本帖最后由 qftest 于 2019-1-12 10:25 编辑
ERP v4难产,test30了仍迟迟未能推出正式版,有同学就问我有没有类似软件可推荐,想拿来防止被偷偷安装流氓软件、后台静默滥用脚本以及利用系统程序做坏事,要求兼容性好+免费+操作简单+流畅轻巧+排除方便+......
当时我就说, OSArmor要不要!
Monitor and block suspicious processes behaviors to prevent infections by malware, ransomware, and other threats. This security application analyzes parent processes and prevents, for example, MS Word from running cmd.exe or powershell.exe, it prevents ransomware from deleting shadow copies of files via vssadmin.exe, it blocks processes with double file extensions (i.e invoice.pdf.exe), it blocks USB-spreading malware, and much more. It monitors commonly exploited processes (such as MS Office, Java, Web Browsers, Adobe PDF, Flash, etc) and blocks suspicious child processes, blocking the exploit payloads and thus preventing the malware infection.
———— NoVirusThanks
OSArmor(以下简称OSA)为系统添加了一个额外的保护层,作为一款免费的基于规则的安全辅助软件,与同宗的ERP不同的是,OSA内置了500多条规则以阻止恶意程序行为和提高系统安全,普通用户几乎无须修改默认设置,就象作者说的“You don't have to configure anything, just install it and forget about it.”(安装它,忘记它),如果对系统环境非常了解,还可以勾选启用高级规则甚至手动添加自定义规则给予系统更好的保护
you should make sure that OSArmorDevSvc.exe, OSArmorDevUI.exe, OSArmorDevCfg.exe and OSArmorExcHlp.exe are allowed/excluded in the HIPS settings.
All OSArmor .EXE files are located in C:\Program Files\NoVirusThanks\OSArmorDevSvc\
https://www.wilderssecurity.com/ ... -of-defense.398859/
在主界面或托盘图标右键点击“open configurator”都可以进入OSA设置
1、Main Protections 主要的保护项目
With default settings enabled you gain a good additional layer of defense, it blocks VBS/JS/VBE/WSF scripts, MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint/etc exploit payloads, COM/PIF processes, and much more.
This way you drastically reduce the possibility of getting infected by ransowmare, malware, trojans, etc spread via emails, scripts, maldocs, .pdf.exe, etc.
2、Anti-Exploit 漏洞保护
With the "Anti-Exploit" module, OSArmor protects a process by monitoring the child processes using smart internal rules, thus blocking the exploit payload.
3、Advanced 高级规则
By enabling some or most of the Advanced options (recommended only to experts) you can increase the protection layer.
4、Settings 设置
另,由于LZ不喜欢OSA自带提示音所以换了一个,可以覆盖为C:\Program Files\NoVirusThanks\OSArmorDevSvc\loon.wav
5、Exclude 白名单
OSA添加白名单很简单——系统运行过程中触发OSA规则、右下角弹窗报警,如果确认是误拦,直接点击Exclude按扭打开详情界面,然后点击Add to Exclusions即可
This program does not block the ransomware when it is executed manually by double clicking the .exe file, it prevents the infection by a ransomware by blocking the payload of the exploit used to delivery the ransomware.
It works by preventing a malware or ransomware infection in real-world scenario.
You should test it with real-world scenarios:
- Opening a malicious .DOC\.PDF.\XLS.\etc. file used to exploit MSWord\MSExcel\PDF Reader\etc to drop\download and execute a payload (malware\ransomware\etc) in the system
- Visiting a malicious website that exploits a vulnerability (Java\Flash Player\PDF\etc) to download and execute a payload in the system
- And so on. Simply clicking on a .exe file or a .vbs file would not trigger any alert.
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