本帖最后由 wangjay1980 于 2011-3-10 19:38 编辑
KIS/KAV 2012 will mark a new stepping stone in the technological development since 2011. The most important requirement going forward is the product quality. For the first time the QA requirements for the public forum builds have been established. And now the most significant changes coming to version 2012 of the product. To remain competitive on the know-how aspect, only brief description of changes will be posted below:
-KSN (Kaspersky Security Network) operations are now displayed in the main window of the product, which makes it more transperant for the end users
-Added reputation checks for suspicious executable files via KSN
-Templates gathering for the particular program type behaviors, in order to evaluate/calculate KSN reputation values (PBS)
-Updated intelligent Updater Module, now only active components are updated and resources optimized not to interfear with foreground programs
-AntiSpam module will no longer require training, KSN will supply the needed information as needed
-Improved technologies for detecting unknown rootkits, which target themselves to interrupt OS normal boot cycles in order to conceal detection
-Significant changes to main GUI which now conviniently displays product status: improved KL News Viewer, touch screen support, intrenal task manager, updated gadget design and usability improvements
-Improved protection from unknown threats via ActiveProcess monitoring subsystem
-Refactored protection from phishing (Local checks + KSN request, Heuristics scan if URL missing from both) and applicable to web surfing, IM conversations and email
-Improved URL checking module (Local checks + KSN request), now categories of websites can be restricted based on content
-Improved product compatibility with other programs and reduced overall system footprint
顺便说一句 2012 很惊艳