收藏本版 (16) |订阅

软件评测&PK区 今日: 0|主题: 389|排名: 110 

[杀软评测] The reviews of anti-virus1——bitdefender attach_img agree  ...23456..9 renyifei 2020-2-3 8119931 裂空我爱杰 2020-3-20 12:05
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】【Home users】The best Windows antivirus software (Dec 2019) attach_img PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-1-28 25643 小Q机器人 2020-2-1 00:31
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】【Business users】The best Windows antivirus software (Dec 2019) attach_img PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-1-28 04889 PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-1-28 16:30
[浏览器评测] 【December 20, 2019】The best web browsers for 2019外媒评测 东方独一 2020-1-3 06044 东方独一 2020-1-3 20:44
[杀软评测] (更新完毕)杀软评测第七期:360 attachment agree  ...23456..7 暗_黑 2019-12-28 6521846 暗_黑 2020-8-25 10:19
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Business Security Test 2019 (August – November) attach_img agree Jerry.Lin 2019-12-18 25989 PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-3-31 14:15
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Enhanced Real-World Test 2019 – Enterprise attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-12-18 15613 小Q机器人 2020-1-11 18:29
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Enhanced Real-World Test 2019 – Consumer attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-12-18 86209 Jomye 2020-1-1 18:39
[杀软评测] [CheckLab.pl] Test of free antivirus (Oct 2019) attach_img agree petr0vic 2019-12-3 35919 裂空我爱杰 2020-2-12 19:04
[杀软评测] 杀软评测第六期:ESET13 attach_img agree  ...23456..8 暗_黑 2019-11-30 7827018 zoudp 2020-3-8 11:39
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Performance Test October 2019 attach_img  ...2 Jerry.Lin 2019-11-16 138342 mr_bean_forever 2019-12-30 23:22
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test July-October 2019 attach_img agree  ...2 Jerry.Lin 2019-11-16 148213 ox400000 2019-12-8 17:17
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Android (September 2019) attach_img petr0vic 2019-10-29 45705 杀毒soft综合征 2019-11-10 06:59
[杀软评测] 杀软评测第五期:Emsisoft-Anti-Malware attach_img agree 暗_黑 2019-10-19 98190 519916277 2019-11-14 19:55
[杀软评测] 9月Win10杀软大PK:腾讯、自带Defender进入第一梯队、双超卡巴斯基 attach_img  ...23 13135536513 2019-10-18 2712306 共同进步 2020-4-2 09:52
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Malware Protection Test September 2019 attach_img agree  ...23 petr0vic 2019-10-16 208921 ox400000 2020-1-13 10:07
[杀软评测] [SE Labs] Home anti-malware protection July-September 2019 attach_img petr0vic 2019-10-5 35260 Jomye 2019-10-16 20:59
[杀软评测] 微点主动防御软件评测 attach_img agree  ...23456..7 你好,再见 2019-10-2 6130214 heavencc 2020-6-4 12:39
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best Windows antivirus software for business users (Aug 2019) attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-9-27 34830 6Y9 2019-10-18 18:31
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best Windows antivirus software for home users (Aug 2019) attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-9-27 64995 杀毒soft综合征 2019-10-17 20:15
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test July-August 2019 attach_img  ...23 Eset小粉絲 2019-9-17 238628 allentong 2019-12-2 01:49
[杀软评测] 杀软评测第四期:SecureAPlus与安天 attach_img  ...2 暗_黑 2019-8-26 178413 暗_黑 2019-11-8 15:01
[杀软评测] 杀软评测第三期:360杀毒 attach_img  ...23 暗_黑 2019-8-18 249692 chenQK 2019-10-16 14:52
[杀软评测] McAfee评测贴 attach_img  ...2 我是电脑迷 2019-8-16 137487 chenQK 2019-10-16 14:52
[浏览器评测] 此贴作废,重新编辑 - [阅读权限 255]agree  ...234 暗_黑 2019-8-16 301970 lsldream 2019-10-18 19:41
[杀软评测] 杀软评测第二期;TX管家 attach_img  ...2 暗_黑 2019-8-16 137536 KEVINZHANG 2020-1-29 22:46
[杀软评测] F-Secure SAFE评测贴 attach_img  ...23 我是电脑迷 2019-8-16 277500 mak999 2020-1-3 22:33
[杀软评测] HitmanPro 不专业评测 attach_img agree  ...23 Willy19928 2019-8-15 288198 sunshiner 2019-8-30 10:45
[杀软评测] 火绒评测 attach_img 我是电脑迷 2019-8-15 75586 6Y9 2019-10-20 23:20
[杀软评测] 费尔杀毒有毒库测试 attach_img agree  ...2 我是电脑迷 2019-8-15 185375 chenQK 2019-10-16 14:53
