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[分享] Nod32 资讯 2007(英文较多)正在整理中。。。

发表于 2007-6-25 17:21:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
持续整理Nod32 2007的相关讯息
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:21:51 | 显示全部楼层



1. ⒈提示“打开错误,拒绝访问”?

2. NOD32系统托盘图标变成红色?
如果NOD32的系统托盘图标变成红色,原因是没有启动 NOD32 的AMON模件(文件实时监控)。可打开“NOD32控制中心”窗口,在“安全威胁保护模件”列表中点击“AMON”选项,勾选“启动文件实时监控”选框,依次点击“设定/安全”选项,勾选“开机时自动加载”选框,清空“允许手动停止”选框,点击“确定”按钮即可。这样NOD32图标就会恢复成正常的白绿色了。

3. 提示“伺服器连接失败”?
如果NOD32更新失败,一般就会提示“伺服器连接失败”。首先确保电脑已连接上网,并确定NOD32没有被防火墙拦截。然后打开“NOD32控制中心” 窗口,依次点击“更新/设定”按钮,将“服务器”框选为“自动选择”,然后点击“进阶”按钮,点击“代理服务器”栏的“设定”按钮,清空“使用代理服务器”选框,连续点击“确定”按钮返回“更新”窗口,再点击“立即更新”按钮进行更新即可。

4. 安装NOD32后无法上网
通常情况下,安装NOD32并不会对系统的网络连接有影响。如果出现无法上网情况,可尝试用下面的方法来解决。打开“NOD32控制中心”窗口,点击 “IMON”选项,依次点击“设定/其它”选项,勾选“自动侦测网络设定的变更并自动修复”选框,然后点击“修复”按钮进行修复操作(如图)。修复完成后,重新启动电脑即可。


关于Version 2公司
Version 2 是亚洲其中一间最有活力的IT公司,公司发展及代理各种不同的互联网、信息科技、多媒体产品,当中包括通讯系统、保安、网络、多媒体及消费市场产品。透过公司庞大的网络、销售点、分销商及合作伙伴,Version 2提供广被市场赞赏的产品及服务。Version 2 的销售网络包括香港、中国、台湾、新加坡、澳门等地区,客户来自各行各业,包括全球1000大跨国企业、上市公司、公用机构、政府部门、无数成功的中小企及来自亚洲各城市的消费市场客户。


目前木马病毒主要是通过网络文件下载进入到用户电脑中,再使用各种文件伪装技术欺骗用户运行,从而达到感染用户电脑的目的,所以保障文件下载安全是电脑安全的关键一环。目前常见的防范手段就是下载后对文件进行手动查杀操作,但这样做不仅费时费力,而且用户一旦忘记查杀,就会给系统安全带来隐患。NOD32 则考虑到这些问题,提供了文件下载监控功能,可以在网络文件下载时就对其进行查杀操作,将病毒文件截杀在下载过程中,实时保障文件下载安全。



第三步:点击“其它”选项,点击“扫描器”栏的“设定”,在这里可以设置实时监控模式和文件类型。如果要进一步加强监控力度,可勾选“有潜在危险的程序” 选框。点击“操作”选项,则可以对某一文件类型做有针对性的处理操作,比如选中“自解压文件”选项,再点选中“删除”或“中断”选框,这样当下载的自解压文件发现携带木马或病毒时,NOD32就会直接删除文件或中断下载操作,从而可避免日后用户误点击自解压文件给系统带来的陷害。


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[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-25 17:24 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:23:10 | 显示全部楼层

Version 2与教育城合作 携手打击学校网络黑客攻击

信息发达虽然使生活更方便,但同时亦带来更多的犯罪机会,连作育英才的学校亦难免遇上这种情形。中文大学香港学校网络于2006年11月以计算机软件扫瞄了全港461间学校共2,833台服务器,结果发现当中九成的服务器存有漏洞,而三成二学校有一部或以上的服务器存在高危漏洞, 学校网络及服务器每日被攻击逾20,000次,数字较去年激增两倍。如果学生们把在学校裹的工作带到家中,便有可能将学校计算机的病毒都带回家中的计算机。

Version 2有见及此,即与教育城合作,教育城的会员(老师及学生)可在教育城的网页以优惠价购买NOD32 1年版本(教育及非牟利机构个人版本)(HK$130) 及CA eTrust Internet Security Suite 1年版本(HK$130),鼓励老师及学生使用高质素防毒软件,让他们免受黑客攻击,安心使用计算机工作。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:24:39 | 显示全部楼层

