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发表于 2007-6-24 08:11:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:56 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:11:33 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Mail Security Earns InfoWorld's 2007 Technology of the Year Award

Symantec Mail Security Earns InfoWorld's 2007 Technology of the Year Award

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 2, 2007– Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ: SYMC) today announced that its Symantec MailSecurity solution has been selected by InfoWorld Magazine as a 2007Technology of the Year Award winner for Best Anti-Spam Solution.
“We are honored that InfoWorld has once again recognized the superioranti-spam capabilities of Symantec Mail Security, naming it BestAnti-Spam Solution two years in a row,” said Francis deSouza, vicepresident of Enterprise Messaging Management, Symantec Corp. “Thisaward validates Symantec’s commitment to providing our customers withthe most comprehensive protection against today’s fast-growing emailthreats.”
According to InfoWorld’sTest Center analysts and editors, Symantec Mail Security earned a 2007Technology of the Year Award for Best AntiSpam by demonstrating“best-in-class performance with a spam catch rate of more than 97percent.” The publication also stated “it is easy to use and has arelatively low cost per user, with compliance and digital assetsecurity features standard. Great policy-driven filtering and e-mailfirewalls add value to the anti-spam and anti-virus functionality.”
InfoWorld's annual Technology of the Year Awards identifysignificant technologies of the past year that promise to make thegreatest impact on enterprise IT strategies, and honor the productsthat best exemplify the implementation of those technologies. TheTechnology of the Year Awards are not open to outside nominations andfinal selections are made by InfoWorld’s Test Center analysts and editors. Announced in the Jan. 1, 2007, print edition of InfoWorld, the special report can also be found online at http://www.infoworld.com/4841.
Symantec Mail Security offers the most accurate e-mail security,powered by industry-leading Brightmail AntiSpam technology. Innovativee-mail firewall technologies reduce e-mail infrastructure costs byrestricting unwanted connections, while the appliance form factor andautomatic spam filter and virus definition updates enable easy,low-cost deployment and management. With global management,administrators can easily configure, monitor, and report on all e-mailsecurity appliances from a single Web-based console. Content compliancefeatures allow administrators to gain control over inbound and outbounde-mail content so they can enforce internal or regulatory e-mailcontent policies.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:27 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:11:57 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Releases Vista-Compatible Norton Solutions

Norton Internet Securityand Norton AntiVirus Users to Receive Industry-Leading Boost to MalwareDetection Capabilities with “Ongoing Protection” Delivery of SONARTechnology
CUPERTINO, Calif. – January 17, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced that Norton Internet Security, Norton AntiVirusand Norton Confidential will be Vista-compatible in time for the publicrelease of the Windows Vista Operating System for consumers. Users whopurchased Norton Internet Security 2006 and 2007, Norton AntiVirus 2006and 2007 and Norton Confidential designed for Windows XP operatingsystem are eligible for a free Windows Vista compatibility upgrade.
Additionally, the company announced that current subscribers of bothNorton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus are eligible for aground-breaking technology update. Leveraging technology from theWholeSecurity, Inc. acquisition, Symantec Online Network for AdvancedResponse (SONAR) will significantly enhance malware detection andprotect Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus users fromtoday’s increasingly volatile and unpredictable online threat landscape.
“We’ve improved on Norton’s already award-winning protection, and areensuring that customers remain fully protected on the new Vistaoperating system,” said Rowan Trollope, vice president, ConsumerBusiness Unit, Symantec. “Our subscription service model enables us toprovide our customers with cutting edge security technologies such asSONAR as soon as they become available, thereby helping ensure thatcustomers always have the most up-to-date protection.”
SONAR is behavioral detection technology that protects againstmalicious code before standard virus and spyware detection definitionshave been created. Such emerging and unknown malicious code can strikein the form of Trojan Horses, worms, mass-mailing viruses, spyware ordownloaders. While many products use only a limited set of heuristics,SONAR draws from an extensive range of heterogeneous applicationbehavior data which not only greatly enhances detection but alsosignificantly minimizes false positives. For consumers, the result iszero-hour protection from a vast threat spectrum without being botheredwith confusing decision-based prompts. SONAR technology providesprotection against emerging threats in a way that does not compromisethe user experience or require additional system resources. Whendetections are made through SONAR, no user interaction is required.
“What sets SONAR technology apart from the pack is that our method ofheuristics-based detection is so comprehensive and accurate that itboasts a 0.0004% false positive detection rate (4 in 1,000,000 users)of potential threats,” Trollope continued. “This is truly unheard of inthe industry and just another example of Symantec and its Norton brandproviding customers state-of-the-art protection against today’s mostmalicious security threats.”
SONAR will be delivered to all current Norton AntiVirus and NortonInternet Security users via the Ongoing Protection subscription servicemodel. The subscription service includes 12 months of protectionupdates and new product features made available throughout the year inresponse to the rapid evolution of Internet threats and the need forleading edge protection technology. With the purchase of most Nortonproducts, customers are entitled to receive both protection updates andtechnology updates as available for the length of their subscription.
For more information on how to receive the Windows Vista compatibilityupgrade for Norton AntiVirus and Norton Internet Security, please visithttp://www.symantec.com/vistaupdate.*
Pricing and Availability
Norton AntiVirus 2007 and Norton Internet Security 2007 for WindowsVista and Windows XP are currently available for purchase through theSymantec online store at www.symantecstore.comand will become available in various retail locations and onlineretailers in January 2007. Norton Confidential for Windows Vista andWindows XP will be available for purchase through the Symantec onlinestore beginning Jan. 29, 2007 and also through various retail locationsand online retailers in early February 2007.
The suggested retail price of Norton AntiVirus 2007 is US$39.99(includes one-year service subscription to use the product and receiveSymantec’s protection updates). The suggested retail price for NortonInternet Security 2007 is US$69.99 (includes one-year servicesubscription to use the product and receive Symantec’s protectionupdates). Norton Internet Security 2007 can be installed on up to threePCs. Small Office Packs for 5- and 10-users are scheduled to beavailable for both products. The suggested retail price for NortonConfidential is US$49.99 (includes one-year service subscription to usethe product and receive Symantec’s protection updates).
An optional add-on pack with AntiSpam and Parental Controls will beavailable for Vista-compatible Norton Internet Security 2007customerswho desire these features.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States. *Microsoft® Windows Vista™ compatibility update subject to productionrelease of the Windows Vista operating system within the serviceperiod. Separate downloads may be required. For more information, go towww.symantec.com/vistaupdate. See Microsoft for Windows Vista system requirements.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:29 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:12:24 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Reports Preliminary Fiscal Third Quarter 2007 Result

