是这样的,在今天我用旧的几个KEY在365上升级了成了7。0 KAV的KEY并已经转换成了KEY文件的。可是就是今天我怀疑我的KEY文件给别有用心的人COPY出去,现在不敢给我的客户电脑上激活新的KEY。现在也查不到这KEY有没有给人用过,因为听说你们的KEY有一定的激活次数的。所以我装上去激活后可用使用,但如果某一天客户的电脑在不得不重装系统时,要是这KEY文件不能再次使用的话那我们买正板软件的人不是一定权益也没有?!请问一下你们可以能查得出这些KEY文件有没有被使用过呢?还有就是一个KEY文件最大激活次数是多少次呢?这个我们应该有权知道吧!365网站上只说有激次限制可又没有说最多多少次?那我们这些做IT的不就得小心又小心的去管理这些KEY吗?有时电脑要重装时又不知道这台机的KEY还有多少次的激活次数在提心吊胆的想着是重装还是放着不管??那我们这做IT的连重装电脑的权力也没有了。。。最好是你们可以公开一下到底最大有多少次好吗?完我们IT人的一个心病啊!
PS:Support your good:
For this reason a special too so I do not know if I should give you that the one-mail messages, please see cooler.
This is, today I use the old in several KEY 365 on the upgrading of a 7. 0 KAV and the KEY KEY has been converted into the document. But today I suspect that my KEY documents to people with ulterior motives COPY out, now I dare not to activate the computer, the new KEY. This is also KEY Chabu Dao people have used, because the KEY heard that you have a certain number of activated. So I Zhuangshang Qu activated available, but if a customer's computer in the day had to reload system, if any, when it KEY the document can not be used again if we are to buy software board were not certain rights and interests have not » ! Will you be able to check that these KEY documents have been used? » There is a KEY activation of the largest number of documents is the number of times it » This we should have a right to know! 365 sites that have only stimulated, there is no limit to the number of times that the most » That we do not have to care IT also careful to manage these KEY? » Sometimes the computer does not know when to heavy equipment of this machine KEY how many times the number of activation in the nervous thinking about is whether heavy equipment or放着» » We do this even reinstall the IT computer has no power. . . The best is to open in the end you can have the greatest number of good » End of our IT people a heart disease ah!
If there is the KEY I really used to other people, then I still do not have the power to make these KEY pulled blacklist, and then you supplemented a new, available in a few days old KEY rest of the time it » I think this is very human nature of the protection of the rights and interests of our consumers. I hope you will reply to the message.
PS: English because I will not, therefore, the message to you is out of frustration. Because you in China with the no Support for the sake of our users. Is not humane. GOOGLE I can only use the language of the tools for you The e-mail. Hope you can understand.