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软件评测&PK区 今日: 0|主题: 389|排名: 110 

[杀软评测] 五个杀软对跑分的影响 attach_img agree 带刀侍卫 2022-3-11 38774 di4044 2022-5-25 00:08
[杀软评测] 准备测一测杀软对于游戏性能的影响 attach_img agree 784696777 2022-3-11 89122 ICzcz 2022-3-22 10:42
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】 2021AVT奖:最佳IT安全软件 onedrive 2022-3-2 911529 Cpq 2022-5-22 14:41
[杀软评测] 【KaFan-Test】卡饭安全实验室杀软评测 2022 Q1 attachment agree  ...23456..16 vaedzy 2022-2-27 15755634 k28113 2022-5-15 20:29
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] Android Efficacy Assessment – Q4 2021 attach_img petr0vic 2022-2-14 06864 petr0vic 2022-2-14 19:11
[杀软评测] 【AV-Test】business users Windows 10: December 2021 attach_img 诸葛亮 2022-1-27 48765 kuroandsan 2022-2-22 14:27
[杀软评测] 【AV-Test】home users Windows 10: December 2021 attach_img agree 诸葛亮 2022-1-27 37611 Shake2333 2022-2-4 14:17
[杀软评测] AV-C 端点预防和响应(EPR)测试 zwl2828 2022-1-21 27272 bbs2811125 2022-1-28 00:24
[杀软评测] 【avlab.pl】Windows 11 下网络银行场景的攻击测试 attach_img agree anthonyqian 2022-1-20 89514 versex 2022-5-1 19:44
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】2021年度产品 attach_img agree  ...23456..8 anthonyqian 2022-1-18 7628627 vedbend 2022-2-17 16:57
[杀软评测] Advanced Threat Protection Test 2021 – Enterprise 新人帖 attachment agree  ...23 没有名字ssss 2021-12-2 2022364 Mnoonik999 2022-1-5 10:11
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test July-October 2021 attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2021-11-16 1111617 发呆的阿狸~ 2021-11-30 17:00
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】2021年高级威胁防护测试(原增强真实世界测试) attach_img agree  ...2 anthonyqian 2021-11-9 1515651 ikochina 2021-12-13 15:42
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Advanced Threat Protection Test Sep-Nov 2021 attach_img petr0vic 2021-11-9 57846 Moderna 2021-11-15 23:54
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】2021年10月杀软性能测试 attachment agree  ...234 anthonyqian 2021-11-5 3226187 yuchanglin 2022-1-10 14:17
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Business Security Test August-September 2021 - 中期结果 attach_img agree  ...2 anthonyqian 2021-10-16 1514404 哈哈1122334 2021-11-6 17:44
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】2021 年 9 月恶意程序防护评测 attach_img agree  ...23456..12 anthonyqian 2021-10-16 11144805 狼族的呐喊 2021-12-30 00:23
[杀软评测] 【Antiy】再次进军C端,能否重振昔日辉煌----安天智甲&安天杀毒深评测 attach_img agree  ...2 暗_黑 2021-10-6 1213269 ericdj 2021-10-19 19:54
[杀软评测] 【AV-Test】The best Windows antivirus software for home users - Aug 2021 attach_img agree  ...2 anthonyqian 2021-9-28 1611738 anthonyqian 2021-10-9 15:30
[杀软评测] 【奇安信】别让冬奥,成为遗憾——冬奥是题纲?还是考验?奇安信个人级起步作 attach_img agree PanzerVIIIMaus 2021-9-23 710571 决定式~定义 2021-10-19 21:17
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test July-August 2021  ...2 诸葛亮 2021-9-15 1611368 0231421755 2021-10-11 19:50
[杀软评测] 【Dr.Web】纯粹的装甲和火炮!论最后的重型炮舰【修缮完成】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 PanzerVIIIMaus 2021-8-12 7743041 家有小桃子 2024-10-15 08:40
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for business user (June 2021) attach_img agree petr0vic 2021-8-2 87351 aboringman 2021-8-13 21:35
[杀软评测] 15款安卓安全APP测试结果分析 attachment agree  ...23 朦胧的风 2021-7-31 2322590 复负复 2021-9-28 10:18
[杀软评测] [AV-TEST] The best Windows antivirus software for home users(2021-6月) attach_img 诸葛亮 2021-7-29 66582 Mr.NoProblem 2021-8-10 21:00
[杀软评测] 在线程序行为分析工具评测---易用性、准确度、反逃逸能力测试(2021/7/26) attach_img agree  ...23 00006666 2021-7-26 2317164 catsuit 2021-8-23 08:55
[杀软评测] [SE Labs] Home Anti-Malware Protection (2021 Q2) attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2021-7-20 109227 charmingpang 2021-10-18 17:38
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Anti-Phishing Certification Test 2021 petr0vic 2021-7-19 57475 PanzerVIIIMaus 2021-9-8 10:54
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Business Security Test 2021 (March – June) attach_img agree Jerry.Lin 2021-7-16 46162 ICzcz 2021-8-5 16:26
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Mobile Security Review (June 2021) attachment agree petr0vic 2021-7-3 25701 358772850 2021-7-14 09:25
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Android (May 2021) attachment agree petr0vic 2021-6-23 25374 万法皆空 2021-7-22 12:09
