本帖最后由 安仔 于 2010-12-18 01:41 编辑
Returnil System Safe Pro 2011 限时72小时免费1年 !!!
Returnil System Safe Pro来自欧洲著名的安全公司Returnil SIA,它是一个基于虚拟机原理的新一代防毒防木马类软件,可以瞬间把您的计算机用隔离罩保护起来,同时用一个内存中的虚假替身“影子”系统来接管真实的操作系统,任何病毒和木马都被限制在虚拟系统中使用,无法感染你真实的操作系统。重启后,所有危险即刻消失的无影无踪。
常见的杀毒软件几乎对于每个文件操作,每个网络访问,每个注册表操作,都要盘查过问,同时用多达几十万的病毒标本进行逐一比较,这样下来系统的资源大部分被杀毒软件占用了,常常让您的爱机变得其慢无比。Returnil虚拟影子系统最高时只占用1%不到的系统资源,而且在空闲时几乎不占用系统任何 CPU资源。同时,Returnil虚拟影子系统无需频繁的升级病毒库,一次安装,永久有效,是新型的防毒免疫类产品。
Knock, knock. Who's there? Returnil. Returnil, who? Returnil System Safe Pro 2011, that's who!
Last year dotTech joined forces with Returnil to bring everyone 1 year license of Return Virtual System Home Lux 2010 for free. This year we are doing it again; except this time around it is with Returnil System Safe Pro 2011, the successor of Returnil Virtual System Home Lux 2010.
Before I go into the details of how to take advantage of this freebie, let me talk a little bit about Returnil products for the benefit of the very few that don't know already. Returnil offers a unique security solution via their various different products; their software protects computers in an unorthodox - but effective - manner. They use a powerful combination of anti-virus, anti-malware, and a virtual system to protect your computer from all types of viruses and unwanted system changes. The traditional security software like avast!, Avira, AVG, Kaspersky, Norton, McAfee, NOD32, etc. actively, and on demand, detect and remove infected files. Returnil products, on the other hand, use a two-pronged offensive against the malware problem:
* Virtual System - Returnil products creates a "virtual copy" of your main system partition (the partition which you have Windows installed) and whatever changes are made to your computer are dumped when you restart your computer (there are opinions to tweak how it does that, but generally speaking, that is how it works).
* Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware - Returnil products also includes the traditional anti-virus/anti-malware live protection and on-demand scanning features.
Because of this two-pronged approach which incorporates traditional and innovative protection capabilities, if used properly, a user can keep his/her computer 100% clean with Returnil products. If you desire more detailed information, feel free to read dotTech's full review on Returnil Virtual System 2010 Home Lux.
补充下 如果这里打不开 可以开个代-理**门 就可以了 呵呵
PS 该软件还不错 挺实用的 呵呵 本贴是安仔第一次卡饭贴 望管理能加分鼓励 谢谢 !