[杀软评测] 古董秘密杀软智能能力评测 attach_img agree 我是电脑迷 2019-8-15 63643 流风细雨 2019-9-27 08:53
[杀软评测] MalwareBytes评测(免费版) attach_img agree  ...234 我是电脑迷 2019-8-15 3713358 越界56 2019-9-3 09:55
[杀软评测] 杀软第一期评测;360TS attach_img agree  ...234 暗_黑 2019-8-15 3611682 ZelongRan 2019-10-19 18:43
[杀软评测] 国产杀毒大PK:安天智甲 智量 火绒 360TS TX管家 attach_img agree  ...23456 暗_黑 2019-8-2 5933501 七游 2019-10-10 00:39
[杀软评测] [AV TEST]June 2019 The best antivirus software for Windows Home User attach_img 果团团 2019-7-30 73740 hhhhhhxxxxx 2019-8-22 19:34
[杀软评测] 【SE Labs】 Home anti-malware protection April-June 2019 attach_img agree petr0vic 2019-7-17 33220 桑德尔 2019-7-25 15:22
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Business Security Test 2019 (March – June) attach_img petr0vic 2019-7-14 73656 不要脸 2019-8-22 20:13
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Android (May 2019) attach_img petr0vic 2019-7-11 22918 PanzerVIIIMaus 2019-7-25 07:30
[杀软评测] 瑞星安全云终端软件已于今年连续三次通过VB100测评 dg1vg4 2019-7-5 23783 w0798 2019-7-12 09:23
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Win 10 (business) (Apr 2019) attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2019-6-27 109891 njzh25 2019-10-1 21:10
[杀软评测] 【SE Labs】 Home anti-malware protection January-March 2019 attach_img agree petr0vic 2019-6-20 63619 特级战斗英雄 2019-7-3 11:57
[杀软评测] 【AV-Test】The best antivirus software for Android Mobile Device May 2019 attach_img petr0vic 2019-6-20 22550 小Q机器人 2019-6-22 16:56
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test February-May 2019 attach_img agree  ...23 petr0vic 2019-6-17 257012 我就呵呵 2019-6-28 16:07
[杀软评测] MRG Effitas: 360 Assessment & Certification – Q1 2019 attach_img petr0vic 2019-5-21 73161 ,就一个. 2019-6-20 08:31
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Business Security Test March-April 2019 attach_img agree  ...2 Jerry.Lin 2019-5-20 1012170 jslin3 2019-7-10 16:46
[杀软评测] MRG Effitas: Online Banking Certification Q1 2019 attach_img petr0vic 2019-5-17 32657 sunshiner 2019-8-9 13:04
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Performance Test April 2019 attach_img  ...23 Jerry.Lin 2019-5-7 258170 PanzerVIIIMaus 2019-6-25 23:16
[杀软评测] Windows Defender 病毒双击测试!第一期 attachment agree  ...2345 hez2010 2019-4-30 4220297 hackrecluse 2019-10-5 13:51
[杀软评测] March 2019 - The best antivirus software for Android attach_img Gollum 2019-4-17 42683 PanzerVIIIMaus 2019-6-25 23:12
[杀软评测] 消委會網絡安全軟件測試!免費版竟好過付費版?【附評分】 evans168 2019-4-16 63939 小籠包 2019-5-25 23:29
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】Internet Security Suites for Windows 10 Jan/Feb 2019 attach_img petr0vic 2019-4-15 53546 huang1111 2019-4-17 17:55
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】False Alarm Test March 2019 attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-4-12 83305 小约 2019-4-20 22:12
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Malware Protection Test March 2019 attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2019-4-12 184766 小约 2019-4-20 22:07
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test February-March 2019 attach_img agree Eset小粉絲 2019-4-12 63397 kim545 2019-4-16 16:57
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Win 10 (home user) (Feb 2019) attach_img petr0vic 2019-3-29 53197 _唐三藏的格子装 2019-3-30 22:15
[杀软评测] Avlab.pl : Test of software for online banking protection(Feb 2019) petr0vic 2019-3-19 33061 PanzerVIIIMaus 2019-4-14 15:35
[杀软评测] 杀软黑科技 智量 初步评测 attach_img agree  ...23 你好,再见 2019-3-16 2810442 bbs2811125 2019-4-13 16:16
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Android (January 2019) attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-3-13 32892 PanzerVIIIMaus 2019-4-15 17:42
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Android Test 2019 – 250 Apps attach_img Jerry.Lin 2019-3-13 03311 191196846 2019-3-13 10:29
[杀软评测] 一款优秀的过气个人杀毒软件测评——安全地带73.0初体验 attachment agree  ...2 tg123321 2019-3-4 106041 你好,再见 2019-3-16 14:23


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