本帖最后由 sniss 于 2011-4-26 17:33 编辑
断网好久。。。刚上来看看发现出新版了,搜索到论坛已经有帖子贴出来 猛击 不过里面没有提到有中文测试版
原帖在 这里
Hi everyone, the Immunet Public Beta 2 is now available. The installers can be found below and will work for new installations, upgrades from prior versions v2.0.0 to v3.0.0.18, and upgrades from licensed versions.
If you participated in the Public Beta 1 you will need to uninstall it before installing the Public Beta 2. At the end of the uninstall please select No when you are asked if you plan to re-install Immunet - this will ensure all files from Beta 1 are properly removed.
Changes from the current Immunet 3.0.0 release in this Beta 2 include:
* English + additional versions for Italian, Chinese, and Swedish languages
* Fixes for issues with Itunes, Netflix, Rhapsody, Thunderbird
* Fixes for issues with various installers (thanks to all who reported Win7 SP1 and DirectX install errors)
* Rootkit scan fixes for Vista & Win7, 32bit & 64bit.
* "Allow Definition Updates" is now broken into two separate options for Clam and Tetra.
* Improved Clam engine performance & reliability, especially when scanning archived files
* Passwords are no longer required to create scheduled scans
* Fixed Immunet detection window sometimes appearing on start up
* Various fixes to the History dialog and Summary graph
* Various fixes for Retrospective restores.
* Links in installer fixed.
* Restoring files from Quarantine automatically adds an exclusion for them.
* Uninstalling removes Windows\System32\Drivers\trufos.sys (thanks Boombastik)
* Archive scanning is now disabled by default
* Better migration of users settings when upgrading from 3.0.0
Known bugs in this release:
-Last scan time is off by 1 hour (thanks Sweidre)
-No translation strings available for "Try an Immunet Plus 3.0..." and "Do you already have a license..." on translator.immunet.com. (thanks etms!)
-Truncated text in the installer (thanks etms!)
Reporting Issues:
If you have any feedback or issues please post them back to this thread. When possible please include a Support Diagnostic Tool snapshot, a description of the problem and/or instructions to reproduce it, and any relevant screenshots.
Before you install please note:
- These installers may change your previously selected Immunet options and we recommend checking them after you update.
- This beta will require a full uninstalled before re-installing with an official release version (thanks ritchie58).
[Chinese] [32bit] -Immunet Public Beta 2(X86)
[Chinese] [64bit] -Immunet Public Beta 2(X64)
祝我好运吧:) |