[杀软评测] 端点保护平台魔力象限结果(2021年5月) attachment agree zwl2828 2021-6-17 16201 K560987 2021-6-19 21:37
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test February-May 2021 attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2021-6-16 108015 Shake2333 2021-6-25 23:35
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] 360 Degree Assessment & Certification – Q1 2021 attachment agree petr0vic 2021-5-27 46370 aoqiwsw 2021-9-1 17:00
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] Android Efficacy Assessment – Q1 2021 attach_img petr0vic 2021-5-7 05208 petr0vic 2021-5-7 15:58
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Performance Test April 2021 attach_img petr0vic 2021-5-5 86866 1752556164 2021-5-14 21:56
[杀软评测] [SE Labs] Home Anti-Malware Protection JANUARY-MARCH 2021 attach_img petr0vic 2021-4-28 35640 1752556164 2021-5-14 21:58
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Android (March 2021) attachment agree petr0vic 2021-4-27 35436 qw8462 2021-4-28 16:44
[其他软件评测] 翻译软件大比拼 wwwab 2021-4-18 86915 AAAFFFQQQ 2021-8-23 14:43
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Malware Protection Test March 2021 attach_img a233 2021-4-16 96385 klinxun 2021-4-23 23:17
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Real-World Protection Test Feb-Mar 2021 attach_img a233 2021-4-16 55689 klinxun 2021-4-23 22:15
[杀软评测] 【AV-Test】The best Windows antivirus software for home users ( February 2021) attach_img agree 辔繇 2021-3-31 56705 hrh 2021-5-2 12:51
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] 360 Degree Assessment & Certification – Q4 2020 attach_img agree petr0vic 2021-3-2 25635 Shake2333 2021-3-5 22:44
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] Android Efficacy Assessment – Q4 2020 attach_img petr0vic 2021-3-1 25019 小Q机器人 2021-3-2 21:51
[其他软件评测] 【Minerva-Labs】The Curious Case of FlashHelperService attach_img petr0vic 2021-2-25 45521 Shake2333 2021-2-27 19:54
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best antivirus software for Android (Jan 2021) attach_img petr0vic 2021-2-24 15732 Shake2333 2021-2-27 19:55
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】20 Protection Packages Included in the Endurance Test (Jul-Dec2020) petr0vic 2021-2-16 45118 Shake2333 2021-2-19 00:32
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best Windows antivirus software for business users (Dec 2020) attach_img petr0vic 2021-2-6 35420 Domenic 2021-2-14 20:18
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Summary Report 2020 attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2021-1-19 138062 嗜血大叔 2021-2-17 09:16
[其他软件评测] Open-Shell 免费开源兼容性好的经典开始菜单 attach_img akumafan 2021-1-10 56127 小雅2021 2021-5-26 14:08
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] 360 Degree Assessment & Certification – Q3 2020 attach_img agree petr0vic 2020-12-23 25296 _HD作者 2021-2-20 15:54
[其他软件评测] iobit Advanced SystemCare V14 测评 attach_img WAR314159 2020-12-12 16643 kim545 2020-12-22 12:50
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] Android Efficacy Assessment – Q3 2020 attach_img petr0vic 2020-11-28 14560 PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-11-29 07:57
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best Windows antivirus software for home users (Oct 2020) attach_img agree petr0vic 2020-11-25 05080 petr0vic 2020-11-25 21:03
[杀软评测] 【AV-C性能测试】Performance Test October 2020 attach_img agree  ...234 辔繇 2020-11-22 3117193 chncwk 2021-2-10 09:52
[杀软评测] 【AV-C】Malware Protection Test September 2020 attach_img agree  ...2 petr0vic 2020-10-15 138308 a27573 2020-11-19 23:22
[杀软评测] 【AV-TEST】The best Windows antivirus software for home users (Jul/August 2020) attach_img agree petr0vic 2020-10-15 25541 PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-10-17 08:14
[杀软评测] Security Software Evaluation of Avira Antivirus Pro attachment agree  ...23 暗_黑 2020-10-2 2116484 saga3721 2021-2-11 02:32
[杀软评测] 【二三四五】【非评测】听说,2345开始搞安全了? attach_img agree PanzerVIIIMaus 2020-9-17 47025 AIAIAI?? 2020-10-3 18:05
[杀软评测] [MRG Effitas] Android Efficacy Assessment – Q2 2020 attach_img petr0vic 2020-9-16 14687 dongwenqi 2020-9-18 13:30


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