本帖最后由 sniss 于 2011-1-27 21:41 编辑
出自波兰的ArcaVir是一高度有效功能强大的反病毒程序, 功能多, 设定也多, 不仅是防毒软件, 还有防火墙,是家庭用户和专业用户理想的杀毒工具。 ArcaVir可有效预防病毒或木马后门入侵,扫描速度惊人,能在实时监控下直接杀压缩包内个别的带毒的档案, 而不必删除整个压缩包。
英文版本的Arcavir 2011将会在1月24日发布。用户可以体验很多新的特点。2011版本的安装过程以及程序操作都将会简化,随着各个模块更好的同步化,这个版本将会着重改善系统资源占用。
New program features:
1. new firewall that supports IPv4 and IPv6
2. statistics, in which user can check the history of the program and detected infections
3. new audit of the operating system that generates detailed reports
4. profiles - a possibility to create individual sets of configurations for multiple users of the same program
5. expanded parental control module advanced with options:
- web filtering facilitated with so-called white and black lists - a list of allowed and blocked websites and specified categories of undesirable content (weapons / violence, gambling, cult and sect, drugs, pornography, etc.). With each update, ArcaBit Laboratory complements white and black lists of other sites.
- access schedule, that lets the person managing the program to define days or even hours, in which individual computer users may have access to the Internet
- in addition, the notification function can inform you about attempts of connecting to the inappropriate websites.