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[已解决] 看一下卡巴官方对于此次AVC测试的重视态度(KIS2009)

发表于 2008-6-1 22:52:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Interesting the apparent difference caused by reducing the time frame for samples to only one week and the number of samples to under half. Comparison between the November result and this report. Unless of course it is due to a change in the type of samples in backdoors and trojans which need the increased capability of V8 to pick up.

hips is better then the normal heuristics beause it also gives programs a rating. so a program can have 100% danger rating and be blocked without a heuistic verdict (heur....)
about avira being stong...and? avira doesn't have hips, proactive defense, i don't think it even has self defense.

also ifyou look on page 3: it would block 68% of samples

heuristics can not be replaced by HIPS.
HIPS have to make the program running before taking action.
That's more dangerous. And Heur don't have to, It can take part in the on demand scan.

And plus good Heur, we can use another good HIPS to improve further.
Kaspersky should not just depend on HIPS to detect the unknown malware.

This time AVIRA get a advanced+, with FP rate improved a lot.
Heuristics can be improved with high detection rate, and also low FP rate.

no it doesn't, 68 of those applications would have been blocked execution so it's not like you are bocking writing of a registry key, they were blocked. I see no problem with that.

I think v2009 Heur should be improved in the final edition or MP1
Heuristics are always going to be continually improved. It won't stop at final or at MP1/MP2 et al. The emulator can be updated along with other database updates.

Heuristics are always going to be continually improved. It won't stop at final or at MP1/MP2 et al. The emulator can be updated along with other database updates.
That's the great thing about v2009

Kaspersky should not just depend on HIPS to detect the unknown malware.
They don't just depend on HIPS; there's heuristics, PDM and, of course, generic signatures (assuming all are enabled). Whichever of those gets there first and wins the round has gotta be cool.
... but I assume that the emulator level of 500 is not user configurable
"I think I am not allowed to explain how to tweak it to get the emulator at the same level as used in the HIPS." admin, IBK(?)

May I ask what's the point of such a test?
Some may call this "cheating".

Cheers I'm curious how KAV 8 would score on the on-demand comparative test.
Maybe we'll get about 99% again?
May I ask what's the point of such a test?
Some may call this "cheating".
I call it "not understanding a test".
There is a difference is detecting something heuristically at HIPS level and blocking a threat automatically by the HIPS. For example it may mean that 49% are detected heuristically (to make it simple imagine HEUR.Trojan.Generic) and 68% with the HIPS blocked malware (like in the pictures in the PDF). It is described in the report, it has nothing to do with "cheating", so please be more careful with your wording next time. The results are those that you would have got if you would have used the product. If you are not interested to know how much of the 68% would additionally been have detected by the heuristic at HIPS level while you execute the file, just ignore it.

Shame we don't know how much the packer detection contributed :| (IBK, can we have a teeny hint?)
I'm curious how KAV 8 would score on the on-demand comparative test.
Maybe we'll get about 99% again?

well, my observations is that av vendors are quite struggling to catch up with the amount of samples we have this days...

here are some "probably not very reliable" statistics, from me

they are based on data from april 2008 on something over 1.500.000 possible malware files (every file is detected by at least one av scanner)

- this statistics are only informational, av products are NOT directly tested and compared for detection. with other words, this is not done to test and compare av scanners and so the results may very well be buggy (for example old program versions might be used; bad misconfiguration of settings; a bit old signatures;...)

- first number is the number of not detected samples, second number is the % of detected samples from all samples
- why two numbers? i am doing this for quite some time now, before i was always representing only the %, i have now however somehow realized that this is somehow bad because now we have so much samples. few years ago 2% of 100.000 samples was 2.000 not detected samples, now 2% of 1.000.000 is 20.000 not detected samples and so saying something like that an av scanner is not detecting only 2% of samples for the past 5 years just somehow feels like hiding the truth
- i just reinterpret the results (logs). i DON'T do the scanning and i DON'T have the samples, so please don't ask if i can add or retest some scanners
- KAV new heuristics ware NOT used in this scan (with some scanners unfortunately old versions seems to be used)

Avira 48660|96,78
Kaspersky 67946|95,50
Ikarus 83917|94,44
Avast 92343|93,88
F-prot 104299|93,09
Symantec 107063|92,91
BitDefender 117658|92,21
McAfee 126588|91,62
Norman 147024|90,26
Trend 157333|89,58
Microsoft 159869|89,41
AVG 175118|88,40
Rising 243065|83,90
ok here is something new from me, i have put all of my raw data from the past years in excel and got this nice graph

different lines represent different av vendors, except the top (dark blue) line which represents the total number of samples. i am not showing this to compare different vendors but to show some other (maybe interesting) facts that one can get from such an "over time" representation.

