本帖最后由 猪头无双 于 2011-1-19 15:43 编辑
ItW 99.99% Polymorphic 62.79%
ItW (o/a) 99.99% Trojans 28.48%
Worms & bots 63.24% False positives 0
Kingsoft as usual entered both ‘Standard’ and ‘Advanced’ editions of its suite solution, and as usual there was very little difference between the two. We start with the ‘Advanced’ edition purely for alphabetical reasons, and note that the 69MB installer is significantly larger than that of the ‘Standard’ version. The installation process is rapid and simple, with no reboot required, leading into a set-up wizard which gives options on settings, the use of ‘in-the-cloud’ resources, and providing feedback. The interface is clean and clear and seems to use much nicer fonts than the previous versions tested. Navigation is simple and options are good, although translation remains a little clunky and hard to follow in places. Running through the test presented few problems, with some slowish speeds on demand, notably in the archive sets where many compression systems are unpacked in some depth, but fi le access lag times were light and system resource usage not too heavy either. Initial run through the test sets seemed to show that logging is capped at a certain size or length, but no information or options were
found regarding this, and so testing was split into chunks to ensure complete information. Detection scores were pretty low in the trojans and RAP sets, with only the set of worms and bots producing a respectable set of fi gures, but the clean sets were handled well. Stability was rock-solid throughout the tests, even under heavy stress and over samples which caused serious
problems for many products this month. All looked well until we spotted a single item in the WildList set not detected: one sample out of 2,500 replications of the latest W32/Virut strain spoiled Kingsoft’s chances of reclaiming its award despite a tester-friendly, if not overly impressive showing.
ItW 99.99% Polymorphic 62.64%
ItW (o/a) 99.99% Trojans 8.30%
Worms & bots 53.35% False positives 0
As mentioned above, the ‘Standard’ edition of Kingsoft’s product is pretty much identical to the ‘Advanced’ product on the surface, but we noted the far smaller 51MB installer, and also the updates included, which appear to be several days older
than the ‘Advanced’ product. The installation process and user experience in general were light, fast, simple and clear, and
stability was again rock-solid throughout all tests, allowing us to get both products done in the same 24-hour period, on
adjacent test machines. Scanning speeds were pretty similar, but for this version access times were a little lighter, and resource consumption a fraction heavier. Detection rates were again disappointing – notably lower than the ‘Advanced’ edition, with the older updates doubtless contributing. Again, the clean sets were handled without problems, but again that single Virut sample in the WildList set put paid to any hopes of a VB100 award for the product.