NOD32荣膺AV-Comparatives 2006总冠军

日前,第三方反病毒技术测试机构 AV-Comparatives (http://www.av-comparatives.org)发布了其2006年度总结报告。通过对主动检测率、手动扫描检测率、误报率及扫描速度等性能进行综合评定之后,NOD32最终在参测的16款中获得“2006年度总冠军”称号。

AV-Comparitives是一家位于奥地利的独立反病毒技术测试机构,由Andreas Clementi于2003年成立。他们一直在关注反病毒技术,采用包括后门程序、木马程序、邮件蠕虫、脚本病毒及其他各类有害程序在内的数千个病毒样本对杀毒软件的查杀病毒能力进行测试,并根据其综合表现对它们进行排名。由于一直坚持独立运作,AV-Comparatives保持了很高的公正性。

在2006年的测试中,AV-Comparatives共选择了16款(注:AVK分为2006/2007两个版本)主流杀毒软件进行测试,其中既包括 Symantec、Macfee、Kaspersky及NOD32等大家较为熟悉的产品,也包括一些国内用户相对陌生的软件。按照 Comparatives的解释,“还有许多不在 AV-Comparatives 列表中的产品远远达不到我们测试的最低标准”。



在2006年的四次主要测试中,NOD32和AVK 2006、TrustPort三款软件都得到了ADVANCED+的评级,不过由于NOD32采用单引擎而其他两款均采用多引擎,使得NOD32在扫描速度上较另外两款领先不少,因此AV-Comparatives最终将“年度总冠军”称号授予NOD32。

此前,NOD32一直是Virus Bullet 100%获奖记录保持者,同时还拥有包括PC Magazine Editor Choice、ICSA认证、IDG’s Info World、UK Consumer Association Best Buy、瑞典MikroDatom认证、WINTOTAL等多项全球奖项,AV-Comparatives评测2006年度总冠军的称号,再次证明了 Eset的强大实力。


关于Version 2公司
Version 2 是亚洲其中一间最有活力的IT公司,公司发展及代理各种不同的互联网、信息科技、多媒体产品,当中包括通讯系统、保安、网络、多媒体及消费市场产品。透过公司庞大的网络、销售点、分销商及合作伙伴,Version 2提供广被市场赞赏的产品及服务。Version 2 的销售网络包括香港、中国、台湾、新加坡、澳门等地区,客户来自各行各业,包括全球1000大跨国企业、上市公司、公用机构、政府部门、无数成功的中小企及来自亚洲各城市的消费市场客户。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:25:03 | 显示全部楼层

NOD32 第41次通过Virus Bulletin 100%测试!

2006 年 12月,Virus Bulletin VB 100%在 Windows 64位XP专业窗口平台中对市面多种流行的防毒软件进行了测试,NOD32于是次测试中,再一次通过Virus BulletinVB100%病毒测试,这是NOD32第41次成功获取VB 100%的认证,成为全球唯一能通过41次测试的防毒软件,成绩超卓!


根据 Virus Bulletin 的报告,受测试的 20 多套防毒软件中,只有 3 套能够做到 100% 扫除病毒,没有遗漏任何病毒;除此之外,NOD32 的扫瞄速度更是同类产品之首,无论在任何工作平台上都能以最短时间扫瞄最多档案,扫瞄效率无庸置疑。

要通过 Virus Bulltein的VB100%病毒测试,必须能完全辨认来自业界公认的The WildList的病毒样本,同时不会对无害档案发出主动错误讯息(false positives),才算通过测试,NOD32 正是能高速扫瞄档案,达到完全无遗漏之余,亦没有发出错误警报,做到真正的快而准。

一些防毒软件的软件商经常标榜着数据库庞大,软件更新速度频密等等。但数据库庞大就是否等于侦测速度又准又快?其实,数据库庞大正反映其软件内的 Proactive病毒侦测系统(Generic Signature)主动侦测能力不足;或是其软件需要庞大数据库来侦测病毒,但这些庞大数据库侦测新式强力变种的新型病毒则会变得十分累赘。而且,这些庞大的数据库会拖慢对新式、强力变种的新型病毒的侦测,因为采用超庞大的病毒数据库会造成系统效率的低降。

