下面是我的主观评论,事实让我义无反顾的站到 Comodo 一边,这又是某些人没有任何证据,散布的FUD:
当你安装激活Comodo时,会向 Comodo 的服务器发送一个唯一的ID,这个ID 只是一串数字,不包括其他信息。Comodo 用这个ID 来确认Comodo Firewall 的安装数量。Comodo 通过这个ID,可以监视用户的一举一动,是无稽之谈。通过这个ID 可以控制用户的电脑,纯粹是扯淡。
你可能会问,为什么 Melih 不去 Wilders 回帖呢?
因为,以前有人在Wilders 攻击 Comodo 的时候,Melih 反驳了几句,被封号了,Wilders 做的很不厚道。
像 Wilders 这种依靠收费的商业安全软件支撑的安全论坛,是不会让 Comodo 这种完全免费的软件一枝独秀的。可是,没办法,在 Wilders 防火墙选择投票里,Comodo照样是第一。
我不会引用那个人的任何一段话,我怕脏了自己的手。我只引用 Wilders防火墙专家 Stem 和 Comodo 官方的回复。
Wilders 的 Stem 已经证实只要你关掉自动更新, Comodo 是不会连接任何网站的。
My installations of Comodo (as with any firewall/security app) are made with all update functions disabled (no internet connections are allowed untill these settings are made). I have not seen any attempt by Comodo to connect to any site. I can certainly look at this again, but with the ability of the user to block all comodo processes within the firewall (and I have not seen these rules bypassed), and the fact I have not seen attempted bypassing of this(injection to browser etc), I seriously believe any comms made would need to be allowed by the user. Now if these comms are allowed, as to what info in sent I do not know at this time.
Stem 后面的疑问是 连接 Comodo的论坛,浏览器为什么会有连向 Google 的HTTPS连接?
Comodo 官方回复是 Google Analytics。
Stem 接下来问道,浏览器连向 Comodo 的HTTPS包含了什么信息?
Comodo 官方已经做了解释,另外可以查看网页源代码。
If he'd checked it further to view the source of the page, it can be plainly seen that there are several objects (Trustlogo, the RSS feed-to-forum-news script, couple of images for the http/https switcher) that are called over HTTPS.
下面引用 Comodo CEO Melih 的一些回复:
I can't believe there are people out there trying to create FUD while we are all busy creating top notch products to protect the masses! And all that without any credible evidence!
Google Analytics is a web log analysing software available for free from Google. These type of web log analysers analyse the health of a web site and pages (ask any web designer and they will explain what it is). Things like which pages are performing better etc. it has nothing to do with any personal information and its only information that you get from visiting any website.
there is nothing nasty going on. Lets look at it this way: why am I wasting my money building all these top notch products to do nasty stuff for it all to back fire? it makes no sense! We are so sensitive to our users, we don't even send them emails promoting our own stuff! We even stopped asking for email addresses!!! Where as our competitors blasts them with advertising on their emails!
The bottom line is: Our success is hurting our competitors and they are throwing sh*t, hoping it would stick.... well... it won't! Because we Comodo is doing in providing top notch protection for free is a good cause and they can't stop good people doing good things. Thats what I believe in!
its google analytics. thats how we analyse our websites/forums to see which pages are working which are not etc. basic web design stuff that google makes available for free to everyone.
Just go to any other website that has google analytics and see what it does! you will find that its very much like ours. There simply is no link between our products and google analytics. for clarification FUD is not that we don't have HTTPS thanks to google analytics but other FUD that others are trying to spread by starting threads that spreads FUD. (STEM: yours is not FUD, yours is a factual statement )
说到底,攻击 Comodo 的某些人,他们拿不出哪怕一丝证据,只能通过FUD 来恐吓 Comodo 的用户和潜在用户。
他们的理论就是,像 Comodo 这样在个人用户安全领域提供完全免费的安全产品,就是为了某些不可告人的目的。是为了收集用户隐私,然后为自己的盈利商业项目服务。
我想说:1. Comodo 是世界第二大数字认证公司,它的主营业务是保证网上交易的安全,就是包护个人隐私。一方面靠保护个人隐私盈利,一方面又用免费的个人安全产品收集隐私,这不符合常理。
2. Comodo 在个人安全领域的人员、资金的投入,完全的产品线,最近收购BOClean,全力研发 Comodo Firewall V3;认为 这些是为了收集隐私,为了不可告人的目的的想法,我只有一个评价:你也太S十三了。为了收集个人隐私,值得这么大的投入,不能用其他更有效、隐蔽的办法?Comodo 的决策人员和开发人员脑袋坏了?你丫去告别人有罪,可是拿不出任何证据;反过来还要别人拿出证据,证明自己无罪,那有这么便宜的事。谁质疑,谁举证,如果你怀疑一切,谁又能为你完成一切证明?
3. 这世界,不仅有人提供免费的软件,而且还开放源代码。呵呵,像GNU、像Stallman所做的一切,更是某些小人所不能理解的。不要以为Comodo 没有OS,Comodo 有自己的OS,是 Trustix Linux,开放源代码、免费,并且是世界上最安全的用于服务器上的Linux (之一)。是不是使用开源的Linux 的服务器也收集用户隐私呢?
Comodo 为什么要提供完全免费的安全产品,你看一下,一年多前,有谁知道 Comodo 的品牌。那么现在呢? 就是这么简单。
在个人防火墙品质上无法超过 Comodo,价格上又不能免费,也只能来这手,FUD。一年前,你们说 Comodo 是做间谍软件的;今天只不过换了种说法。所有这一切,还是让时间去检验。
[ 本帖最后由 ubuntu 于 2007-8-8 22:56 编辑 ] |