楼主: ysj963

[讨论] 三鹿零还是有发展前景的

发表于 2016-10-12 15:40:58 | 显示全部楼层
ysj963 发表于 2016-10-12 14:13
我说的就是智能主防 基础上再给用户添加规则的空间 ,我说了三遍 ,你怎么就是不懂呢,就是默认不用用 ...

 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-12 15:51:23 | 显示全部楼层
a17273896 发表于 2016-10-12 15:40

发表于 2016-10-12 16:31:29 | 显示全部楼层
ysj963 发表于 2016-10-12 15:51
本来就是装好就能用,只是让360改进下主防规则,同时给用户能添加规则的选项,现在卡饭都是小白吗?听不 ...

发表于 2016-10-12 17:26:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 猪头无双 于 2016-10-12 17:35 编辑
ysj963 发表于 2016-10-12 14:13
我说的就是智能主防 基础上再给用户添加规则的空间 ,我说了三遍 ,你怎么就是不懂呢,就是默认不用用 ...

发表于 2016-10-12 17:48:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 猪头无双 于 2016-10-12 17:50 编辑
ysj963 发表于 2016-10-12 14:13
我说的就是智能主防 基础上再给用户添加规则的空间 ,我说了三遍 ,你怎么就是不懂呢,就是默认不用用 ...





To protect computers, the majority of heuristic detection, including the Bitdefender B-HAVE heuristic engine, temporarily delay applications from starting while the code is executed in a virtual environment that is completely isolated – or sandboxed - from the real computer. If no suspicious behavior is observed, the computer is instructed to start the application normally. On the other hand, if suspicious behavior is observed, the program is blocked from executing. The entire process happens in fractions of a second and so has practically no impact on either the user experience or perceived performance. In order to be even more effective, Bitdefender uses   application reputation, a form of white listing, for having more lightweight heuristics for applications that are known likely to be safe.    Application reputation is kept intact for false positives with frequent updates from Bitdefender cloud.

       为保护计算机,大多数启发式检测,包括Bitdefender B-HAVE启发式引擎,会暂时延迟应用启动,并将代码在完全与真实计算机隔离的虚拟环境或沙箱中执行。如果没有观察到可疑的行为,计算机被引导至正常启动应用。反之,如果观察到可疑的行为,程序将被阻止执行。整个过程发生在很短的时间内,因此几乎不会对用户体验或性能造成实际影响。为了进一步提高效率,Bitdefender使用了应用信誉——一种白名单,对已知很可能为安全的应用进行轻度启发式检测。应用信誉通过Bitdefender云端频繁更新保持完整性并降低误报。
tep 1: Each time a file is accessed, copied or downloaded via Web, Email or Instant Messenger, the file is intercepted by either the Bitdefender File System driver or the appropriate proxy and sent for scanning;


Step 2: The file is checked against the Bitdefender Signature Database (a database of malware “fingerprints”) that is updated in an hourly basis. If the file’s content matches one of the signatures, the product automatically tries to disinfect the threat. If this action fails, the file is moved into quarantine. If no signature is matched, the file is sent to B-HAVE1 to be checked.


Step 3: B-Have checks the file by running it in a virtual environment inside the Bitdefender Engine, designed to emulate the behavior or an actual computer. If the file exhibits suspicious, malware-like activity, B-Have reports the file as malicious. If not, the file is declared clean and the process is allowed to run;


Step 4: Active Threat Control monitors actions of specific processes as they are running in the OS. It looks for behavior specific to malware and assigns a score for each process based on its actions and the context in which those were done. When the overall score for a process reaches a given threshold, the process is reported as harmful. Depending on the user profile, it is either terminated to isolate and remediate the threat or the user is prompted to specify the action that is to be taken (depending on the settings profile of the Bitdefender product). User profiles are product specific. Usage of user profiles may vary in products.


发表于 2016-10-12 17:58:28 | 显示全部楼层

再看看主防的另一种模式——FS的deep guard


本帖最后由 欧阳宣 于 2015-11-24 13:50 编辑

3. More about DeepGuard DG更多细节

Put simply, DeepGuard observes an application’s behavior and prevents any potentially harmful action from successfully completing. The apparently simple nature of this task belies its importance however, as this proactive, onthe-fly monitoring and interception serves as the final and most critical line of defense against new threats, even those targeting previously unknown vulnerabilities.