- first obvious thing we are able to see is the increase of the number of samples in last year. lately this fact has been represented by few av vendors (for example http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001351.html ), the fact that the number of samples has doubled in one year from what we had before over 20 years. and that seems like some bad news.

- second thing we could see if we would look closely to the graph is the fact the the gap between the top line, that represents the total number of samples and the first line above it, which represent the av that has detected most of the samples, is getting bigger (some number, in year 2004 it was around 4000 missed samples... you can see the latest results in the above table). and that also seems like some bad news.

- third thing we could see is that in 2004 different av scanners had very different results, they ware every ware between 50% and 98%, this day however they are all mostly quite high, despite the guge number of samples we have this days. this however seems as some good news, finally
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 22:54:47 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-2 12:58:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-2 13:01:15 | 显示全部楼层


HIPS比一般的启发更好,因为它还会为程序分级,因此,如果一个程序的Danger Index有100%的话,那么不需要通过启发式判定(heur....)就可以拦截了。AVIRA变强了?AVIRA没有HIPS和前摄性防御,而且我认为它没有自我保护。







[ 本帖最后由 zwl2828 于 2008-6-7 05:40 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-2 13:04:19 | 显示全部楼层
到时候我来翻译吧~你提醒我一下~ [/quote]
thanks 官方又有新回复了~~可以去看看~~地址在昨天AVC报告那个帖子里~
心碎只为情 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-6-2 13:32:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-2 15:06:04 | 显示全部楼层

有趣的藉由为对只有一个星期和样品的数字的样品减少时间框架引起的明显的不同到在一半之下。 十一月结果和这一项报告之间的比较。 除非当然它在后门和需要 V8 的增加能力逐渐恢复的 trojans 中是由于在样品的类型方面的改变。

臀部比较好然后正常的启发 beause 它也给计画一个等级。 因此一个计画能有 100% 危险等级而且没有一次 heuistic 判决被阻塞 (heur....)
有关作为 stong 的 avira。。。而且? avira 没有臀部、积极的防卫, i 不认为它甚至有自己的防卫。

ifyou 也旁观第 3 页: 它会阻塞样品的 68%

启发不能被 HIPS 代替。
HIPS 必须在采取行动之前使计画流动。
那更危险。 而且 Heur 不一定要,它能参加 ON 要求扫描。

而且加上好 Heur ,我们能使用另外的好 HIPS 更进一步改善。
Kaspersky 不应该仅仅仰赖 HIPS 发现未知的恶意软体。

这次 AVIRA 拿一先进的+, 藉由被改良很多的 FP 率。
启发能与高发现率一起改良,而且低的 FP 也评估。

没有它不,那些申请中的 68个被阻塞实行,如此它不,像你正在烈性黑啤酒注册钥匙的写作,他们被阻塞了。 我没有见到那的问题。

我认为 v 2009 Heur 应该在最后的版本或 MP1 中被改良
启发总是去不断地被改良。 它将不在结局或者在 MP1/MP2 等人停止,竞争者能连同其他的数据库更新一起被更新。

启发总是去不断地被改良。 它将不在结局或者在 MP1/MP2 等人停止,竞争者能连同其他的数据库更新一起被更新。
那是棒的关于事物 v 2009

Kaspersky 不应该仅仅仰赖 HIPS 发现未知的恶意软体。
他们并不只是仰赖 HIPS; 有启发, PDM 和, 当然, 一般性的签字.(假定所有的被能够) 无论那一个那些到那里第一而且赢得回合有必须很凉爽。
。。。 但是我承担 500 竞争者水平不是使用者结构的
" 我认为我没被允许解释该如何扭它拿竞争者在那相同的水平当做被在 HIPS 中用。 " 管理,IBK(?)

一些可能呼叫这 " 欺骗 ".

