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[资讯] avast6.0将为全部用户提供沙箱技术

发表于 2011-1-25 11:04:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 猪头无双 于 2011-1-26 15:41 编辑

avast! 6.0 will bring automaticvirtualization technology to all free users
The newavast! 6.0 will provide no-hassle ‘virtualization’ to all users, giving themeven greater security. AutoSandbox is the first time that a free antivirus willoffer virtualization technology together with outstanding malware detection.

PRAGUE, Czech  Republic, January 24, 2011 – AVAST Software is including anarray of new technologies in its soon-to-be released avast! 6.0, includingvirtualization technology for all of its free users.
―AVAST is socommitted to free, we are providing all of our users with this virtualizationtechnology for free,‖ says Ondrej Vlcek, CTO of AVAST Software. ―It is notalways certain that an item is 100 percent clean but with AutoSandbox virtualization,we‘ve created a safe space between the known good and bad content which willmake life safer for all avast users – whether they are using our free orpaid-for products.‖
Virtualizationtechnology enables people to create a ‗virtual‘ computer inside their physicalmachine. If they encounter malware while browsing the internet or running aninfected application, the virtual computer will shut down, leaving their realcomputer unharmed and running. ―Most viruses are spread through executable commandsand scripts are the entry point. By isolating the binary in a virtual computer,the real machine stays clean,‖ explains Mr. Vlcek

AutoSandbox, a free virtualized environmentfor testing suspicious code, makes virtualization an easy one-click choice. ―Virtualizationhas the potential to significantly increase user safety, but people have beenslow to adopt this technology—even when it‘s a part of their antiviruspackage,‖ says Mr. Vlcek.
―AutoSandbox shiftsvirtualization from being an ‗IT geek‘ specialty to an automatic, easilyaccessible safety feature for all avast users.‖
AutoSandboxidentifies and prompts users to run suspicious applications in a safe virtualenvironment. Users have three options: execute the file within the virtualAutoSandbox, run it outside the sandbox, or cancel running the applicationentirely. ―It‘s a win-win for users, if the item is dangerous it just shutsdown the virtual computer and the user‘s real machine remains safe. And, if theitem is safe, there is no hassle from a false positive,‖ adds Mr. Vlcek.
The new featurewill be available at no cost to all avast! users – including those with avast!Free Antivirus, Pro Antivirus, and the premium Internet Security suite.
捷克 布拉格——在即将放出的6.0版本中,avast软件将提供大量新技术,包括为所有免费版用户提供虚拟技术支持。



avast! 6.0将为所有免费用户带来自动虚拟化技术Thenew avast! 6.0 will provide no-hassle ‘virtualization’ to all users, providingthem with even greater security. AutoSandbox is the first time that a free antivirus will offervirtualization technology together with outstanding malware detection.新的avast! 6.0将向所有用户提供便捷的‘虚拟化’,以提供更大的安全防护。此前任何免费的防病毒软件从未集成过虚拟化技术,AutoSandbox将首创先河,将虚拟化技术和优秀的恶意软件检测能力二合为一。
PRAGUE, Czech Republic, January 24, 2011 – AVAST Software is including an array of newtechnologies in its soon-to-be released avast! 6.0, including virtualizationtechnology for all of its free users.  捷克,布拉格,2011年1月24日 —   AVAST Software即将推出的新产品avast!6.0中将包含一系列新技术,其中包括向所有免费用户提供的虚拟化技术。
“AVAST is so committed to free, we areproviding all of our users with this virtualization technology for free,” saysOndrej Vlcek, CTO of AVAST Software. “It is not always certain that an item is100 percent clean but with AutoSandbox virtualization, we’ve created a safespace between the known good and bad content which will make life safer for allavast users – whether they are using our free or paid-for products.”AVASTSoftware 的首席技术官,Ondrej Vlcek 先生说:“AVAST始终坚持免费的模式,对我们所有的用户提供免费的虚拟化技术,我们无法确认一个文件是否百分之百的干净无毒,但在虚拟化的AutoSandbox下,我们已经创建了一个安全的环境来运行一些未知的文件,保护所有avast!用户的电脑安全 — 无论是免费还是付费用户。”
Virtualization technology enables people tocreate a ‘virtual’ computer inside their physical machine. If they encountermalware while browsing the internet or running an infected application, thevirtual computer will shut down, leaving their real computer unharmed andrunning. “Most viruses are spread through executable commands and scripts arethe entry point. By isolating the binary in a virtual computer, the realmachine stays clean,” explains Mr. Vlcek.虚拟化技术能使用户在他们真实的计算机里建立一个虚拟的环境。如果他们在浏览互联网或运行受感染的应用程序时遇到恶意软件,虚拟计算机将会关闭,以保护他们真实的计算机安全运行。Vlcek先生解释道:“大多数病毒都是通过可执行命令文件进行传播的,而脚本正是突破口。通过隔离虚拟计算机的二进制,就能让真正的计算机得到保护。”
AutoSandbox,a free virtualized environment for testing suspicious code, makesvirtualization an easy one-click choice. “Virtualization has the potential tosignificantly increase user safety, but people have been slow to adopt thistechnology—even when it’s a part of their antivirus package,” says Mr. Vlcek.“AutoSandbox shifts virtualizationfrombeing an ‘IT geek’ specialty to an automatic, easily accessible safety featurefor all avast users. ”AutoSandbox是一个免费的虚拟化环境,可以检测可疑代码,使虚拟化环境成为一个便捷的一键式选择。Vlcek先生继续说:“虚拟化将会大大提高用户电脑的安全,但人们却迟迟没有使用这项技术 — 即便它是他们杀毒软件的一部分,AutoSandbox将虚拟化从一个'IT迷’才会使用的技术转变成为一种自动而便捷的防护方式,让所有的avast!用户都能享受电脑安全。”
AutoSandbox identifies and prompts users torun suspicious applications in a safe virtual environment. Users have threeoptions: execute the file within the virtual AutoSandbox, run it outside thesandbox, or cancel running the application entirely. “It’s a win-win for users,if the item is dangerous it just shuts down the virtual computer and the user’sreal machine remains safe.  And, if theitem is safe, there is no hassle from a false positive,” adds Mr. Vlcek.AutoSandbox识别并提示用户在一个安全的虚拟环境中运行可疑的应用程序。用户有三种选择:在虚拟的AutoSandbox中执行文件,在沙箱外运行,或者完全终止应用程序。Vlcek先生补充道:“对用户来说这是一个双赢的选择,如果文件是危险的,AutoSandbox只需关闭虚拟的计算机,而用户真实的计算机仍然是安全的。如果文件是安全的,也不会产生误报的麻烦。”
The new feature will beavailable at no cost to all avast! users – including those with avast! FreeAntivirus, Pro Antivirus, and the premium Internet Security suite.  所有的avast!用户都可以免费使用这个新的功能 — 包括免费杀毒软件,全功能杀毒软件和高级网络安全软件的用户。


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发表于 2011-1-25 11:14:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:14:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:19:46 | 显示全部楼层
啊啊啊!太好了 墙裂支持!!!
发表于 2011-1-25 11:19:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:29:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:31:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:31:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:33:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-25 11:34:32 | 显示全部楼层
好的 小a现在越来越给力了
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