Self DefenseAgainst Computer Malware Attack.
We worry about computer been infected with virus,spyware, Trojan or other malware dangerous. Also you didn’t want to get thirtyday trial security software. One totally free computer Self defense softwarewill help you block virus and other dangerous before you download files.
Kingsoft Free Antivirus is tough on malevolent files. All types ofMalware, Spyware, and Viruses are effortlessly deflected by such a streamlinedand powerful antivirus. Kingsoft Free Antivirus must also protect itself fromattack! 金山免费反病毒软件能很好的对付恶意文件。各种恶意代码,间谍软件与病毒都不能躲过这个如此精简和有力的反病毒软件。金山免费反病毒软件也能保护自己免于攻击!
Why do I need theComputer Self Defense Software?
Self Defense effectively protects Kingsoft Antivirusfiles and other relative resources from being attacked or deleted. Self Defenseprotects Kingsoft Antivirus' internal system files, processes, and resourcefiles. Think of the Self Defense tool as Kingsoft Antivirus' immunesystem, it is 'enabled' by default. For the best protection possible, it isbest to keep Self Defense 'enabled'.
In the event you have a program installed on your machinewhich requires Self Defense to be closed, you may configure Self Defense to'exclude conflicting files' from the Options menu. In order to reach theOptions menu, from the Main menus, click “Protection > Self Defense” andthen simply click on 'Detail' link beneath the Self Defense description. If allelse fails, there is an option to 'disable' Self Defense. Self Defense isa kung fu master!
一旦有个在您机器上安装的程序要求自保关闭,您可以在选项菜单中配置自保以“排除冲突文件”。为了配置选项菜单,您只需在主菜单中点击“防护》自我防卫(自保,self defense)”并点击自保描述下的“详细”链接。如果一切都失败了,有一个为'禁用'自我防卫的选项。自保真是一位功夫大师!
Download free antivirus software and defense your computerautomatically. 下载免费的反病毒软件以自动防卫你的电脑。
Using LSP RepairTool –Kingsoft Free Antivirus
LSP Repair Tool Brief
LSP Repair Tool obtains information directly fromWinsock. After this connection is made, applications are able to obtaintransmitting addresses and contents through an LSP. This Repair Tool alsotroubleshoots corrupted LSPs.
LSP Repair Tool In-Depth
LSP stands for Layered Service Provider. An LSP runs"between" the Internet (network) and your browser or e-mail client(network clients). What this means is that, information sent to your computerfrom the Internet (or information your computer sends across the Internet) canbe modified by an LSP.
Currently, there are many malevolent programs which areable to hijack your browser by acting as an LSP. If a hijacked LSP is deleted,you run the risk of damaging your LSP configuration and losing networkconnection. Kingsoft Antivirus' LSP Repair Tool has the power to repair ahijacked LSP and your LSP configuration.
LSP Repair Tool Interface
Once Repair Tool populates its master list of currentLSPs, three options are made available to perform, ' List', 'AutomaticallyRepair', and 'Restore'. Aside from these three options, each LSP's Key Value,File Path, Full Name, Description, and Company (if applicable) are provided aswell.
Using LSP Repair Tool isEasy、
Beneath the Key Value pane, LSP Repair Tool designateswhether an LSP is OK, potentially corrupted, or corrupted.
Sometimes, LSP Repair Tool will designate an LSPpotentially corrupted. In this event, select the LSP in question and click'Automatically Repair'. If repair is not the best solution, LSP Repair Toolwill prompt how you should best proceed.
Free up hard drivespace and speed up your PC.
Your computer creates temporary files during generalusage. The longer you use computer, the more trash files are created. Thesetemporary files take up much needed resources on your hard disk. Using diskcleaner will clear these superfluous temporary files from your computer,providing you more disk space.
You may be looking for a disk cleaner freeware. Look nofurther. Kingsoft Free antivirus includes a built-in a disk cleaning utilityfor Windows users.
This free 'C' diskcleaner offers many useful features which make it a worthwhile download.
Clear the Windows temporary Directory. Wipe clean theCookies folder. Erase files in the Web history folder. Clean user’s TemporaryFolder, etc.
How to clean your 'C'disk and free up hard drive space with Disk Cleaner?
Step 1: Download Kingsoft Free Antivirus, install theprogram, and run it. On the left panel of the main window, click SecurityToolkit. A set of security tools will appear on the right panel. And thenclick Disk Cleaner.
Step 2: In the Disk Cleaner panel popup page, DiskCleaner will begin checking for 'trash' files on your computer.
Step 3: Select items you wish to clear, thenclick Clear files.
Step 4: In the popup dialogue, the number of successfullycleared trash files will be displayed. Click 'OK' to finish theclean.
Disk Cleaner makes it easy to quickly find unwanted fileson your computer. In the Options dialogue, you are able to add, modify, andconfigure folders and file types you wish to clean.
