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[原创] [老佳原创翻译]Softpedia专访:赛门铁克

发表于 2010-6-20 21:50:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jiayan72392 于 2010.6.20 22:00 编辑

2010年6月19日,Softpedia采访了赛门铁克诺顿产品技术专家Stefan Wesche先生。大家对于赛门铁克诺顿系列产品的技术有了一定的讨论,现在本人已经将其翻译成中文,希望大家能够参观一下,或许其中正好有您解不开的疑惑呢。


Softpedia Exclusive Interview: Symantec

There is no secret that Symantec is a leading company in what concerns antivirus sales and product reliability. The diversity of its products fit any user’s needs, from the newbie that needs an easy-to-handle dependable security solution to the expert users who require a wide spectrum of options and granular control, Symantec has a product to fit all needs.

The recent acquisitions of PGP Corporation and VeriSign's Security Business have generated questions as to the next step the giant corporation is going to take in order to maintain its leading position on the antivirus market. The wave of free antivirus solutions and integration of cloud-based protection have in some cases detoured users from the paid products. You can find the answers to these questions in the exclusive interview below, courtesy of Stefan Wesche, Technical Expert Norton Products at Symantec.

Softpedia: Feature-wise, the only difference between the Premier and regular version of Norton 360 is that the former offers 25 GB of secured online storage instead of only 2 GB. The $20 price difference between the two products should definitely be an incentive for users in need of safe storage locations. Is this a growing trend? Do users tend to trust their data with antivirus companies such as Symantec?

Stefan Wesche: Online backup is getting more and more important for users since their mobility is growing. By using online storage the data is accessible anytime and anywhere. Additionally new devices like netbooks with a small data capacity are also getting more and more popular so the online storage fits to the new requirements of the users. Due to the 2009 Online Backup Survey by Symantec today people use their computer like a vault for all kinds of important data of material end emotional value.

Loss of music, photographs and banking information means not only a financial damage but an emotional stress as well: 48 % experienced a data loss already and eight of ten respondents declared, losing photographs would make them feel desperate. Online backup within Norton 360 is an easy, comfortable and safe way of data storage for everyone. The integrated Web Restore function allows access to data from every PC, Mac or smartphone via a secured website.

And yes, which companies should they trust if they can’t trust a security company that their data is safe?

The latest Norton 360 has received remarkable reviews all over the Internet. Ease of use, small impact on system resources or a wide range of protection instruments are the most appreciated points in the application. However, because of the high number of instruments included, plenty of users may feel overwhelmed with setting everything up and end up maintaining the default configuration, which may not be quite what they need. What is the difference between the number of active users of Norton Antivirus, which is simpler to set up and Norton 360?

Stefan Wesche: I don’t think that users need to feel overwhelmed. In general the Norton software doesn’t require any complicated setup – install and running it is fast and easy – even the suites like Norton Internet Security or especially Norton 360 are very easy to use – without much need for configuration at all. The big advantage with Norton 360 is: especially for users who don’t want to deal with complicated specialized programs it’s the best suitable software. They have all leading protection features but also backup and system tuning tools – all on under one UI and Norton 360 is pre-configured for them and running all important tasks automatically.

Softpedia: Because of their increased prevalence, wireless networks are a common target for hackers. Can you explain how Norton 360 tackles this problem? (What does it do to secure the PC when connecting to public wireless networks?)

Stefan Wesche: Norton 360 can rely on many different protection technologies and layers to protect users also when connecting to public wireless networks. Those layers consist of network protection features like a powerful Firewall, Intrusion Prevention, Browser Protection (special protection against drive-by downloads), a powerful signature and behaviour-based detection engine and also web and identity protection features that warn about dangerous manipulated and infected websites (Anti-Phishing and SafeWeb) and last but not least Identity Safe that protects the confidential data and passwords of the user. So the user is protected very well.

On top Norton 360 can also be used in conjunction with the new free
NortonDNS service (currently in beta) for another extra layer of security in public wireless networks.

