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[其他相关] McAfee Agent 5.0.3

发表于 2016-5-10 08:09:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
https://kc.mcafee.com/resources/ ... n-prem_rn_en-us.pdf

New Features

This release of the product includes these new features.
Custom properties in registry
Custom properties for McAfee Agent are available in Windows registry in read-only mode. Now you can
assign these custom properties using maconfig or frminst commands.
Hash Validation on policy objects
Through hash validation, additional integrity and authenticity is added for policy objects that are
downloaded from McAfee ePO. If the policy object is corrupted while downloading, then it is discarded.

Resolved issues
These issues are resolved in this release of the product. For a list of issues fixed in earlier releases,
see the Release Notes for the specific release.
• This release includes OpenSSL 1.0.1q. (1097443)
• The McAfee Agent TLS/SSL cipher suite is updated to match McAfee ePO. (1107699)
• This release fixes a vulnerability to a Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attack vector. (1057116)
• This release fixes an inappropriate administrator access. (1060767)
• This release of the McAfee Agent upgrades from SHA-1 to SHA-2 certificates. (1066163)
All McAfee Agent DLLs and EXEs are ASLR enabled. (1089864)
• This release fixes the encryption algorithm for AES-128. (1124597)
• McTray is now protected even if self-protection is disabled for McAfee Agent from McAfee Endpoint
Security. (1094012)
2• This release fixes the protected resource access bypass vulnerability in McAfee Agent. See Security
Bulletin SB10151 for more details. (1106774, 1110392)
• License key is no longer visible in plain text. (1074192)
• This release includes the updated libcurl that fixes the vulnerability described in CVE-2016-0755.
• The McAfee Agent has addressed a libuv.dll issue that prevented MARService.exe from starting
as a service. (1104711)
• In some situations, with LazyCache enabled SuperAgent Distributed Repository in McAfee Agent,
macmnsvc.exe denies access to update sitestat.xml. This issues is resolved as part of this
release. (1116405)
• The replica.log periodically gets corrupted with LazyCache enabled SuperAgent Distributed
Repository. This resulted in update attempts to fail from the repository. McAfee Agent now ensures
that replica.log does not corrupt and updates from SuperAgent Distributed repository using
LazyCache is successful. (1106754)
• In some situations, when the SuperAgent Distributed Repository is enabled on McAfee Agent,
macmnsvc.exe sustains high CPU usage. McAfee Agent now does not consume high CPU while
serving the contents to the client nodes. (1088364,1100992,1117311)
• On systems running Windows XP Service Pack 3 in Czech or other double byte character languages,
McAfee Agent does not install. This issues is fixed as part of this release. (1100089)
• McAfee Agent no longer causes a bug check when installed on Windows that is configure with
non-uniform memory access (NUMA). (1096310, 1099571)
• McAfee Agent successfully installs on a systems with double-byte system administrator user
account. (1083853)
• McAfee Agent works as expected after you upgrade to Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11) from Mountain
Lion (10. 8), Maverick (10.9), or Yosemite (10.10). (1085179)
• McAfee Agent can now be directed to a different server while installing with the framepkg installer
using /SiteInfo switch. (1100606)
• The McAfee Agent now preserves the symbolic link created during McAfee Agent 4.8.x installation
in the Agent registry. Now, upgrade from 4.8.x to 5.0.3 is successful in self-managed mode.
• McAfee Agent now displays the restart prompt only once while the Security Innovation Alliance
(SIA) partner products are deployed. (1132278)
• The Agent status monitor showed Agent failed to enforce policies even though the policies are
assigned. This issue is fixed as part of this release. (1102224)
• This release fixes the issue with policy data for McAfee products in double-byte characters
appearing corrupted. (1056539)
• The McAfee Agent intermittently failed to generate properties and enforce policies. This issue is
fixed as part of this release. (1079682)
3• The McAfee Agent no longer sends property collection and policy enforcement failure events to
McAfee ePO right after system startup. The events are sent after a delay of approximately 5
minutes. (1072690)
• The McAfee Agent ignored the policies that excluded a proxy. This issue is resolved as part of this
release. (1099165)
• Policy enforcement is now successful on MessageBus-integrated McAfee products after the system
restarts. (1119573)
• McAfee Agent now enforces correct policies even if the previous policies are deleted. (1102166,
• This release of McAfee Agent includes enhancements for the events generation policy enforcement.
• The McAfee Agent does not enforce policies on client nodes if Policy Enforcement status is set to
Not Enforcing. (1103931)
Client tasks
• The McAfee Agent ignored the duration value given in the Stop Task After option for the Run Client Task
Now operations. This issue is resolved as part of this release. (1106318)
• McAfee Agent 5.0.x tasks run on schedule irrespective of Daylight Saving Time transition.
• These Run missed task issues are resolved as part of this release:
• Missed tasks are no longer ignored by the scheduler and runs the task as configured (1089861)
• Task that missed to execute at the scheduled time, runs during the set missed interval only.
• Tasks executes as scheduled when the system wakes up from hibernation. (1100511, 1118611)
• Tasks executes on the set schedule even if the effective date is before the current date.
• After an upgrade from MA 4.8.x to MA 5.0.3, tasks that are migrated executes as schedulesd
irrespective of the agent-server communication. (1103134)
• The McAfee Agent now sends the correct day of the week value. (1099223)
• In some situations, when you upgrade from McAfee Agent 4.8 to 5.0.x, obsolete client tasks are
carried over and executed by McAfee Agent 5.0.2 and earlier versions. The Agent installer now runs
a cleanup process to remove any obsolete client tasks before the upgrade. (1098574)
• One-time client tasks execute successfully in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). (1128388)
Other fixes
• In some situations, McAfee Agent failed to communicate with McAfee ePO on an environment that
doesn't allow IPv4, such as Microsoft DirectAccess. This issue has been resolved as part of this
release. (1097365)
• The MsgBusCertUpdater task no longer show Logger failed to open catalog file after the task is
completed successfully. (1103491)
• cURL connections went into infinite loops and masvc.exe caused a memory leak if the wrong
credentials were set to access the proxy. This issue is fixed as part of this release. (1119128)
• McAfee Agent no longer causes third-party applications (ShipManager.exe) to crash on Windows
systems. (1075092)
4• If the McAfee Agent received a loopback address, it initiated an infinite agent-server
communication. This issue has been resolved as part of this release (1080143, 1091188).
• The McAfee Agent successfully uploads the user information provided in double-byte characters to
McAfee ePO. (1082862)
• McAfee Agent now reports the McAfee Email Gateway appliance as an appliance for all platforms.
(1092897, 1085077)
• On Mac OS X 10.10.4 systems, the McAfee Agent failed to communicate with McAfee ePO after a
restart. This issue is resolved as part of this release. (1085984)
• McAfee Agent no longer replaces extended characters with a "?". (1091466)
• Now McAfee Agent reports the IP address that is used to communicate with the McAfee ePO server.
• On Mac OS X systems, McAfee Agent stopped communication with McAfee ePO when thread
synchronization failed. This issue is resolved as part of this release. (1094070)
• Windows Firewall rules are set for macmnsvc.exe. (1081453)
• McAfee Agent successfully resumes installation tasks after a restart. (1086099)
• For updates, McAfee Agent now follows the repository order listed on the McAfee Endpoint
Protection for Mac console. (1086099)
• Event filters are now correctly enforced. (1102843)
• This release of McAfee Agent resolves the installation hang issue found while installing McAfee
products with legacy integration. (1109726)
• When the system is connected to Microsoft DirectAccess, the McAfee Agent was unable to ping a
repository and fallback to the default priority list after the ping is timed out on all repositories. This
issue is resolved as part of this release. (1087198)
• During property collection, the McAfee Agent no longer waits for an non-responsive plug-in.
• The McAfee Agent logs appear properly in the Compatibility view in Internet Explorer when
accessed using Show Agent Log from McAfee ePO. (1102696)
• The McAfee Agent now allows using the Query of Agent action. (1097375)
• The McAfee Agent in self-managed mode, now follows the defined repository order to fetch
updates. (1058314)
• The McAfee Agent now displays the correct date format for Japanese systems. (1047692)
• McAfee Agent now recognizes existing WiFi connection without restart of Agent services. (1097455)
• macmnsvc.exe does not crash after running update task. (1094401)
• macmnsvc.exe does not crash if tasks are modified by McAfee products locally. (1065673)
• On Mac OS X, when you upgraded McAfee Agent using McAfee Smart Installer, the agent was installed
with a new GUID. Now the agent GUID is maintained during an upgrade. (1126507)
• The McAfee Agent database does not become corrupt when multiple threads access it concurrently.
5• Partner products that are integrated through Security Innovation Alliance (SIA) program can
generate events successfully. (1132256)
• Now, the McAfee Agent with Peer-to-Peer server capability, can serve content to more than one
client nodes. (1132528)

