本帖最后由 ll1025 于 2011-3-25 10:21 编辑
中文名: 《Spotmau系统全面维护软件》(Spotmau PowerSuite 2011 )v6.0.0.0907 Golden Edition
英文名: Spotmau PowerSuite 2011
资源格式: 压缩包
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Spotmau
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
Spotmau的PowerSuite 2011
Spotmau PowerSuite 是根据欧美等国外用户的需求和特点,精心设计开发的一款多功能丶傻瓜式丶智能化的电脑修复及维护工具集,包括了 WinCares, Windows Install & Recovery, Password Recovery, Data Recovery, Partition Genius, Disk Clone & Backup, Wipe Data 这七个工具。给所有电脑用户(包括初学者)提供了一套完整有效丶简便安全的电脑问题解决方案:从系统安装丶备份到系统诊断丶优化丶清理和修复;从硬盘分区丶格式化到硬盘克隆和擦除;从数据转移到反删除丶反格式化等数据恢复;从 Windows Admin/BIOS/Email 等密码找回到文件加密等让您的电脑始终保持在最佳状态的所有功能。
Spotmau PowerSuite 2011 通过打造全新的电脑服务平台,提供完全电脑问题解决方案。斑点猫电脑服务平台通过:电脑问题自助服务(Self Service),免费支持(Free Support),紧急救助服务(Emergency Support),本地化服务(Local Service)等四大模式为广大客户提供全方位电脑服务。
珠海斑点猫软件有限公司由留美归国人员创办于2006年4月,是“双软企业”和美国Intel公司丶Google公司丶Digital River公司丶中国金山软件等海内外知名公司的合作伙伴。斑点猫软件有限公司在系统安全和数据安全两方面积累了深厚的技术,产品畅销欧美。2009年公司进入了第三个发展阶段,成功实现了从软件经销商到软件服务提供商的战略转型。
Over 40+ utility functions provided for you to超过40 +实用功能为您提供
* √ 360° PC health check √360 ° PC健康检查
* √ Optimize and speed up computer √优化和加快计算机
* √ Diagnose and fix registry and system errors √诊断和修复注册表和系统误差
* √ Clean up computer activity tracks √清除计算机上的活动轨迹
* √ Build "Personal Safe" for sensitive data √建立“个人安全”的敏感数据
* √ Backup and restore files and system √备份和恢复文件和系统
* √ Clone, partition, and format hard drive √克隆,分区和格式化硬盘
* √ Recover deleted, damaged, or formatted files √恢复被删除,损坏或格式的文件
* √ And Even more... √甚至更多...
1-Click 360° PC Health Check 一键式360 °电脑健康检查
Scan all aspects of your PC including hardware, software, system performance, system conflicts, Windows hidden errors, registry defects, privacy leaks, security backdoors and Even more.扫描您的包括硬件,软件,系统性能,系统冲突,视窗隐藏的错误,注册表缺陷,隐私泄露,安全后门,甚至更多电脑的所有方面。
Diagnose and Fix Registry Errors and System Errors 诊断和修复注册表错误和系统错误
When your computer becomes slower than before, you need to pay attention.当您的计算机变得比以前慢,你需要注意。 90% of slow computers are affected by various system errors. 90%的速度慢的电脑受各种系统误差。 They firstly become slow, and then freeze up now and then.他们首先变得缓慢,然后冻结,然后现在。 One day they crash all of sudden.有一天,他们突然崩溃了。
* Scan and fix registry redundancy and errors.扫描并修复注册表中的冗余和错误。
* Scan and fix plugin affected with Internet Explorer.扫描和修复受影响的插件和IE浏览器。
* Scan and fix potential security backdoors.扫描和修复可能的安全后门。
WOW!! Now you can stay from computer freeze and crash safely. 哇!现在你可以从计算机安全地冻结和崩溃。
[:338:]Optimize, Clean & Speed Up Your Computer优化,清洁和加速您的计算机
Fix all issues slowing down your PC and Internet.修复所有问题,放慢你的个人电脑和互联网。 Fine-tune your system setting to achieve the maximum performance.微调你的系统设置,以获得最大的性能。
* Speed up Window start up time.加快窗口的起始时间。
* Clean up system redundant and obsolete trash files.清理系统垃圾文件,多余的和过时的。
* Troubleshoot hidden running programs and free up system resource.疑难解答隐藏正在运行的程序,释放系统资源。
* Deep clean pop-up, toolbar, unwanted stubborn programs, ghost programs.深层清洁弹出,工具栏,不必要的固执方案,鬼节目。
[:338:]Clean Up or Hide Your Private Stuff On Your PC 清理或隐藏在您的个人电脑的私人东西
Your computer keeps a record for everything you do on it.您的计算机保持一个适用于所有记录你穿吧。 Your boss or girlfriend can easily tell what website you visited, what stuff you searched, what online bank account you checked and more.你的老板或女朋友可以很容易地告诉你访问什么网站,什么东西你搜索,在线银行帐户,您什么检查等等。 Spyware or trojan on your computer can steal these stuff too.间谍软件或计算机上的木马可以窃取这些东西了。
* Clean up all personal activity tracks on your computer.清理个人计算机上的所有活动轨迹。
* Encrypt sensitive files with password.使用密码加密敏感文件。
* Permanently shred unwanted sensitive files.永久粉碎不需要敏感文件。
Build "Personal Safe" for Sensitive Data建立“个人安全”的敏感数据
Where do you keep your sensitive data such as intimate photos with your honey, financial documents, or not-released works?你在哪儿保持亲密的照片,如与你的蜂蜜,财务文件,或者未发表作品您的敏感数据?