Softpedia: In the latest comparative of the independent antivirus Austrian organization, AV-Comparatives, Norton Anti-Virus ranked by a narrow margin behind PC Tools' SpywareDoctor. Is the 0.1% difference relevant in any way for Norton Anti-Virus? Is SpywareDoctor being developed in a different spirit than Norton products in order to maintain Symantec domination on the antivirus market?

Stefan Wesche: Just to have a brief look at tests like this one that only take signatures or heuristics into account: Nowadays it’s unfortunately very complicated and complex to test security software and get reliable results which reflect the real world in the end. It depends a lot on the sample set that’s being used, but even working with a good sample set doesn’t automatically give you real world test results. Also often only isolated protection functions are tested, not the whole set. So to say: such tests give you only – if at all – an indication.

The best tests are those that use currently active real world threats and introduce them to the test system in a natural way (i.e. via drive-by-download) and then test it against a product with all protection features and layers enabled. You can find one example of such a real world test at www.av-test.org. And as you can see Norton comes out first.

Softpedia: In what way is Norton 360 Netbook Edition different from the regular one? In what way is it optimized for such devices?

Stefan Wesche: Let's start with this: All versions of Norton, including Norton 360 are optimized for notebooks and netbooks by using only very little memory, HDD and CPU from the host system. Additionally all Norton Security products use a Smart Scheduler feature to automatically conduct more performance intensive tasks (like a full system scan) while the system is idle. Also Norton has additional features that detect the power state of the device and therefore automatically conserving power in battery mode. Also other performance intensive tasks like recording TV, playing games, burning DVDs, etc. are automatically detected and less critical security functions are automatically delayed until the other activity has finished.

Regarding the Netbook Edition, this version is only different in a way to make Netbook users aware of the optimized performance as outlined above by using the Netbook edition naming. Alternatively they can use the regular edition.

Softpedia: According to a research paper recently published by an organization called matousec, many antivirus programs, including Norton Internet Security 2010, are vulnerable to attacks that allow evading and disabling low-level layers of protection, such as HIPS (host intrusion prevention system) implementations. The researchers claim these flaws stem from insecure SSDT hooking practices. Do you plan to stop using such methods in your future products or have you already done it with Norton Internet Security 2011?

Stefan Wesche: As mentioned before and this is the same with this test: these are often made in lab and isolated situations and don’t reflect the real world. This is a narrowly focused test that examines potential bypass techniques for any security solution that implements kernel mode hooking. This is precisely why Symantec adds multiple layers of security to our products in order to prevent malware, and in this case even the code that would facilitate the substituting of benign code for malicious code from getting onto users’ computers in the first place.

In particular, Symantec’s Intrusion Prevention (IPS) and Reputation-Based Security play a large role in blocking these types of threats. These additional layers of defenses were not examined as part of the matousec.com investigation.

Softpedia: Companies developing free security products have generally reported a user-base increase in the past two years, suggesting an expansion of the free antivirus market. It's reasonable to suspect that this growth is partially happening at the expense of commercial products, being fuelled by the poor economy and other factors. Have you registered any decline in your customer base, particularly in the home consumer segment?

Stefan Wesche: No, exactly the opposite is the fact. The Symantec Consumer Business is growing. It contributes 30 percent of the total Symantec business. Looking at the free security offers many people realize that this is only a very basic protection – as also freeware vendors offer more advanced protection features when you pay for it. And cybercrime is growing – the trade with stolen user data is a million dollar business – so this is a real threat for people to get a victim of data theft.

Softpedia: Cybercriminals operating with advanced threats such as Zeus or Clampi adopt a hit-and-run approach in their attacks. So far this method has proven successful at keeping antivirus companies one step behind and allowed the crooks to siphon millions of dollars from bank accounts belonging to small companies or public institutions. As a result some people and organizations in the infosec community have begun recommending that sensitive tasks such as online banking be performed from operating systems other than Windows. What do you think is a viable solution to this problem and what can people do except running an antivirus program, which we all know, is no silver bullet?

