Avira的引擎到底是不是大蜘蛛的引擎争论了好一段时间了,也没有最后搞清楚。今天从官方找到官方详尽信息,我顺便来澄清一下吧。其实小红伞的引擎AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine是Avira的前身H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH在1988年发布第一款Antivir时就已经设计使用的。
关于现在的Avira 的前身之一的H+BEDV
About H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH
Founded in 1988 as a private, limited liability company, H+BEDV is providing protection against computer viruses with continuity, passion and awarded know-how ever since it was founded.1988年成立的有限责任公司。从创立之初H+BEDV就通过持续的、富有激情的、获奖的技术来与计算机病毒抗争。
The company from Tettnang - Germany, near Lake Constance, is specialized in security business solutions for any business size and back-up for all network levels ranging from the computer client to data and e-mail servers or Internet and Intranet gateways.公司总部坐落于德国Tettnang,Constance湖边。公司专注于为任何规模的商务提供计算机安全商务解决方案;为任何网络层次(从计算价客户端到数据和邮件服务器或者互联网和企业网网关)提供支援。
Back in 1988 H+BEDV launched AntiVir® - one of the first professional antivirus programs. Today, a steady number of qualified employees work in the areas of development, virus lab, virus research centre and testing. They permanently update their detection engine, constantly making the most recent updates available thus ensuring the further development of the AntiVir® programs.1988年H+BEDV发布了业界最早的专业杀毒软件之一AntiVir®。现如今H+BEDV在诸如开发、病毒实验室、病毒研究中心和测试中心有为数众多的资深员工。他们持续的更新病毒引擎和病毒定义,以确保AntiVir®的长足发展。
For any further details please contact info@antivir.de or sales@antivir.de .
PS。H+BEDV 的字母H和B代表两位创始人的妻子Hannelore和Betty。
2006年H+BEDV和他的两个姊妹公司Personal Products GmbH 和AVIRA GmbH全部归到Avira名下使用统一品牌。
IT-Security has a new name: H+BEDV turns into Avira
Thu, 02 February 2006
Tettnang, 2 February 2006 – H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH will change its company name and will operate under the new name Avira, starting on 1 March. The renaming signalizes a new chapter in the company history: the producer wants to spur on the market penetration of its proven security solution AntiVir internationally and benefit from the synergy effects. The "Made in Germany" seal of quality will not be affected hereby. 2006年2月H+BEDV改名并且在Avira名下运作。从而使“德国制造”获得有效保障。
Besides H+BEDV, the two sister companies Personal Products GmbH and the homonymous AVIRA GmbH will come together under the trademark of Avira GmbH, which will be headquartered in Tettnang. AntiVir Personal Products has so far concentrated on the security demands of the private users. The first AVIRA GmbH until now focused on the international business customers and provided security solutions on a global scale. With its new identity, the security specialist from Tettnang creates a central contact point for its worldwide private and business customers as well as for the strategic and distributional partners. The synergy effects will be mainly used to further develop the products.除了H+BEDV,另外两个姊妹公司Personal Products GmbH 和AVIRA GmbH全部改为在AVIRA GmbH名下运作。
"AntiVir remains AntiVir as the business and private customer product family is a worldwide acknowledged IT-security brand. The only thing that will change is our manufacturer name, under which we will present our product range from now on. Avira will lead us to a better score on the international market", underlines Tjark Auerbach, CEO from H+BEDV and main shareholder of the sister companies Personal Products GmbH and AVIRA GmbH.
关于Avira的另一个前身--Avira GmbH子公司
Located in Tettnang - Germany, AVIRA aims to provide the "Made in Germany" quality standard, in order to ensure both the high level of customer satisfaction and its solid position on the international market.
AVIRA creates innovative security products, providing its international customers and partners with increased flexibility and ease of solution migration.
To guarantee high quality products right from the beginning, AVIRA benefits from the well-known AntiVir® technology, developed by H+BEDV within more than 15 years of successful activity in the antivirus industry. Avira GmbH使用享有15年以上盛誉的H+BEDV技术,并从中获益。
AVIRA addresses and serves the international market demand offering a unique level of excellence and customer satisfaction. Having the same shareholders, AVIRA and H+BEDV settled their collaboration with a strong positioning in the worldwide security market from the very start.Avira GmbH和H+BEDV有共同的股东,并且从一开始就有坚实的广泛的合作。
The AVIRA products offer ease of use, multi-platform support and the best price/quality ratio. They are especially designed to provide a complete security solution for worldwide home users, companies, educational institutions and Internet Service Providers.Avira的产品提供最佳的性价比,为全世界的家庭用户、企业、教育机构和ISP提供解决方案。
Expanding its activity on the international market, AVIRA is represented by Distributors, Resellers and OEM Partners, on all the continents all around the globe. Nowadays the company counts about 60 employees including a software development subsidiary located in Bucharest - Romania, in addition to the 150 people of H+BEDV who constantly add important value to the international security market.(早先Avira GmbH子公司在罗马尼亚有一个60人的软件开发子公司,同时他们使用德国H+BEDV公司的技术。估计这也是为什么你现在在Avira的官方论坛可以看见有些Guru来自德国,有些来自罗马尼亚的原因。)
Our strong commitment towards quality is securing a privileged position in a fast-evolving market, the key advantage being the outstanding service we offer to our partners and customers.
As a significant part of security industry, AVIRA GmbH established strategical partnerships and continuously increases its efforts for building more cross-advantageous business alliances.
We highly value every suggestion coming from our customers and partners. To submit your comments or to request additional details about AVIRA GmbH please contact us.
Avira Anvitir使用的核心技术概览:
1. The MPT (Multi-Platform) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine 具有跨平台的平台独立性
2. The SIPC (Self-Integrity Program Check) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® 任何时间启动,首先进行自体完整性校验
3. The MLES (Multi Layer Embedded Scanning) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine 对于文件和MIME流进行递归扫描
4. The Smart Scan CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® 对于扫描任务进行智能的冗余分析,避免重复扫描
5. The DBS (Detection Based on Signatures) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine 使用指纹扫描技术以便准确识别病毒
6. The HMD (Heuristics and Macro Detection) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine 使用先进的启发和宏检测技术。识别未知的存在疑似恶意行为和代码的病毒。
7. The PMD (Polymorphic and Metamorphic Detection) Technology
AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine 对于多态性病毒和异构病毒的强大检测机制。由于多态性病毒会不停的改头换面,所以传统基于指纹的检测会无效。于是Avira通过构建特定的执行环境(Generic Decryption Engine),来反复模拟和验证病毒,直至其恶意代码被准确定位为止。对于异构病毒,由于程序代码的位置改变并且文件和内存中不存在特征代码串,从而逃避杀毒。Avira综合使用模拟、启发和X-Ray(X射线)扫描,对其查杀。
8. The NBSQ (Negative Boot Sector Qualifying) Method
AVIRA - AntiVir® Engine 通过特殊的算法和特征比对发现存在恶意病毒的引导区(硬盘、软盘等)。
9. Extensive Malware Database
10. Extensive Malware Recognition
11. The CR (Cleaning and Repairing) Functions
12. Incremental Virus Definitions Updates
Avira Antivir的核心Engine技术详解:
[ 本帖最后由 eyesineyes 于 2008-11-3 21:06 编辑 ] |