Leaving them on the computer is dangerous.在电脑上留下他们是危险的。 They may be seen or deleted accidentally by your children, or stolen by anyone or any spyware.他们可能是看到或删除您的孩子不小心,或由任何人或任何间谍软件被盗。
* Create "Personal Safe" to store your sensitive data.建立“个人安全”来存储您的敏感数据。
* Protected with password.用密码保护。
* Encrypted with unbreakable defense technology.加密与牢不可破的防御技术。
* "Personal Safe" is even invisible to others except you. “个人安全”更是不可见的,除非你别人。
WOW!! It even meets the strict security requirements of the USA military. 哇!它甚至符合美国军方严格的安全要求。
[:338:]Backup and Restore Files and System备份和还原文件和系统
Hard drive crash happens every second in the world.每个硬盘驱动器崩溃发生在世界第二位。 You many lose your precious family photos and files at any moment.你们许多人失去了在任何时候你珍贵的家庭照片和文件。 Please backup your important files and data.请备份您的重要文件和数据。
* Backup personal files including photos, videos, music and documents.包括照片,影片,音乐和文件备份个人文件。
* Backup file, folder, partition or entire hard drive.备份文件,文件夹,分区或整个硬盘驱动器。
* Backup to almost any storage devices including USB, internal hard drive, CD, DVD, ZIP, FireWire.备份到几乎任何存储设备,包括USB接口,内置硬盘驱动器,CD,DVD,邮编,火线。
* Backup automatically at the time you pre-scheduled.自动备份的时间你预先安排。
* Backup large volume data in minutes.在几分钟内备份大量数据。
* Support advanced backup needs such as incremental backup.支持先进的增量备份,如备份需求。
* Restore at any moment.在任何时候恢复。
WOW!! Backup data today to avoid tears later! 哇!今天数据备份,以避免以后的眼泪!
[:338:]Clone Entire Hard Drive or Partition克隆整个硬盘驱动器或分区
"Clone" means that you can copy EVERYTHING including Windows, programs, files, and settings from your old hard drive to a new one! “克隆”的意思是你可以复制的一切,包括Windows,程序,文件,从旧的硬盘驱动器设置到一个新的! Now you do NOT have to reinstall Windows and programs in your new hard drive.现在你没有重新安装新的硬盘驱动器在您的窗口和程序。
* Totally copy entire hard drive including Windows, programs, files and settings to a new one.完全复制整个包括Windows,程序,文件和设置硬盘驱动器到一个新的。
* Support all Windows versions including Windows ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and 7.支持所有的Windows版本,包括视窗ME,NT,2000年,XP中,2003,Vista和7。
* Support IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB, FireWire, PC card storage devices and more.支持IDE,SATA和SCSI,USB接口,火线,PC卡存储设备等。
* You can clone to an internal disk and external disk.您可以克隆到一个外部磁盘和内部磁盘。
* Clone entire hard drive or partition.克隆整个硬盘驱动器或分区。
* The cloned hard disk will be bootable!克隆的硬盘将被启动!
WOW!! No need to spend $49.95 for software who can only do clone. 哇!无需花费为49.95美元做克隆软件谁只能。 Clone and other 40+ tools are included in this toolset!克隆和其他40 +工具都包含在这个工具!