Stefan Wesche: Just running a classic AntiVirus really isn’t enough anymore. You need more comprehensive protection capabilities like Intrusion Prevention, AntiPhishing, Data Protection etc. Additionally also because signature based detection methods are reactive and get at their limit with the amount of malware released every day Norton has integrated proactive technologies like behaviour based and reputation based technologies as well as features like browser protection etc. Using alternative operating systems is only a temporary solution as with a certain user base cybercriminals will focus at those platforms too. On top some attacks like phishing are OS independent.

So in the end it’s strongly recommended to use a proactive security suite like Norton Internet Security or Norton 360 which have those advanced protection features that are able to better detect hit-and-run attacks and on top use some of the following easy to follow rules when doing internet banking for example like only doing it from your secure home or business network (ideally via a wired connection), also using secure and unique passwords that are also changed on a regular basis. Also pay close attention to the transaction and go back and check your statements regularly.

Softpedia: Symantec is already a giant in the computer security industry, but it is still looking to expand its portfolio. Recently announced plans to acquire PGP Corporation and VeriSign's security arm, which includes its SSL and PKI business suggest that the company wants to imprint a strong foothold on the data-protection and -encryption market. Do you have any new features, based on these technologies, planned for your home products? Can you exemplify?

Stefan Wesche: Both acquisitions have just been announced so it is a bit too early to already talk about concrete implementation plans. Further planning is in progress.

Softpedia: Symantec has already integrated a server-assisted malware detection technology called Insight Network into its products. However, this component is limited to using definitions. Do you plan to extend this cloud-based component with heuristic or behavior scanning capabilities in the future? Do you think that performing the most resource-intensive tasks in the cloud is the future of antivirus software?

Stefan Wesche: The initial version of Insight Network has been the first step included in the 2009 products and was used as a whitelist to speed up the scan process only. Since Versions 2010 (released in autumn 2009) we are already working with a more comprehensive reputation based system. This reputation based system is able to calculate a reputation score for each file in the cloud in real-time based on a lot of different file attributes and also server-side analysis. Those attributes for example include the prevalence of a certain file among others.

The core of this system is a huge database, as well as other components like heuristics , signatures, behaviour based detection capabilities that query this database automatically as well as intrusion prevention which together build a full set of features to protect against previously undetectable threats. So the reputation technology used by Symantec is not just putting signatures only into the cloud. It’s a much more complex system which is able to detect previously unknown malicious files.

Regarding our behaviour based technologies: these are already in the Norton security software since version 2007 released in 2006). So by now the Norton security software is a complex system of proactive technologies as well as the well known reactive ones. Also for the time being we think complementing a strong local protection with a smart cloud reputation technology is the right approach because even when being temporarily without Internet access strong local protection remains in place.


参与人数 6经验 +20 人气 +5 收起 理由
gujiutian + 1 不错,
azhuangleia + 1 鼓励一下!
xffsfy + 20 版区有你更精彩: )
幸福之鹿 + 1 没啥事~~随便加分~~
jefffire + 1 看英文,再看中文,看看更健康


发表于 2010-6-20 21:51:17 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 jiayan72392 于 2010.6.20 22:00 编辑


从近期对于PGP公司和VeriSign安全商务的并购中得出的问题可以看到这位领袖公司要走的,用于维护它在反病毒市场地位下一步棋。一些由免费防病毒解决方案和基于云防护的一体化产品所带来的潮流在一些场合下已经将用户从收费产品中吸引了过去。从下面的采访中您会发现对于此些现象的答案。接受采访:Stefan Wesche,赛门铁克诺顿产品技术专家。


Stefan Wesche:自从用户的流动性在开始增加后,在线备份对他们来说已经越来越重要了。使用在线存储,数据可以在任何时间任何地点可被获取到。而且,一部分新的设备比如容量较小的上网本如今也开始流行起来,因此在线存储可以满足新的用户需求。根据2009年赛门铁克在线存储空间调查结果,当今用户对于电脑的使用就好比是存放所有重要数据和敏感数据的金库。