发表于 2016-5-10 13:27:27 | 显示全部楼层

或者从EPO 控制端上得到ma503的镜像文件后,由EPO控制台生成新的framepkg.exe文件推送到vse客户端侧,完成升级。
发表于 2016-5-10 13:33:25 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2016-5-10 14:57:42 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-10 15:55:41 | 显示全部楼层
ly910326 发表于 2016-5-10 13:27

或者从EPO 控制端上得到ma503的镜像文件后,由 ...

发表于 2016-5-10 16:18:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ly910326 于 2016-5-10 16:20 编辑
欧阳宣 发表于 2016-5-10 15:55

小企业都是被牵着鼻子走的。mes 只能支持Windows平台

vse就完全不一样了,属于店大欺客模式,McAfee也不敢强推,毕竟vse支持不同版本的操作系统,在同一个epo 管理之下。

ep. ma503win.zip有愿意自己单机尝试的,可以提供度盘分享
 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-10 16:32:48 | 显示全部楼层
ly910326 发表于 2016-5-10 16:18
小企业都是被牵着鼻子走的。mes 只能支持Windows平台

vse就完全不一样了,属于店大欺客模式,McAfee ...

发表于 2016-5-10 16:52:54 | 显示全部楼层
欧阳宣 发表于 2016-5-10 15:55

我设置每周一 三 五自动更新,但经常性更新抽风,有时不得不手动更新成功。目前我的MA还是5.0.2.188,看看明晚自动更新如何再说。。。。
发表于 2016-5-10 16:54:06 | 显示全部楼层
欧阳宣 发表于 2016-5-10 16:32

发表于 2016-5-11 07:18:42 | 显示全部楼层
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