[:338:]Partition, Format and Clean up Your Hard Drive 分区,格式化和清理您的硬盘驱动器
When you want to upgrade or install a new hard drive, resize your current hard drive, or reorganize your drive structure, this partition tool is your right choice.当您想升级或安装一个新的硬盘驱动器,重新调整目前的硬盘驱动器,驱动器的结构或重组,这个分区工具是您正确的选择。 Working together with Clone tool included in this software, it will make your hard drive upgrade project a piece of cake.与克隆工具一起工作纳入本软件,它会让你的硬盘驱动器升级项目是小菜一碟。
* Create / Delete / Activate partitions.创建/删除/启动分区。
* Split / Merge / Resize partitions without losing data.分割/合并/修改分区大小,而不会丢失数据。
* Create / Convert primary partition and logical partition.创建/转换主分区和逻辑分区。
* Convert FAT16 / FAT32 / NTFS partitions.转换的FAT16 / FAT32格式/ NTFS分区。
* Quick Format / Resize / Hide partitions.快速格式化/调整/隐藏分区。
* Rebuild the lost partition table.重建丢失的分区表。
* Backup or Restore partition.备份或还原分区。
* Recover MBR (Master Boot Record).恢复MBR(主引导记录)。
* View any sectors.查看任何部门。
* Surface scan to check for bad sectors.表面扫描,检查坏道。
* Deep clean entire hard drive or partition in one click.深层清洁整个硬盘驱动器或分区一键。
WOW!! No need to pay $49.95 for a partition software, since it is already included inside PowerSuite with other 40+ tools. 哇!无须缴付分区软件为49.95美元,因为它已经包括在与其他的PowerSuite 40 +工具。
[:338:]Rescue Damaged or Formatted Hard Drive拯救损坏或格式化硬盘
Hard drive crashed?硬盘驱动器崩溃? Formatted hard drive accidentally?意外格式化硬盘? Deleted your files by mistake?删除错误的文件? PowerSuite rescue your dead hard drive or data!拯救你的死人的PowerSuite硬盘驱动器或数据!
* Rescue dead hard drive now.拯救硬盘死了。
* Rescue files from crashed or damaged hard drive.救援崩溃或损坏的文件从硬盘驱动器。
* Rescue files from formatted hard drive.从救援格式化硬盘文件。
* Rescue deleted or deep deleted files.救援删除或深删除的文件。
WOW!! Do not panic any more! 哇!不要惊慌了! Get this software and rescue your valuable data and hard drive!获得这个软件和救援您的宝贵数据和硬盘驱动器!
[:338:]What Tech Professional Are Saying什么高科技专业的评论?
" It's highly useful even if Windows doesn't load. " -- PCMag.com “这是非常有用的,即使Windows无法载入。” - PCMag.com
" Spotmau has done a great job of creating a worthwhile software suite complete with innovative technology, some exclusive features. For convenience, customization, and confidence, Spotmau PowerSuite is a great way to go. " -- TopTenREVIEWS “已经做了很好的技术,工作创造一个有价值的创新软件套件完成一些专有的功能。Spotmau为方便起见,定制和信心,Spotmau的PowerSuite是一个伟大的路要走。” - TopTenREVIEWS
" Powersuite is extremely user-friendly. Whether you possess basic computer skills or you are an advanced PC user this toolkit will not only meet your needs, it will exceed expectations! " -- RegNow “的PowerSuite是非常用户友好的期望。你是否具备基本的计算机技能或您是高级计算机用户此工具包不仅满足您的需求,将超过!” - RegNow
" Spotmau PowerSuite is a must-have toolkit providing all essential utilities for every PC owner. This is an everyday toolset for PC maintenance and optimization. This is also an emergency kit for rescuing and recovering your precious data and system. With this complete package, you can almost solve all your PC problems. " -- Wugnet “Spotmau的PowerSuite是一个必须具备的工具包,所有的个人电脑拥有者提供所有必要的工具集。这是一个与优化日常PC维护工具。这也是一个完整的方案紧急救援和恢复工具包为您的宝贵数据,这和系统。有了,你几乎可以解决所有的电脑问题- 。“Wugnet
" Spotmau PowerSuite is what could be described as the ultimate Windows troubleshooting and maintenance tool. It's an easy-to-use bootable CD that you can use to solve just about any problem you may have with your PC. " -- ezinearticles.com “Spotmau的PowerSuite是什么工具可以说是最终的Windows疑难解答和维修电脑。这是一个易于使用的启动光盘,你可以用它来 解决几乎任何问题,您可能必须与您。” - ezinearticles.com
More Awards 更多奖项
[:338:]What Customers Are Saying?对于近来用户?