Stefan Wesche:我并不认为用户会觉得无所适从。通常情况下,诺顿软件并不需要很复杂的配置,从安装过程到使用中,它都是快速和简单的。甚至一些诸如诺顿网络安全特警和诺顿360之类的套装产品,它们也是简单易用的,完全不需要很多的配置工作。诺顿360的一大特点是:特别对于不愿处理复杂,专业程序的用户来说,它是最合适的软件。它不仅包含所有顶尖的防护功能而且还具有备份和系统优化功能。所有的这些都集成在一个用户界面下,而且诺顿360已经为他们做了预先的配置,它会自动运行所有重要任务。


Stefan Wesche:诺顿360会依靠很多不同的防护技术和阶层来保护用户,也同样当他们连接到公共无线网络的时候。这些阶层包括网络防护功能比如一个强大的防火墙,入侵防护,浏览器防护(对于路过式隐秘下载有特别防护),一个强大的签名和基于行为的检测引擎而且还有网页和身份防护功能,它们会对包含威胁的不良网站做出告警(防钓鱼和安全网页)。最后的身份安全用于保护用户的个人数据以及密码。因此用户被很安全的保护了起来。


Softpedia:在最新独立的澳大利亚防病毒评测机构AV-Comparatives评测中,诺顿防病毒软件以一个微弱的差距被排在了PC Tools' SpywareDoctor后面。这0.1%的差距是否可能在任何方面影响到诺顿防病毒软件?SpywareDoctor是否是以一个不同于诺顿防病毒理件的理念而被开发并以此来维持赛门铁克在防病毒市场的统治地位的呢?

Stefan Wesche:我们大致了解一下此类仅考虑到签名和启发的测试。不幸的是:如今测试安全软件并且最后从中得出能否反映出真实世界的可靠结果是件非常复杂的事。测试结果很大一部分都取决于测试中所使用的样本,但是使用了好的测试样本也并不会自动反映出真实世界中的结果。而且通常地,每个独立防护模块会被测试到,而整体防护却不会。所以说:这些测试仅供参考。



Stefan Wesche:让我们从这里开始讨论:所有的诺顿版本,包括诺顿360,都为笔记本和上网本做出了优化。它们通过占用主机少量的内存,硬盘和CPU来达到优化目的。而且,所有的诺顿安全产品都使用了智能调度功能在系统空闲时自动安排一些性能密集型任务(比如全面系统扫描)。接着,诺顿还有附加功能来检测设备的电源状态,因此在电池模式下面能够更节省电源的开销。最后,其他性能密集型任务比如收录电视节目,游戏娱乐,DVD烧录等,也会被自动检测到,此时一些相对重要程度较低的安全功能会被自动延迟知道其他活动完成为止。


Softpedia: 根据一个名叫matousec的组织最新研究报告,很多防病毒程序,包括诺顿网络安全特警2010,都会被此类规避或者禁用底层的防护比如HIPS(主机入侵防护系统)部署所攻破。该研究者声称此类缺陷应该从不安全的SSDT挂钩行为上去遏制。请问你们是否打算在新产品中停止使用这个方法或者是否已经在诺顿网络安全特警2011中停止了?

Stefan Wesche: 之前已经提到了这个问题,和此类评测一样:这些通常仅是从实验室中得出的结果,并没有反映出外界真实的情况。这是一个涉及范围非常狭隘的测试,它仅为使用内核挂钩的安全软件检查是否有可能被绕过的技术。这就是为什么赛门铁克为产品添加了多层防护来阻止恶意软件,在此次事件中,即使该代码可能会加速更换正常代码至恶意代码,并且在入侵用户计算机的第一时刻,也会被赛门铁克的多层防护所阻止。


Softpedia: 一些开发免费安全软件的厂商声称在过去2年里用户数量获得了增长,他们暗示了一个向免费安全软件市场的扩张。这里会产生一个很合理的猜想:此类增长是部分建立在商业产品的费用上面,而且受到经济不景气或者其他因素的加剧。在您的客服群里是否有过此类的衰退呢,尤其是家庭用户群?

