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[资讯] Avast 2014 追求完美的新安全产品(15楼,人工翻译)

发表于 2013-9-21 15:10:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 驭龙 于 2013-9-22 11:06 编辑

刚刚看到一篇Avast官方对Avast 2014版的介绍,转来给各位饭友看看。

http://bbs.kafan.cn/forum.php?mo ... &fromuid=335301



AVAST antivirus developers strive for perfection in malware detection. Cybercriminals do not rest with their evil schemes to take advantage – mostly economical – over poor users. Always, but especially since version 8 of AVAST, we have improved the detection of recently discovered malware by trying to identify them before our users are threatened.The AutoSandbox technology allows suspect processes to run inside of the avast! Sandbox, which is a completely isolated environment from where nothing can leave, trapping an eventual infection and blocking further harm to the system.
The AutoSandbox is used to monitor all files and Windows Registry operations
  • that attempt to hook into running processes
  • make changes in system components
  • exploit and hide network connections
  • attempt to disable the antivirus protection or Windows firewall, and so on.
The fundamental engine of this process are the generic virus signatures. They are like the fingerprints of a virus which allow them to be discovered. AVAST adds nearly 2,000 virus signatures each day to its virus definition updates. Generally, a single signature can identify multiple malware. A single malware can also be detected by several of the virus definitions of our database. Through our avast! CommunityIQ, almost 200 million users worldwide give us up-to-date information and we detect more than 50,000 new infections daily. The number of different malware analyzed daily by our Virus Lab reaches 40,000.
DeepScreen for potential threats
In version 2014 of avast! Antivirus, the AutoSandbox will be surpassed by DeepScreen technology. All the new processes in your computer will be started within the Sandbox. The results will be automatically analyzed, and AVAST will determine if they’re good or potentially harmful. If anything suspect happens, AVAST will quarantine everything. If they’re clean and good, the processes will continue to be executed normally. This is all automated, taking responsibility for the technical decisions wisely to protect you.
In the new version, avast! Antivirus also has a Hardened Protection mode, which allows complete isolation of the computer, especially designed for users without IT knowledge, who prefer to let AVAST make the technical decisions. In the Aggressive Protection mode, avast! Antivirus will lock-down even further, allowing only the execution of well-known secure files, using the knowledge from our international sensor network.

Last but not least, in seeking perfection, we will release the Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology or, in other words, we will see 300 to 400 daily virus definition updates, almost one each 3.75 minutes, 24/7, 365 days a year.


AVAST 防病毒开发商争取在恶意软件检测的完美。网络罪犯没有休息的他们邪恶的计划,利用 — — 主要是经济 — — 可怜的用户。总是如此,但尤其是自从 AVAST 版本 8 中,我们改善了最近发现的恶意软件的检测由试图确定他们之前我们的用户受到的威胁。

AutoSandbox 技术允许可疑的进程来运行里面的 avast !沙盒,是完全隔离的环境中在那里什么都不可以离开,陷印最终感染和阻止进一步损害到系统。

AutoSandbox 用于监视的所有文件和 Windows 注册表操作
•尝试禁用防病毒保护或 Windows 防火墙,并依此类推。

这一进程的基本引擎都是泛型的病毒签名。他们就像指纹图谱的一种病毒,使他们能够被发现。AVAST 向其病毒定义更新添加了近 2,000 的病毒签名的每一天。一般情况下,单一的签名可以识别多个恶意软件。一个单一的恶意软件也可以通过我们的数据库的病毒定义的几个检测到。通过我们的avast !CommunityIQ、 世界各地的近 2 亿用户给我们的最新信息和我们每天检测多个 50,000 新的感染。由我们的病毒实验室每日分析不同的恶意软件的数量达到 40,000。