Behavior-based analysis addresses the Achilles’ heel of signature-based scanning: the need for analysts to have an actual sample of the malware in order to create the signature to identify it. Given the huge numbers of malware constantly being created and distributed, new threats will often be able to successfully infect at least one victim in the wild before most antivirus labs are able to acquire a sample, analyze it and issue a detection.

Behavior-based detection covers that crucial gap between the first appearance of new malware and the first signature detection being issued for the threat. By moving the focus from unique physical characteristics to patterns of malicious behavior, DeepGuard can identify and block programs performing harmful actions, even before an actual sample has been acquired and examined.

For example, out of all Zeus crimeware infection attempts reported in April 2013, 80% involved previously unseen variants. In those cases, DeepGuard successfully prevented infection by recognizing the file’s malicious behavior and blocking the attack. Subsequently, signature databases were updated to identify these samples, but for users facing new threats, DeepGuard’s proactive analysis provides immediate protection against infection.

In 2011, an entirely rewritten DeepGuard engine was introduced that included (among numerous other improvements) a switch from using hard-coded scanning logic to an updateable detections database. Response Labs analysts constantly monitor the threat landscape and analyze the latest threats in order to determine the best way to identify malicious behavior. Being able to update the scanning engine with the results of this research keeps DeepGuard consistently effective against the latest threats.

Given the short-lived nature of most malware variants, signature detections tend to have narrow windows of effectiveness before the malware they detect ‘expire’. In contrast, DeepGuard detections  can effectively identify malware over a much longer time period, as malware behavior is much less mutable. For example, on 12 July 2012, DeepGuard was updated with one new detection, while the signature database received 600 new additions. Nine months on in March 2013, tests run using the same database set against a random collection of more recent malicious samples showed the DeepGuard detection blocking 12 times more infections of the newer malware than the ‘aged’ set of signature detections.

The proactiveness and longevity of DeepGuard detections is illustrated in Chart 2 (above), which is based on detection statistics from F-Secure’s internal systems for Urausy ransomware variants. The DeepGuard detection was able to identify variants (and therefore block attempted infections) earlier and continued to do so for longer, while the equivalent signature detection peaked and then declined rapidly, as newer Urausy variants appeared. (The reason for the signature detection’s higher peak is due to it being a previous defense layer to DeepGuard. Had those signature detections been missed, it would have been DeepGuard with the high peak.)

DeepGuard’s updateable detection logic is especially useful in countering attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in installed programs in order to run malware on a machine. In such cases, the dropped malware itself can be spotted and blocked by signature or behavior-based scanning. To halt the attack at an even earlier stage however - that is, at the point of exploitation - Response Labs analysts examine the exploit mechanism for tell-tale actions or behavior patterns, and then incorporate the research results into DeepGuard’s scanning engine. It is then able to pinpoint and block suspicious actions that bear the hallmarks of a vulnerability exploit attempt, preventing malware from being dropped on the machine at all.

By taking into account characteristic exploitation mechanisms as well as the features and behavior of malware being dropped on the system, DeepGuard can effectively identify and block threats on the fly, even when faced with totally new malware targeting zeroday vulnerabilities.

4. How DeepGuard works DG的工作方式

DeepGuard’s behavioral analysis is activated by two events. When a program is launched for the first time, DeepGuard analyses it to determine if it is safe to run. Subsequently, DeepGuard continues to monitor the program while running.

4.1 Pre-launch analysis 启动前分析
When a program is first executed, regardless of how it is launched (the user clicks the file icon, an e-mail attachment or program initiates it, etc.), DeepGuard temporarily delays it from executing in order to perform the following checks:

File reputation check 文件信誉检查
If an Internet connection is available, DeepGuard sends a query to the Security Cloud (see page 4) to check for the latest information on the program’s reputation in the clean file database, which contains the latest security evaluations for a vast catalog of commonly used applications. This database is maintained and constantly updated by Response Labs analysts. Programs that have been rated as clean in the database are allowed to bypass additional checks and launch immediately, whereas known malicious files are blocked at once.
如果网络连接可用,DG会发送请求至Security Cloud,查看程序在白名单数据库中的信誉信息。数据库中则包含针对一个巨大的常见软件库的最新安全评估信息。数据库本身也是由分析师一直维护的。被分类为干净的程序被允许立即跳过其它检查,直接启动,但已知的危险文件则会被阻挡。

For the user, the clean file cloud lookup functionality offers a number of advantages. Being able to use the security verdict for a known file from the clean file database not only removes the burden of identifying unknown or unfamiliar programs as legitimate or malicious from the user, it also means unnecessary security checks on clean files can be avoided. At the same time, by reducing to a manageable level the volume of software that needs to be individually evaluated, the ability to still white- or black-list selected programs becomes more meaningful. And finally, even when the product’s signature databases are outdated or rarely updated, DeepGuard can still use the most up-to-date file reputation information to fine-tune its analysis.

