在 prot.loc 文件中,有两行:
#evtProcessStop = l_appInfo = nDestPID > 0 ? f_ProcessInfo(nDestPID).Module : appInfo(@1); "close application <b>" + f_AppNameEx(l_appInfo) + "</b> or get access to it with delete privileges"
#evtProcessStop = "stop" + if(@1, " " + $ObjectTypeTextLoCase)
开头都是“ #evtProcessStop ” ,两个不同的语句都使用这个标头,如果被触发并使用到这个语句时,就会产生问题。
hips.loc 文件中的语句:
KLUseBrowserCL = "Use command line of browser"
KLUseBrowserAPI = "Using browser program interfaces"
KLUseDNS = "Using system program interfaces (DNS)"
KLUseBITS = "Using system program interfaces"
prot.loc 文件中的语句:
#evtUseBrowserCL = "use <a onclick(dialog(\"HipsInfo\", p_action(" + @ + ")))>browser command line</a>"
#evtUseBrowserAPI = "use <a onclick(dialog(\"HipsInfo\", p_action(" + @ + ")))>browser hidden function</a>"
#evtUseDNS = "use <a onclick(dialog(\"HipsInfo\", p_action(" + @ + ")))>system function (DNS)</a> for hidden sending of data through the network"
#evtUseBITS = "use <a onclick(dialog(\"HipsInfo\", p_action(" + @ + ")))>system function</a> for hidden sending of data through the network"
report.loc 文件中的语句:
#evtUseBrowserCL = "Use command line of browser"
#evtUseBrowserAPI = "Use browsers API"
#evtUseDNS = "Use DNS system function for hidden sending of data" + ($ObjectText ? " to the network address" : " through the network")
#evtUseBITS = "Use system function for hidden sending of data through the network"
prot.loc 文件中的语句:
314 = "Virus authors use constructor utilities to create new malicious programs and Trojans. There are known constructor tools designed to create viruses for DOS, Windows, and macro viruses. They can be used to generate virus source code, object modules and/or infected files."
314 = "Utilities designed for easier development of computer viruses and their examination for hacking purposes."
这里开头有两个都是:“314” ,重复了,我测试了下,第一个应该是“300”,这样的话在扫描到这种病毒的时候在提示窗口中显示的病毒描述就会出现错误。
100 = "Trojan-ArcBomb (\"bombs\" in archives)"
102 = "Trojan"
103 = "Trojan-AOL"
104 = "Trojan-Clicker"
105 = "Trojan-Downloader"
106 = "Trojan-Dropper"
107 = "Trojan-MSN"
108 = "Trojan-Notifier"
109 = "Trojan-Proxy"
110 = "Trojan-PSW"
111 = "Trojan-Spy"
112 = "Trojan-DDoS"
114 = "Trojan-IM"
115 = "RootKit"
116 = "Trojan-SMS"
100 = "These Trojans are archived files intentionally malformed to sabotage the de-compressor when it attempts to open such file. The affected machine will slow down or crash when the Trojan bomb is triggered, or its disk will be filled with garbage data. ArcBombs are especially dangerous for file and email servers, particularly when incoming data is initially processed automatically: in such cases, an ArcBomb can crash the server."
102 = "This class includes a wide variety of programs that perform actions without the user's knowledge or consent: collecting data and sending it to a cyber criminal, destroying or altering data with malicious intent, causing the computer to malfunction, or using a machine's capabilities for malicious or criminal purposes."
103 = "Currently there is no description available for Trojan-AOL."
104 = "Trojans belonging to this family redirect target computers to specified web sites or other Internet resources without user authorization. Clickers either send the necessary commands to the browser or replace system files where standard Internet URLs are stored (e.g. the 'hosts' file in MS Windows)."
105 = "Trojans of this family download and install new malware, Trojans or adware to the target computer. The downloader then either launches the new malware or registers it to enable autorun according to the local operating system requirements. All these steps are performed without the knowledge or consent of the user."
106 = "These Trojans are used to install other malware on target computers without the knowledge of their users. Droppers install their payload either without displaying any notification, or displaying a false message about an error in an archived file or incorrect version of the operating system. The new malware is dropped to a specified location on local disk (to the root of the C: drive, to a temporary directory, to Windows directories) and then launched."
107 = "Currently there is no description available for Trojan-MSN."
108 = "These Trojans inform their 'master' about an infected computer. Notifiers confirm that a computer has been successfully infected, and send information about its IP address, open port numbers, email address etc. This information may be delivered by email, in a special request to the master's website, or in an ICQ message."
109 = "Trojans of this family function as proxy servers providing anonymous access to the Internet from infected computers. These Trojans are typically used to spread spam."
110 = "This family (PSW — Password-Stealing-Ware) includes Trojans that steal passwords, usually system passwords from target machines. When launched, PSW Trojans search for system files which contain confidential information such as passwords and Internet access telephone numbers and then send that information to email address(es) coded in the body of the Trojan."
111 = "These Trojan spies collect various information about the users of infected computers including keystrokes, screenshots, lists of active applications, and user actions, forwarding the data to their masters. Trojans of this type are often used to steal user identify information related to banking and other online payment systems."
112 = "Currently there is no description available for Trojan-DDoS."
114 = "Currently there is no description available for Trojan-IM."
115 = "Rootkit is a software code or method designed to hide the presence of certain objects within a computer system (processes, files, registry keys, etc.)."
116 = "This type of programs infects mobile phones."
但在扫描到这些不同类型的木马时,提示窗口显示的木马类型都是 102 对应的文字: "Trojan"
木马描述都是 102 对应的描述:
"This class includes a wide variety of programs that perform actions without the user's knowledge or consent: collecting data and sending it to a cyber criminal, destroying or altering data with malicious intent, causing the computer to malfunction, or using a machine's capabilities for malicious or criminal purposes."
既然在语言文件中有对这些木马的分类和描述,在扫描到这些不同类型的木马时在提示窗口就应该出现相对应的木马类型和描述,但现在不管什么类型却都是显示以上相同的描述,这可能是一个bug ,虽然对使用不会有什么影响,但正确显示可以让用户了解这些木马具体会造成什么损害。
[ 本帖最后由 浪滔天 于 2008-9-7 14:54 编辑 ] |