DeepScreen 为潜在的威胁的

在版本 2014年的 avast !防病毒,AutoSandbox 将会由超过DeepScreen技术。在您的计算机中的所有新进程将在沙箱内启动。将自动分析结果,和 AVAST 将决定他们是否良好或潜在的有害。如果发生什么事可疑,AVAST 将检疫的一切。如果他们清洁和良好,进程将继续正常执行。这是明智地技术决定所有自动化,负起责任来保护你。

在新版本中,avast!防病毒软件也有硬化的保护模式,它允许完全隔离的计算机,特别为没有 IT 知识,愿意让 AVAST 作出的技术决策的用户设计。在主动的保护模式中,avast!防病毒软件将锁定更进一步,允许只执行的知名安全文件、 使用来自我们国际传感器网络的知识。

Updates per day

最后但不是最少,在寻求完美,我们将会释放不断流 (CSU) 更新技术或者,换句话说,我们将会看到 300 到 400 每日病毒定义更新,几乎每一个 3.75 分钟,24/7,一 365 年天。


参与人数 3经验 +10 人气 +2 收起 理由
seasonyoung + 1 支持小a
风葶云 + 10 版区有你更精彩: )
曲中求 + 1 支持!


发表于 2013-9-22 02:15:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 blacksaussage 于 2013-9-22 02:18 编辑

果断叫板诺顿。。附人工翻译 人气那人气


-        加进程钩子的行为
-        对系统的更改
-        隐藏的网络连接
-        阻止反病毒软件或防火墙正常工作的行为 等等


在小a 2014版中,自动沙盒将会被DeepScreen技术取代。所有在你电脑中运行的新进程都将在沙盒中开始。运行结果将会被自动分析,小a会检测他们是正常的或者是带有潜在威胁的。如果检测到威胁动作,小a会将他们全部隔离。如果这些进程是正常的,无害的,那么他们会继续正常运行。所有这些动作都将是自动化的,让这些高级技术负起保护你的责任。(叫板 SONAR的节奏?)

在新版本中,小a也会加入Hardened Protection模式,这种模式能够让计算机独立分析,这项技术尤其是为小白们设计的,他们通常喜欢让小a来做是否感染病毒的决定。在另一个新模式Aggressive Protection中,小a通过使用我们的国际检测网络,将会只允许运行那些已被认为是安全的文件,其他文件被锁定不允许运行。(诺顿智能云防护。。。)
最后,为了保证完美,我们将会使用Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology,换句话说,我们将会看到300到400次每日病毒库更新,几乎每天,每年,每3.75分种更新一次。(诺顿脉动更新。。。)


参与人数 5经验 +10 人气 +4 收起 理由
绿茵守望者 + 1 版区有你更精彩: )
电影结束了 + 1 赞一个!
风葶云 + 10 版区有你更精彩: )
驭龙 + 1 人工费,感谢提供翻译
IOOOOI + 1 辛苦费!


发表于 2013-9-27 19:07:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zhangkun0214 于 2013-9-27 19:09 编辑

    AVAST antivirus developers strive for perfection in malware detection. Cybercriminals do not rest with their evil schemes to take advantage (mostly economical) over poor users. Always, but especially since version 8 of AVAST, we have improved the detection of recently discovered malware by trying to identify them before our users are threatened.The AutoSandbox technology allows suspect processes to run inside of the avast! Sandbox, which is a completely isolated environment from where nothing can leave, trapping an eventual infection and blocking further harm to the system.
    avast的工程师们正不断完善着小a的恶意软件检测功能,互联网上的不法分子也没有闲着,他们从经济上利用可怜的用户. 一如既往地,尤其是V8版本问世以来,我们可以在用户受到最新的恶意软件威胁之前识别它们,借此不断完善产品的检测能力. 自动沙盒技术允许可疑进程在沙盒内运行,此沙盒是一个完全隔离化的环境,任何东东都无法逃脱,它可以捕获感染源,阻止它们对系统的进一步伤害.
    The AutoSandbox is used to monitor all files and Windows Registry operations
1) that attempt to hook into running processes
2)make changes in system components
3)exploit and hide network connections
4)attempt to disable the antivirus protection or Windows firewall, and so on.
    The fundamental engine of this process are the generic virus signatures. They are like the fingerprints of a virus which allow them to be discovered. AVAST adds nearly 2,000 virus signatures each day to its virus definition updates. Generally, a single signature can identify multiple malware. A single malware can also be detected by several of the virus definitions of our database. Through our avast! CommunityIQ, almost 200 million users worldwide give us up-to-date information and we detect more than 50,000 new infections daily. The number of different malware analyzed daily by our Virus Lab reaches 40,000.
    主要的反病毒引擎是通用病毒特征码,这些特征码就像病毒的指纹一样,通过它们可以发现病毒. 小a每天通过病毒库的更新加入接近2000种病毒特征码. 通常情况下,单个特征码可以识别出多个恶意软件,单个恶意软件也可以被数据库里的多个病毒特征码检测到. 通过小a的社区云,全世界大概2亿用户每天给小a发送最新的信息,我们每天可以检测到超过5万个新的感染,我们的反病毒实验室每天分析不同恶意软件的数量达到4万种.