Behavioral analysis 行为分析
If the program is flagged as suspicious during the file reputation check, or if Internet access is unavailable, DeepGuard executes it in a virtual environment and observes its behavior for malicious actions, such as attempting to self-replicate, edit or delete critical system files, and so on.  
Response Labs analysts continually research and update DeepGuard’s scanning logic with detections for the most effective behavior patterns needed to spot malware. These detections may identify specific malware families (which typically share similar features or behavior) or they may more generally identify suspect actions, such as attempting to hide from process enumeration programs, which are indicative of malicious intent. The analyst’s ability to tweak DeepGuard’s engine in this manner permits an element of human discretion and flexibility, to provide a more fine-grained and ultimately more accurate analysis.

Prevalence rate check 共用率检测
DeepGuard includes a module that focuses on a file’s prevalence rate. Clean files typically have thousands or millions of users, making them highly prevalent. In contrast, malware samples are comparatively rare. According to statistics generated from F-Secure’s internal systems monitoring known threats, in a random sample of malicious programs found in the first four months of 2013, 99.7% of the threats were rarely seen in our user base. Rare or new files are automatically considered more suspect and subjected to greater scrutiny during the subsequent process monitoring stage.

Judgement on execution 运行时的决策
Based on the file’s reputation and behavior during emulation, DeepGuard makes one of four possible judgements:

a) The file is malicious and blocked -程序有害,拦截
b) The user is given the option to allow or deny the launch -用户会收到提示,并选择允许或阻止运行
c) The file is clean and allowed to execute -文件安全,允许运行
d) The file’s status as clean or malicious is still unknown -文件的状态仍然未知

If the file is blocked from launching, a notification message is displayed (see Image 1, previous page) providing additional details and an option to whitelist the program, if so desired.

If the status of the file is still unknown, DeepGuard allows the file to execute but continues to monitor it during the subsequent process monitoring stage.

4.2 During application execution 程序运行中

Even after a program has successfully passed pre-launch analysis and is executed, DeepGuard continues to monitor its behavior as a precaution against delayed malicious routines, a common tactic used by malware to circumvent runtime checks. This form of quiet vigilance also allows DeepGuard to provide constant protection for the user without visibly intruding on their experience by displaying excessive prompts.

Process monitoring Applications are monitored for a number of suspicious actions, including (but not limited to):
•        Modifying the Windows registry -修改注册表
•        Editing files in certain critical system directories -在关键系统目录编辑文件
•        Injecting code in another process’s space -在另一个进程的内存空间插入代码
•        Attempting to hide processes or replicate themselves -尝试隐藏自身,或复制自身

As legitimate programs will also perform such actions from time to time, DeepGuard does not red-flag a program on the basis of a single action but instead watches for multiple suspicious operations. Once a critical threshold of suspect actions is reached, DeepGuard will block the process from continuing.

If available, file reputation and prevalence rating information from the Security Cloud is taken into account to determine this critical threshold. For example, DeepGuard treats files with a low-prevalence rating more aggressively by lowering the critical threshold of suspicious actions that can be performed before the file is blocked.

发表于 2016-10-12 18:08:52 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2016-10-12 18:23:04 | 显示全部楼层
猪头无双 发表于 2016-10-12 11:57
楼主你懂什么叫HIPS吗?HIPS都加强了,哪家杀软还能兼容啊?你找个杀软来搭配一下comodo的HIPS?而且com ...

发表于 2016-10-12 18:25:05 | 显示全部楼层
ysj963 发表于 2016-10-12 14:13
我说的就是智能主防 基础上再给用户添加规则的空间 ,我说了三遍 ,你怎么就是不懂呢,就是默认不用用 ...

发表于 2016-10-12 19:48:41 | 显示全部楼层
f59375443 发表于 2016-10-12 18:23


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