本帖最后由 cxy密斯 于 2016-8-27 07:44 编辑
8.27:很强势,装完vs2015 up3 有dr.web的情况下就蓝了,我还能说什么呢。趋势重新装了下,不蓝了,问题也就没排查到了,还剩个uefi,不敢乱试了
PS:蓝屏界面好像提示api not match??不太记得了
Anti-Virus protects the critical areas of the system that can affect the system restore process, thereby restoring the system can be completed properly.
(see. Preventive Protection - https://download.geo.drweb.com/p ... ents_preventive.htm)
Before performing the recovery, I recommend to disable the antivirus protection components: "Preventive protection", "Self-defense".
1. Disabling components of preventive protection.
Click the Dr.Web icon, select the "Lock" icon, allow execution, click on "Protection components", move the slider to the left to "Preventive protection".
2. Disabling anti-virus defense.
Click the Dr.Web icon, select the "Lock" icon, allow execution, click on "Gear" - Main - Self-Protection, set the switch to the left to "Enable self-protection (recommended)".
3. Then, perform a system restore.
Best regards, Eugen Engelhardt
Doctor Web, Ltd., technical Support department |