" I don't know anything about computer but this CD has helped me a whole lot. l would say people go get this CD. " “我不知道任何关于电脑,但这张CD已经帮了我一大堆。升会说人去找这张CD。”
(USA) (美国)
" Spotmau has done a great job of creating a worthwhile software suite complete with innovative technology, some exclusive features. For convenience, customization, and confidence, Spotmau PowerSuite is a great way to go. " -- TopTenREVIEWS “已经做了很好的技术,工作创造一个有价值的创新软件套件完成一些专有的功能。Spotmau为方便起见,定制和信心,Spotmau的PowerSuite是一个伟大的路要走。” - TopTenREVIEWS
" Powersuite is extremely user-friendly. Whether you possess basic computer skills or you are an advanced PC user this toolkit will not only meet your needs, it will exceed expectations! " -- RegNow “的PowerSuite是非常用户友好的期望。你是否具备基本的计算机技能或您是高级计算机用户此工具包不仅满足您的需求,将超过!” - RegNow
" Spotmau PowerSuite is a must-have toolkit providing all essential utilities for every PC owner. This is an everyday toolset for PC maintenance and optimization. This is also an emergency kit for rescuing and recovering your precious data and system. With this complete package, you can almost solve all your PC problems. " -- Wugnet “Spotmau的PowerSuite是一个必须具备的工具包,所有的个人电脑拥有者提供所有必要的工具集。这是一个与优化日常PC维护工具。这也是一个完整的方案紧急救援和恢复工具包为您的宝贵数据,这和系统。有了,你几乎可以解决所有的电脑问题- 。“Wugnet
" Spotmau PowerSuite is what could be described as the ultimate Windows troubleshooting and maintenance tool. It's an easy-to-use bootable CD that you can use to solve just about any problem you may have with your PC. " -- ezinearticles.com “Spotmau的PowerSuite是什么工具可以说是最终的Windows疑难解答和维修电脑。这是一个易于使用的启动光盘,你可以用它来 解决几乎任何问题,您可能必须与您。” - ezinearticles.com
Is this software for advanced users or beginners? 这是初学者或高级用户使用的软件?
Answer: This software has easy-to-use interfaces and easy-to-understand directions.答:本软件具有易于使用的界面和易于理解的方向。 And this software is so powerful that many technicians from Fortune top 100 companies, such as Boeing, have bought this software.而这个软件是如此的强大,从财富100强公司,如波音,许多技术人员都买了这个软件。 So anybody who owns or works on computer should have one.所以有人谁拥有或电脑作品应该有一个。
Does this software support any Windows? 这个软件是否支持任何Windows吗?
Answer: Yes, this software supports all Windows including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista and 7.答:是的,这个软件支持所有的Windows,包括Windows 95,视窗98,视窗ME,视窗2000,视窗XP,Vista和7。
Ok.. this is our very first time with totally custom installer so watch these step carefully
1.) Start patch.exe
2.) Install the program by clicking "Install" button
3.) When asked for a license key use given information from below
4.) After installation process is done reboot if asked
5.) Make sure the program is not running on background/taskbar
6.) At patch.exe, click "Patch" button
7.) Select the directory where you installed the program,
e.g. C:\Program Files\Spotmau\PowerSuite Golden Edition
8.) "Run Patch!" button should be enabled if the directory is correct,
if so.. click it
9.) Program is now ready for usage.. so all is done. You can close patch.exe now
NOTE: If you ever want to reinstall the program remember to use "ReVirgin" option
from the patcher or else patcher won't patch files anymore. Also if you some how
want to restore original files and use the program as untouched "ReVirgin" is
your option.
Built-in updater might works with our patcher so if any updates are suggested to
you remember to first use "ReVirgin" option and then apply those updates to make
sure it will applied without any problems. We can't guarantee patch will work after
updates but you'll never know..
There is also one program which isn't listed in the actual program itself. You can't
load it even with real serial so don't bug about it. We think it's a mistake left in
the package by the developer.
电驴:[url=[Spotmau绯荤粺鍏ㄩ潰缁存姢杞欢].Spotmau.PowerSuite.2011.v6.0.0.0907.Golden.Edition.HAPPY.NEW.YEAR-CRD.(ED2000.COM).zip (208.1 MB)]点我下载[/url]