Disk Cleaner detects and clears 'garbage' files from yourcomputer's hard disk. This tool scans your disks quickly and then proceeds tonotify you of all potential garbage files found. You decide which files youwish to be removed. Disk Cleaner is like a search engine for accuratelydetecting and identifying unwanted files on your system.
Disk cleaner freewaredownload
How to ClearHistory Tracks Freely?
Your computer automatically records which websites yousearch. All your visited website addresses, your Google searches, informationentered on websites, files and documents you downloaded, and even programs youran – all are recorded.
Kingsoft Free Antivirus built in History cleanercan delete history keepers.
The History Cleaner is able to clear and repair thefollowing nine types of records on your computer:
1. Addresses listed in IE's History cache..
2. Remaining temporary web files recorded when visiting websites..
3. History records of files visited from the Start menu.
4. History records of files ran from the Start menu.
5.Cookies recorded on your computer when visiting websites.
6. Repair the remnant temporary files in Windows.
6. 修复windows残余临时文件。
7. Erase all records of websites visited.
8. Delete histories from Real One/RealPlayer's play list.
8.删除Real One/Real Player播放列表历史记录。
9. Clear histories from Windows Media Player's play list.
How to set theHistory Cleaner in Kingsoft Free Antivirus
Click Tools--History Cleaner on the main window.
1. In the popup window, select a mode listed on the rightpanel: Overall Clean, Default Clean, etc.
2. If you select a particular mode, an automatic routine will run. If theselected items are still not enough, you may manually select other items to berun.
3. Once you have selected all the items you want cleaned, Click 'Clean now'
One-Click Clear History Notes:
• Some history records are not capable of being clearedcompletely because of Software or System occupations. If you encounter asituation of this kind, close the History Cleaner, and then re-open it and tryagain.
• Restart IE after clearing histories for changes to take effect.
How to Optimizeand Repair Windows System?
System Repair Overview System Repair software is used to fix key items, restore system defaults,and repair damage dealt by any viruses, Trojans, and other malware on yoursystem and on IE. Some items require restarting your computer before changeswill take effect.
System Repair Tool Kingsoft Antivirus equips you with the necessary tools to repair yoursystem of previous damages and of daily maintenance. As our software operateson most Windows systems, a number of titles refer to the same tool: SystemRepair XP, System Repair Vista, Windows System Repair, and Computer SystemRepair.
Using System Repair From the Kingsoft Antivirus main window, select System Repair to populatean entire list of System repair and IE items. From this screen, you are capableof evaluating the Risk Levels and Status of all repairable items on yoursystem. For your convenience, you may check ‘Click here to hide all safeitems’, to view only potentially problematic items. You may also re-populatethe list of repairable items by clicking the Rescan button located at thebottom-right of the window.
How to RepairItems using System Repair
In order to repair an item using System Repair, first loadKingsoft Antivirus if it is not already running. From the main window, click onthe System Repair icon in order to populate a list of items capable of beingrepaired. Possible items to appear in the list are: System Restore Repair,System Registry Repair, Solar System Repair, etc.
Select whichever specific items you wish to repair orSelect All items by checking the box next to ‘System Repair Items’ at thetop-left of the window. IE items can be repaired in the same fashion.
Once all items have been selected, proceed with repairsby clicking the ‘Select an item to repair’ button at the lower-right of thewindow.
Save Your Computerfrom Spyware.
Are you looking for the best free anti spyware softwarefor Windows-based machines? Look no further. Kingsport’s free antivirus software CLOUD isthe best free antivirus for scanning and removing program intrusion. CLOUD isintelligent freeware which detects and removes spyware quickly. CLOUDautomatically protects your computer from spyware.
What is Spyware?
Spyware is a type of 'malware' designed to infiltrateyour computer without your knowledge. It is intrusive software that can bedifficult to detect when present and can be exceptionally difficult to removefrom your system.
Spyware programs record your personal information, suchas your Internet surfing habits and the websites you visit. These maliciousprograms are capable of installing additional software on your system and canredirect your Web browser activity. Spyware changes your computer'ssettings and home pages, causes slower connection speeds, and can result in theloss of Internet connection and the functionality of other programs.
Preventing Spyware isBetter than Curing it
Always have your Anti-spyware software running.Periodically, run a Full Scan of your computer's drives. Scan external drives(USB flash drives and external hard disks) whenever you connect them to yourcomputer. Scan files using Anti-spyware software before downloading them.
Download Kingsoft FreeAntivirus now and scan for possible spyware already on yourcomputer. Prevent spyware which might exist when downloading MSN files. Blockspyware from USB flash Drivers. 下载金山免费反病毒软件,扫描可能已经存在于您的电脑上的间谍软件。防止可能存在于MSN下载文件中的间谍软件。挡住USB闪存盘中的间谍软件。