    DeepScreen for potential threats:针对关键威胁的“deepscreen”技术
In version 2014 of avast! Antivirus, the AutoSandbox will be surpassed by DeepScreen technology. All the new processes in your computer will be started within the Sandbox. The results will be automatically analyzed, and AVAST will determine if they're good or potentially harmful. If anything suspect happens, AVAST will quarantine everything. If they’re clean and good, the processes will continue to be executed normally. This is all automated, taking responsibility for the technical decisions wisely to protect you.
    在最新的14版本中,自动沙盒技术被“deepscreen”技术所取代. 电脑中的所有新的进程将会在沙盒内启动,引发的结果将会被沙盒自动分析,小a通过分析来鉴定他们是正常的还是有害的. 一旦发现可疑的东东,小a会隔离它们. 如果它们是干净无害的,进程会继续正常执行. 这些动作都是自动完成的,有技术性的决定交给聪明的小a来做即可保护你的电脑.

    In the new version, avast! Antivirus also has a Hardened Protection mode, which allows complete isolation of the computer, especially designed for users without IT knowledge, who prefer to let AVAST make the technical decisions. In the Aggressive Protection mode, avast! Antivirus will lock-down even further, allowing only the execution of well-known secure files, using the knowledge from our international sensor network.
    新版的小a还有一个加强版的保护模式,此模式允许电脑进行完全的隔离,特别为没有IT基础的用户所设计,这些用户可以放心把技术性的决定交给小a. 在此模式中,小a会根据来自公司国际感知网络的知识,锁定电脑,甚至只允许已知安全的文件运行.

    Last but not least, in seeking perfection, we will release the Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology or, in other words, we will see 300 to 400 daily virus definition updates, almost one each 3.75 minutes, 24/7, 365 days a year.


参与人数 2经验 +10 人气 +1 收起 理由
驭龙 + 1 感谢提供翻译
风葶云 + 10 版区有你更精彩: )


发表于 2013-9-21 15:12:25 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-21 15:23:59 | 显示全部楼层
tomochan 发表于 2013-9-21 15:12

•that attempt to hook into running processes
•make changes in system components
•exploit and hide network connections
•attempt to disable the antivirus protection or Windows firewall, and so on.

发表于 2013-9-21 15:33:40 | 显示全部楼层


                                                         ---------------------------------------------------综合防御强化升级 更上一层楼
发表于 2013-9-21 17:22:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-9-21 17:41:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-9-21 18:01:32 | 显示全部楼层
DeepScreen 和诺顿的sonar看来要拼一拼了


发表于 2013-9-21 18:01:38 | 显示全部楼层
没拦住 。。。不过报了四个下载的。。。然后就没重启。。。
发表于 2013-9-21 18:02:53 | 显示全部楼层
UDady 发表于 2013-9-21 18:01
DeepScreen 和诺顿的sonar看来要拼一拼了

发表于 2013-9-21 19:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
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