此外,很多产品标榜其对病毒的反应有多快(e.g.1小时内会有更新),其实最顶尖的产品对病毒的反应应为”0”,因为使用 "Generic Signature" 及 "Advance Heuristics" 的技术,病毒数据库的数目会不断变化,旧的病毒数据会被新的取代。
Proactive及zero respond time正是NOD32最强劲的地方。NOD32的 Generic Signature 能使用单一病毒数据识别同一类型病毒的不同变种,所以病毒数据库的数目少但能侦测所有已知的毒病。

至于 NOD32 采用的"Advance Heuristics" 是一种更先进的技术,可在未有病毒定义前侦测到80-90%的病毒及间谍程序。配合 ThreatSense.Net 样本传送技术以最短时间把样本传送到开发人员手上,使用户免受网络上充斥的"零天攻击"(Zero Day Attack)侵害。

 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:25:26 | 显示全部楼层

ESET NOD32 Crowned Best Antivirus Product of 2006 by AV-Comparatives.org

ESET Top-rated Solution in Proactive Detection and, On-Demand Scanning Speed  

SAN DIEGO – January 25, 2007 – ESET today announced that ESET NOD32 has been named the overall best antivirus product of 2006 by the independent testing group
AV-Comparatives.org. Of the 16 anti-virus products tested across multiple categories, ESET NOD32 antivirus solution earned the top rank in proactive on-demand detection, and on-demand scanning speed.  

ESET NOD32 was recognized for its advanced heuristics scanning capabilities at a high-rate of speed and accuracy. In contrast, many competing antivirus products consume significantly more system resources which slow computer and network performance and response times, resulting in poor end-user experience. AV-Comparative test results reveal that NOD32 has consistently distinguished itself with high proactive detection and performance.

Security threats continue to be one of the most critical challenges confronting both enterprises and consumers. With cyber crime emerging as multi-billion dollar industry, hackers continue to look for new ways to reap financial rewards and obtain valuable intellectual property. Consequently, security experts predict 2007 will reflect an increase in the frequency and complexity of malicious, covert malware attacks. This new online world significantly ups the ante for the baseline requirements in an anti-malware solution.   

“This year’s report shows that ESET NOD32 leads not just in one, but multiple categories of comparison,” said Andreas Clementi, project manager at AV-comparatives.org. “NOD32 proactively identifies and eliminates the type of complicated malware threats that are emerging now and which will continue to evolve. When you combine the speed, accuracy and advanced heuristics capabilities of ESET’s solution, it is clearly the best performing AV product on the market today.”

According to the 2006 end-of-year report, ESET NOD32 was the winner in three different individual categories, including “Overall,” “Proactive On-Demand Detection,” and “Highest on-demand scanning speed.” ESET NOD32 was recognized as the best overall solution because it received the highest award, Advanced+, in two on-demand and two proactive scanning tests in 2006. The full summary report can be found here:
http://www.eset.com/download/whi ... es-2006-Summary.pdf

“ThreatSense® technology distinguishes us from the rest of the market, and the proof is further validated with ESET NOD32 being declared the best solution in 2006,” said Rick Moy, vice president of marketing, ESET LLC. “The developers have continued to stay true to the mission of delivering the smallest, fastest and most accurate protection. With security risks continuing to evolve and accelerate, it’s important to have a proactive solution that doesn’t incur unnecessary management overhead. NOD32 allows customers to focus on what is important to their business.”

ESET NOD32 Antivirus version 2.7 utilizes ThreatSense® technology, a sophisticated detection system based on advanced heuristics, to proactively identify previously unknown viruses, Trojans, spyware, rootkits and phishing attacks in real-time. ThreatSense is built into NOD32’s unified scanning engine to provide comprehensive protection so users do not need to rely on additional point solutions for spyware and adware protection.

To learn more about emerging threats and what businesses and consumers can do to protect themselves, ESET has produced a podcast series available on iTunes or at http://www.eset.com/podcasts/.