Stefan Wesche: 不,事实正好相反。赛门铁克的消费者群体营业额正在增长中。它在整个赛门铁克的营业额中占有了30%的份额。免费安全软件是许多人们意识到它仅是一个非常基础化的防护。同样地,在您付钱的时候,免费软件厂商才会提供更加高级的防护功能。随着犯罪软件的增长,窃取用户数据是一个百万美元级别的交易,所以免费安全软件才是使用户成为数据盗窃受害者的真正威胁。


Stefan Wesche: 单纯运行传统意义上的防病毒软件已经不能够完全满足需要了。您需要的是更加综合的防护能力例如入侵防护,反钓鱼,数据保护等。而且,因为基于签名的检测方法是活的,随着每日恶意软件数量的增长,这种方法可以掌握住这些恶意软件的局限性。诺顿已经将主动技术比如基于行为,基于信誉的技术整合了起来,就如同浏览器防护技术等一样。使用其他操作系统仅是一个临时性的解决办法,此方案的前提是一定数量基于用户的网络犯罪者也将重点放在这些平台上。最重要的是,有些攻击比如网络钓鱼是和操作系统没有关联的。


Softpedia: 赛门铁克在安全行业中已经是个巨人了,但是仍然在寻找机会扩张其投资。近期官方宣称要兼并PGP公司和VeriSign安全,其中包含了SSL和PKI交易,这暗示了该公司打算在数据保护和封装市场上面刻下脚印。请问您是否有新的基于此技术,并计划部署在家庭安全产品中的新功能要介绍给我们呢?能否举些例子?

Stefan Wesche: 这2次并购目前才公布出来,所以现在讨论技术整合计划还为时过早,未来的计划还在进行中。

Softpedia: 赛门铁克已经在其产品中整合了一款基于服务器的恶意软件检测技术,名为智能社区。然而,这个组件目前还局限于依靠特征码来做判断。请问你们是否有计划在将来将此基于云的组件再添上启发和行为扫描功能?您是否认为将来在云端执行最大资源需求任务就是杀毒软件所追求的呢?

Stefan Wesche: 智能社区的最初版本是在2009版产品中被引入,当时仅仅是被用作“白名单”技术来加快扫描过程。自从2010版(2009年秋季发布)之后,我们已经采用了更加综合化的基于信誉系统。该基于信誉系统能够为每个在云中的文件即时并根据不同的文件参数标准计算出一个信誉分数,而且还具备了服务器端分析。举个例子,这些参数包含了某个文件在用户中的流行程度。





参与人数 9经验 +20 人气 +8 收起 理由
卡卡洛夫 + 1 老佳E文真好
茶澈 + 1 辛勤的老佳!
听雨醉 + 1 老佳威武。。。
星夜孤独 + 1 辛苦辛苦~
keyds + 1 辛苦了啦


发表于 2010-6-20 22:01:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-20 22:02:37 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
皇甫暮云 + 1 沙发奖励


发表于 2010-6-20 22:06:28 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
皇甫暮云 + 1 板凳奖励


发表于 2010-6-20 22:10:17 | 显示全部楼层




参与人数 1人气 +1 收起 理由
皇甫暮云 + 1 你的“意义”也不算很大


发表于 2010-6-20 22:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3楼 jiayan72392  的帖子



参与人数 2人气 +2 收起 理由
皇甫暮云 + 1 排骨VIP席
法外制裁者 + 1 ^_^


发表于 2010-6-20 22:23:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 苍茫 于 2010.6.20 22:24 编辑



发表于 2010-6-20 22:27:21 | 显示全部楼层
太长 了,没心情看完啊,等哪天我有时间再说。哈哈。
发表于 2010-6-20 22:36:12 | 显示全部楼层
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