本帖最后由 ly9327 于 2020-10-23 16:42 编辑
今天我咨询了emsi官方用其他杀软许可证延长授权时间的最新政策,看样子有了授权设备数的要求 ,具体回复如下:
This is Fabio with Emsisoft, thanks foryour message.I would like to understand better yourrequest. From what I read you want to extend theduration of your Emsisoft Enterprise Security subscription using the remainingtime of your GData Internet Security plan. Is that correct? If yes, I can confirm that we generally dothat for Business and Enterprise licenses, but only when these are for 5 users(or more) and with evidence of the remaining license time with the otherantivirus. Your current plan is for 3 users only andwould not qualify for the offer above. 更新:经K大提醒,再次询问官方商务、企业版是否在这个优惠政策和个人版有所不同,官方回复只有商务、企业版有此优惠,个人版没有  最后结论:经K大和emsi官方技术支持负责人沟通确认,证实用其他杀软许可证延长emsi个人版授权的优惠已取消 |