About ESET
Founded in 1992, ESET is a global provider of security software for enterprises and consumers. ESET’s award-winning, Anti-Threat software system, NOD32, provides real-time protection from known and unknown viruses, spyware and other malware. NOD32 offers the smallest, fastest and most advanced protection available, with more Virus Bulletin 100% Awards than any other antivirus product. ESET was named to Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 five years running, and has an extensive partner network, including corporations like Canon, Dell and Microsoft. ESET has offices in Bratislava, SK; Bristol, U.K.; Buenos Aires, AR; Prague, CZ; San Diego, USA; and is represented worldwide in more than 100 countries. For more information, visit http://www.eset.com/ or call (619) 319-3000.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:25:46 | 显示全部楼层

Massive Spam Run Propagates Critical Fuclip Trojan

ESET is issuing an advisory regarding a Trojan horse backdoor program that is being sent through email as an attachment. Through the VirusRadar™ component of their ThreatSense.Net™ malware telemetry system, ESET's Threat Center has witnessed a high saturation of the Win32/Fuclip.B Trojan, which was enclosed with as much as 23% of email messages sent between 7:00AM and 9:00PM Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8) on January 20th, 2007.

Once infected by this Trojan, a PC becomes part of a botnet and can be remotely-controlled by the botnet's operator or "herder." The Trojan also makes use of stealth (rootkit) techniques to mask its presence on affected computers.

ESET's customers have been protected against the Win32/Fuclip.B Trojan since about 2:35AM Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8) on January 20th.

Read more about Win32/Fuclip.B Trojan from our Director of Technical Education, Randy Abrams.

About NOD32
High-performance, low-impact ESET NOD32 Antivirus software offers consumers and businesses comprehensive protection in a product designed to automatically update behind-the- scenes without impacting other applications, so users always have the most current protection available. ESET NOD32 Antivirus version 2.7 utilizes ThreatSense® technology, a sophisticated detection system based on advanced heuristics, to proactively identify previously unknown viruses, Trojans and phishing attacks in real time. ThreatSense is built into NOD32’s single scanning engine to provide comprehensive protection so users do not need to rely on additional point solutions for malware protection.

About Version 2 Limited
Version 2 is one of the most dynamic IT companies in Asia . The Company develops and distributes IT products for Internet and IP-based networks, including communication systems, Internet software, security, network, and media products. Through an extensive network of channels, point of sales, resellers, and partnership companies, Version 2 offers quality products and services which are highly acclaimed in the market. Its customers cover a wide spectrum which include Global 1000 enterprises, regional listed companies, public utilities, Government, a vast number of successful SMEs, and consumers in various Asian cities. Version 2 is the sole distributor of ESET and NOD32 Antivirus products in the Greater China and Singapore regions.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:26:34 | 显示全部楼层

Micro Center® Offers Best Antivirus Product of 2006

Vista-Compatible ESET NOD32 is Now Available in Micro Center Stores Nationwide
San Diego and Hilliard, Ohio, February 5, 2007—Today, in a move sure to please customers shopping at Micro Center’s high-tech stores across North America, Micro Center and ESET announced the availability of award-winning ESET NOD32 Antivirus software at all Micro Center locations. ESET NOD32 was recently named the best antivirus product of 2006 by independent testing firm AV-compartives.org for its superior protection and performance over a bevy of competing solutions.

Starting today, consumers at any of the Micro Center stores can lay their hands on ESET’s award-winning solutions in a couple ways. First, they can purchase NOD32 off-the-shelf for at-home installation on their existing computer, a simple process that takes only a few minutes. In addition, new computer shoppers have the option of purchasing Micro Center’s own line of computers and have ESET NOD32 pre-installed, protecting them from ever-present malware, before they even turn it on.  The retail box version of NOD32 is priced at $49.99.

“Micro Center has been discovering new products with significant advantages for our customers since our company was founded in 1979,” said Kevin Hollingshead, Micro Center vice president product and business development. “Our new products group did extensive due diligence of antivirus solutions from around the world. Looking at academic research from international universities and testing results from leading antivirus researchers, we found that the best antivirus solution was ESET’s NOD32. We are excited to be working with ESET to bring this solution to as many of our customers as possible.”

“The Micro Center partnership is ideal, because their knowledgeable staff is uniquely able to help customers cut through the clutter of the anti-malware industry and make informed decisions.” said Rick Moy, vice president of marketing at ESET, LLC. “We’re honored to be working with the Micro Center teams nationwide.”

