computers, you will need to carry out the same process on each computer where avast! is installed e.g. by forwarding the email with the license key attachment to each user, or by saving the license file on a shared drive, USB stick etc.
Best regards,
Julia Szymanska
Community Manager
AVAST Software a.s.