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[资讯] 来自罗马尼亚免费的反病毒扫描器Scut AntiVirus On-Demand

发表于 2010-12-30 17:49:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 sniss 于 2010-12-30 18:12 编辑

官方网站: http://www.novusordo.ro/index.php

Scut Antivirus On-Demand作为一款免费的扫描器,它能扫描整个计算机或部分用于检测病毒,木马,trojan-parties,后门,rootkit程序,keylogs,利用方式等。这些文件检测为感染者将被隔离,此模块允许显示,删除或隔离受感染的文件恢复。它是反恶意软件的最新技术。这种扫描仪包括以下模块:防病毒软件,AntiWorm,AntiTrojan,AntiRootkit,反间谍,AntiKeylog,AntiRA,AntiCrimeware,AntiPhising。这种扫描器的目的是表明新的Scut防毒引擎动力。




Scut AntiVirus 2010

This is a complex and complete anti-virus solution, which includes: RealTime Proactive AntiVirus engine, On-Demand Scanner, Virus Volt, USB RealTime protection, AntiPhising, AntiSpyware, AntiPornware, AntiPopUp, AntiKeyLog, AntiRootKit, Web Surfing Protection, Email protection, Parental Control, Process Scanner, Process Trust, 1h Updates, Admin Control, Admin ShortCut, Free Supprot, BackUp Protection, Machine Info Extractor. This solution is universal for home users, small businesses and large networks.

Scut Total Security 2010
This is a complex and complete protection system, universal for home users, small businesses and large networks, this solution includes: RealTime Proactive AntiVirus, On-Demand Scanner, Virus Volt, USB RealTime protection, AntiPhising, AntiSpyware, AntiPornware, AntiPopUp, AntiKeyLog, AntiRootKit, Web Surfing Protection, LinkScanner, FireWall, Trafic Eye, Connection Locator, Connection Detail, Connection Sniffer, Connection Tracer, Email protection, Parental Control, Security Tools, Process Scanner, Process Trust, Port Scan Sensor, 1h Updates, Admin Control, Admin ShortCut, Free Supprot, BackUp Protection, Machine Info Extractor.


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-30 18:07:59 | 显示全部楼层
Proactive AntiVirus
Scut Proactiv AntiVius technology protects your computer in real time against malware like viruses, trojans, backdoors, rootkits and spyware like keylogs, ilegal remote admin programs, etc.
Proactive FireWall
Scut Proactiv Firewall technology protects your computer in real-time against unauthorized access, remote attacks, remote infiltration and information leakage
On-Demand Scanner
It scan’s the entire computer or only parts of it for detection of viruses, trojan-parties, backdoors, rootkit programs, keylogs, exploit methods, etc..
Virus Volt
The files detected as infected are quarantined.This module allows the display, removal or restoration of quarantined infected files.
Part of antivirus engine, this module protects you from RootKit malware.
Part of antivirus engine, this module protects you from Spyware.
Part of antivirus engine, this module protects you from keilogging malware.
Independent module, witch protects you from popup displays.
Part of LinkScanner module, blocks heuristically certain websites with pornographic content.
Part of LinkScanner module, blocks certain phising content.
USB R.T. protection
Real Time USB smart scanning on insert.
Master module, scans poisoned links in real time.
Surfing Protection
Part of LinkScanner module, scans webpage scripts.
Trafic Eye
Trafic Graph for uploading and downloading.
Connection Locator
You can see to what areas your computer is connected to.
Connection Detail
With this module you can see all processes which have opened ports, in different states (LISTENING, ESTABLISHED,TIME_WAIT, CLOSED, etc.) and addresses with which they connect, if it is the case.
Connection Sniffer
Sniffer module enables you capture full TCP/IP packets and organize them by TCP connections or UDP threads.
Connection Tracer
It shows a list of routers traversed until destination, it allows the user to identify the path taken to reach a particular destination on the network.
Email protection
OutLook protection.
Parental Control
Blocks certain websites banned from users with limited access.
Security Tools
Here you can find useful tools for network administrators and security specialists, but also for home users.
Process Scanner
This module will allow you to manually scan processes through Scut Proactive AntiVirus for viruses, trojan-parties, backdoors, rootkit programs, keylogs, exploit methods, etc...
Process Trust
This module will allow you to monitor processes CPU load and see explanations of known processes.
Port Scan Sensor
Scanning sensor detects port scanning.
1h Updates
Definitions update, viral definitions, heuristic definitions, TDS definitions and IDS definitions. Also you can choose the connection type, update type and the parameters for update.
Admin Control
Enable password protection for the antivirus settings or Total Security settings.
Admin ShortCut
Shortcut to windows system tools unknown for most users.
Free Support
Free On-Line Support and video tutorials.
BackUp Protection
Protects important files from destruction.
Machine Info
View information about your machine and other hardware modules making up the total system of your computer.
发表于 2010-12-30 18:08:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-30 18:28:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-30 18:34:51 | 显示全部楼层
想下载 试试看
发表于 2010-12-30 18:35:23 | 显示全部楼层
是啊  哈哈 还是BD的老乡呢
发表于 2010-12-30 18:41:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-30 18:42:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-30 19:34:51 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4楼 卡卡洛夫 的帖子

发表于 2010-12-30 19:58:50 | 显示全部楼层
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