About Micro Center
Micro Center operates nineteen stores in major markets nationwide. Distinctive features include:

    * A destination retailer designed to satisfy the dedicated computer user.
    * Uniquely focused on computers and computer-related products.  In fact, Micro Center offers more computer and computer-related SKUs (over 30,000 in stock) than any other retailer.
    * More square footage devoted exclusively to computers and computer-related items than any other retailer (stores average 45,000 square feet).
    * Selection, service and sales staff expertise modeled after Nordstrom and other service-oriented retailers.
    * More upscale atmospherics than big box consumer electronics stores.
    * Innovators of the departmentalized approach to computer retailing.  Service levels and expertise vary to meet customer preferences by department.  This means:
    * Consultative career sales staff in hardware departments which surround staple items in the center of the store.
    * Quick in/out shopping experience on staple items with check outs arranged conveniently.
    * Large Gaming departments featuring XBOX 360, PS3, Wii and PC Gaming displays on HDTVs, over 2,000 games and nearly 350 different accessories per store.

Readers of the leading U.S. consumer magazine have consistently rated Micro Center among the best stores at which to buy a PC.  Micro Center is the only retailer to have scored “very good” in selection and service each year since the publication began surveying satisfaction with computer stores in 2003.

Micro Center store locations:
CA - Tustin and Santa Clara; CO – Denver; GA – Atlanta (2);  IL – Chicago (2);  KS – Kansas City; MA – Boston;   MI – Detroit; MN – Minneapolis; NY – Westbury, LI; OH – Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus; PA – Philadelphia; TX – Dallas, Houston; VA – Fairfax.

To learn more about emerging threats and what businesses and consumers can do to protect themselves, ESET has produced a podcast series available on iTunes or at http://www.eset.com/podcasts/.

About NOD32
High-performance, low-impact ESET NOD32 Antivirus software offers consumers and businesses comprehensive protection in a product designed to automatically update behind-the-scenes without impacting other applications, so users always have the most current protection available. ESET NOD32 Antivirus version 2.7 utilizes ThreatSense® technology, a sophisticated detection system based on advanced heuristics, to proactively identify previously unknown viruses, Trojans, spyware, rootkits and phishing attacks in real time. ThreatSense is built into NOD32’s single scanning engine to provide comprehensive protection so users do not need to rely on additional point solutions for spyware and adware protection.

About ESET
Founded in 1992, ESET is a global provider of security software for enterprises and consumers. ESET’s award-winning, Anti-Threat software system, NOD32, provides real-time protection from known and unknown viruses, spyware and other malware. NOD32 offers the smallest, fastest and most advanced protection available, with more Virus Bulletin 100% Awards than any other antivirus product. ESET was named to Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 five years running, and has an extensive partner network, including corporations like Canon, Dell and Microsoft. ESET has offices in Bratislava, SK; Bristol, U.K.; Buenos Aires, AR; Prague, CZ; San Diego, USA; and is represented worldwide in more than 100 countries. For more information, visit http://www.eset.com/ or call (619) 319-3000.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:27:04 | 显示全部楼层





除了这些能看见的举措之外,NOD32软件本身的优秀特性也越来越多,比如得益于曾经四年作为微软“御用”杀毒软件,NOD32率先提供了对微软对新一代操作系统Windows Vista的兼容,免除了用户在使用Vista时对病毒的担心,而且增强的Anti-Toolkit功能可以更好地应对那些加壳的病毒及木马。




    * 打开NOD32控制中心,点击导航中的“更新”,打开更新面板;
    * 点击更新面板中的“设定”,然后点击“服务器”按钮,打开自定义服务器对话框。点击“新增”,输入“http://u1.nod32cn.com”,然后点击确定;
    * 返回设置窗口后,在“服务器”下拉列表中选择刚才新增的服务器(http://u1.nod32cn.com),然后在“使用者名称”和“密码”中填入您的用户名和密码,依次点击“确定”返回就可以了。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-25 17:27:29 | 显示全部楼层

NOD32 have been updated to v2.70.3

NOD32 for BSD File Servers, NOD32 for BSD Mail Servers, NOD32 for Linux File Servers and NOD32 for Linux Mail Servers have been updated to v2.70.3. These releases contain the following changes:

NOD32 for BSD and Linux File Servers

    * nod32d and nod32update - Improved handling of delays during updates, fixed issue with memory allocation
    * nod32update - fixed issue with finding directories with binary executables

NOD32 for BSD and Linux Mail Servers

    * nod32d and nod32update - Improved handling of delays during updates, fixed issue with memory allocation
    * nod32update - fixed issue with finding directories with binary executables
    * nod32smtp - fixed issue with mail header pollution

These new versions may be downloaded from the Registered Software section of the web site.
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