加油我是好奇的 KAV 8 如何会在要求的比较测试上刻划。
也许我们再将会拿大约 99%?  
一些可能呼叫这 " 欺骗 ".
我呼叫它 " 不了解一个测试 " 。
有一种不同正在 HIPS 水平启发式地发现某事而且藉着 HIPS 自动地阻断一种威胁。 举例来说,它可能意指 49% 启发式地 ( 使它简单想像 HEUR.Trojan.Generic) 被发现和用被阻塞恶意软体的 HIPS 68% 。 (相似的在可携式电子文件的照片中) 它在报告中被描述,它与 " 欺骗 " 无关, 因此请下次对你的印字感到更小心。 结果是那些如果你就会用产品了,你就会得到了。如果你没被感兴趣知道多少 68% 会另外地是在 HIPS 根据启发已经发现同高的当你运行文件的时候,仅仅不理睬它。

侮辱我们不知道多少打包机发现有助于 :|( IBK了,我们能有一个极小的暗示吗?)  
我是好奇的 KAV 8 如何会在要求的比较测试上刻划。
也许我们再将会拿大约 99%?

好吧,我的观察是 av 厂商正在相当奋斗赶上我们每天有这的大量的样品。。。

这里 " 或许不是非常可靠 " 一些统计学, 从我

他们从 2008 年四月起在某事之上以数据为基础超过 1.500.000个可能的恶意软体文件 (每个文件被发现被至少一 av 扫描仪)

- 这统计学只有信息, av 产品为发现不直接被测试而且比较。 藉由其他的字,这没被做测试而且比较 av 扫描仪而且因此结果可能非常涌出是多虫的 (举例来说旧的计画版本可能被用; 设定的坏 misconfiguration; 有一点旧的签字;.。.)

- 首先数字是不发现的样品的数字, 秒编号是那 % 来自所有的样品的发现的样品
- 为什么二个数字? i 正在现在做这相当一些时间, 在 i之前总是只有表现那 %, i 现在不知何故然而有了解因为现在我们有这么多样品,这不知何故坏。数几年以前 100.000个样品的 2% 是 2.000 不发现样品, 现在 2%1.000.000 是 20.000 不发现样品和如此叙述某事相似的以便 av 扫描仪没有在仅仅不知何故发现只有样品的 2% 过去 5 年想要藏事实
- i 仅仅重新解释结果 (记录) 。 i 不扫描,而且 i 没有样品, 因此请不要问是否 i 能增加或者再测试一些扫描仪
- KAV 新的启发物品不在这扫描方面用 (与一些扫描仪不幸旧的版本似乎被用)

Avira 48660|96,78
Kaspersky 67946|95,50
Ikarus 83917|94,44
等一下 92343|93,88
F-prot 104299|93,09
Symantec 107063|92,91
BitDefender 117658|92,21
McAfee 126588|91,62
诺曼的 147024|90,26
趋势 157333|89,58
微软 159869|89,41
AVG 175118|88,40
上升 243065|83,90
这里是来自我的新的事物的 ok, i 从过去的数年起已经放所有我的生数据在胜过而且得到这个好的曲线图

除了表现样品的总数的顶端 (深蓝色) 线以外,不同的线表现不同的 av 厂商。 i 没有在表现这比较不同的厂商而且表示一些另外地 (也许有趣) 事实一能拿从如此的一 " 随着时间的过去 " 表现。

- 第一件明显的事物我们能够见到在去年内是样品的数字的增加。近来这一种事实已经被少数 av 厂商 (举例来说 http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/00001351.html) 表现, 事实样品的数字在一年内已经两倍从什么我们有在 20 年内之前。 而且那像一些坏消息。

- 我们会见到的第二件事物如果我们会接近地期待曲线图在最上面的线之间是事实缝隙, 那表现在它,表现已经发现大部份的样品的 av 上面的样品的总数和第一条行, 变得比较大 (一些数字, 在 2004 年内,它是大约 4000个被错过的样品。。。 你能见到在上述的桌子中最新结果). 而且那也像一些坏消息。

-我们可以见到的第三件事物是在 2004 不同的 av 扫描仪中有了非常不同的结果, 尽管我们每天有这的样品的 guge 数字,他们留心 50% 和 98% 之间的每物品,这天,然而他们全部高度地相当大概。 这然而似乎当做一些好消息, 最后
发表于 2008-6-2 19:07:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-2 22:31:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-6-3 00:18:13 | 显示全部楼层
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