本帖最后由 sniss 于 2010-12-30 12:21 编辑
Comodo Internet Security是针对互联网安全开发的综合型安全防护软件。具有杀毒、防火墙、主机保护(HIPS)与一体的功能。分为免费版和Pro专业版,属桌面安全产品。同时,该套装也是一个多国语言版(包含简体中文语言)的桌面安全产品。不仅如此,Comodo Internet Security套装还具有很强的人性化设置,可以选择是否安装Comodo AntiVirus ,Comodo Firewall Version 4.0或者收费的专业版(可多选)。CIS4.0系列比CIS3.0系列有了重大改进!
新增功能:livePCsupport 无缝集成,此版本具有内置的即时客服从专家获得即时的帮助,为任何类型的问题。
现在新的 Web 的安装程序,有一个安装文件,下载并安装所需的产品,自动根据操作系统安装到您的的计算机了。 产品安装程序由Microsoft Windows Installer 创建的本机安装/卸载支持。
改进 ! 默认拒绝保护
防御 + 现在自动在沙箱运行所有未知应用程序可执行/文件,直到他们都进行了分析。
改进 ! 显著减少弹出式警报的数量
防御 +,在新的沙箱处理技术的帮助下具有更强大的默认安全策略,与以前版本相比显著减少弹出警报数量。 在这一版本中,防御 + 和防火墙,默认情况下,不会创建自动规则以及已知安全应用程序规则。
改进 ! 弹出式警报窗口布局
新的弹出窗口警报现在包括允许COMODO Time Machine 快照或设置Windows 系统还原点,提交可疑文件进行实时分析的用户附加选项。
改进 ! 防病毒引擎
一个新的命令行病毒扫描程序(cavscan.exe) 现已推出,以扫描windows 安全模式中的计算机的需求或扫描文件传输从 MSN 等。
在免费的杀毒软件,防火墙和满天飞的广告的今天,很难找出既免费又技术非常过硬的杀毒软件和防火墙。然而Comodo Internet Security 套装免费版可以包含免费的杀毒软件,免费的带有主机保护(HIPS)的网络防火墙。如果您不想把钱花在杀毒软件和防火墙上,又想使用技术非常过硬的杀毒软件和防火墙,那么Comodo Internet Security 套装绝对是您的最佳选择之一!
Comodo ,美国的软件公司,是世界优秀的IT安全服务提供商和SSL证书的供应商之一,总部设在新泽西州泽西城,成立于1998年。 Comodo 提供一些免费的产品,可以通过其官方网站下载。值得注意的是他们的免费程序防火墙,以及其他免费的安全工具,如防病毒,防恶意软件,搜索引擎和内存防火墙。以' A - VSMART '保证电子商务的实时安全。 Comodo 也是一个全球领先的SSL证书提供商,为用户提供为期90天的免费服务。
Comodo Internet Security offers 360° protection against internal and external threats by combining a powerful Antivirus protection, an enterprise class packet filtering firewall, and an advanced host intrusion prevention system called Defense+. Internet Security combines the power of COMODO's award-winning Firewall and AntiVirus software to protect your PC from malicious software and Hackers. Best of all is FREE! Comodo Internet Security will help you detect and remove viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software and hackers, and keep them out of your computer. In one easy-to-use bundle that won't slow down your computer. Version 4.0 sees a major leap forward in security and usability with the addition of the new sandbox feature - an isolated operating environment for unknown applications. Under default settings, unknown applications are now automatically sandboxed so that they cannot make permanent changes to other processes, programs or data on your 'real' system.
COMODO Firewall or COMODO Antivirus canbe installed as standalone products by using the same setup.
Comodo Internet Security Features:
• Antivirus - The proactive antivirus system that automatically detects and eliminates viruses, Worms and Trojan horses.
• Firewall - The Firewall that constantly defends your system from inbound and outbound Internet attacks with a highly effective packet filtering firewall.
• Defense+ - A rules based intrusion prevention system that protects your critical operating system files from malicious processes, internal attacks and blocks unknown malware before it ever gets a chance to install. Defense+ now features automated sandboxing of unknown applications. The sandbox ensures untrusted (but harmless) applications are allowed freedom to operate whilst untrusted (and genuinely malicious) applications are prevented from accessing or infecting your computer. Now includes the revolutionary sandbox feature.
Comodo Internet Security alerts you whenever potential malware attempts to attack or gain access to your system. The alerts are displayed as pop-ups at the right hand corner of your screen and allow you to allow or block the unrecognized activities, processes and connection attempts of running applications (CIS now even protects against 'drive-by-download' buffer overflow attacks.) Apart from expert advice in the form of 'Security Considerations', each alert now also features the innovative 'Threatcast' feature to help users arrive at an informed decision on how to react to the alert. The Threatcast system allows users to share their responses among the community of millions of CIS users worldwide. Whenever an alert appears, it contains a report of how other users have responded to the same alert. The report provides an additional guidance to even inexperienced users on making a decision to respond to the alert.
Comodo Antivirus leverages multiple technologies, including Real-time/On-Access Scanning, On Demand Scanning and a fully featured Scan Scheduler to immediately start cleaning or quarantining suspicious files from your hard drives, shared disks, emails, downloads and system memory. The application also allows users to create custom scan profiles which can be re-used across all scan types and features full event logging, quarantine and file submission facilities. Comodo Antivirus detects and removes threats that are present on your machine and forms an additional layer of security on top of the threat prevention offered by the Firewall and Defense+ components. The heuristics scanning capability of the application identifies previously unknown viruses and Trojans.
The Firewall component of Comodo Internet Security (hereafter known simply as Comodo Firewall) offers the highest levels of security against inbound and outbound threats, stealths your computer's ports against hackers and blocks malicious software from transmitting your confidential data over the Internet. Comodo Firewall makes it easy for you to specify exactly which applications are allowed to connect to the Internet and immediately warns you when there is suspicious activity. The Firewall Task Center allows you to quickly and easily configure all aspects of the Firewall.
Advanced Features:
• Install the Antivirus as a standalone
• Install the Firewall as a standalone
• Install both Firewall and Antivirus
Operating systems: Windows 7 / Vista / XP SP2
COMODO Internet Security 32bit:
COMODO Internet Security 64bit:
Universal Web Installer [EXE]:
http://eu5.download.comodo.com/cis/download/installs/1000/installer_data/binaries/cispremium_installer.exe |