Updates Fiscal Year Guidance
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 16, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced preliminary financial results for the fiscalthird quarter, ended Dec. 29, 2006. Symantec will release actualresults for the fiscal third quarter after the market closes on Jan.24, 2007. The company anticipates GAAP revenue for its fiscal thirdquarter of $1.29 billion to $1.31 billion compared to prior guidance of$1.315 billion to $1.345 billion and compared to $1.149 billion in theyear ago period. The company also anticipates GAAP diluted earnings pershare of $0.10 to $0.11 as compared to the previous forecast of $0.14to $0.15 per share and compared to $0.08 per share in the year agoperiod.
The company anticipates non-GAAP revenue for its fiscal third quarterof $1.30 billion to $1.32 billion compared to prior guidance of $1.325billion to $1.355 billion and compared to $1.253 billion in the yearago period. The company also anticipates non-GAAP diluted earnings pershare of $0.24 to $0.25 as compared to the previous forecast of $0.29to $0.30 per share and compared to $0.26 per share in the year agoperiod. For a reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results, please referto the attached reconciliations.
GAAP deferred revenue is expected to be between $2.42 billion to $2.45billion. Non-GAAP deferred revenue is expected to be between $2.43billion to $2.46 billion as of the end of the fiscal third quarter.
“We experienced weaker than expected performance

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:30 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:12:47 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Introduces New Security Information Management Offering

Symantec Security Information Manager Offers Customers a Risk- and Compliance-based View of Security Events and Incidents
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 17, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ:SYMC) today announced Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5,providing customers the foundation of a solid IT governance andcompliance program by automating the incident management lifecycle.Symantec Security Information Manager assists customers in mitigatingIT risk by reporting on the effectiveness of IT security controls andenabling IT administrators to quickly respond to security threats andincidents in network environments.
Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5 delivers integrated eventarchiving and management, improved compliance reporting, and strongadministration of enterprise deployments. In order to improvecompliance efforts, customers are able to build a repeatable anddocumented incident response program and are provided built-in reporttemplates that can be customized, scheduled, and distributedautomatically.
“Symantec Security Information Manager gives us a comprehensive view ofsecurity across our entire network environment, including third-partysecurity solutions running on multiple platforms,” said Adam Gray,Chief Technology Officer, Novacoast. “By centralizing and correlatingdata from every node in our enterprise, we’re able to detect andrespond to problems more easily and quickly.”
Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5 provides customers long-termretention of logs for forensic and compliance mandates. In order tolower total cost of ownership, numerous new storage options are nowavailable including: DAS, SAN, and NAS. Symantec Security InformationManager also provides an infrastructure monitoring user interface anduser management through Active Directory integration and rolesmanagement.
“Only Symantec can provide an inclusive view of threats in anenterprise environment by correlating host and network activity with aunique perspective of the global threat landscape through integrationwith Symantec’s Global Intelligence Network,” said Arshad Matin, vicepresident, compliance and security management, Symantec. “Customers areable to maintain a low-risk profile with a closed-loop problemmanagement system, workflow integration, and integrated securitycontent from Symantec’s global expertise in security response.”
By including out of the box content for risk mitigation andremediation, Symantec Security Information Manager helps to improvestaff efficiency. Security operation center (SOC) analysts are able toefficiently respond to the most critical security threats in customerenvironments. Customers are offered an automated workflow throughbuilt-in ticketing or enterprise connectivity to helpdesk solutions.Symantec delivers comprehensive coverage of customer environments byoffering data collection from more than 100 event sources that ensurecritical assets are covered.
Symantec Security Information Manager was recently qualified as aleader in “The Forrester Wave: Enterprise Security InformationManagement, Q4 2006” report. “Symantec has a solid current offering,especially for analysts in the SOC, plus a strong vision for wheretheir SIM solution should fit within the IT ecosystem,” writes PaulStamp, senior analyst, Forrester. According to the report, companiesbought security information management to: identify the most seriousissues that needed a response, investigate policy violations andsecurity breaches, get a view into the organization’s IT complianceposture, and demonstrate the effectiveness of the security program
Through automation of the incident management lifecycle, customers areable to efficiently address both security and compliance mandates.Symantec Security Information manager allows customers to identify,prioritize, respond, and review incidents.
  • Identification – Correlating millions of security events into a manageable number of critical security incidents.
  • Prioritization– Escalating the priority of critical incidents through built-in rulesand real-time content updates from Symantec’s Global IntelligenceNetwork.
  • Response – Providing closed loop workflow and ticketing integration to ensure security incidents are assigned and managed.
  • Review – Enabling affordable and scalable, long-term storage and audit review of all security events.
Licensing and Availability
Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5 is available in an applianceform factor through Symantec’s worldwide network of value-addedresellers, distributors, and systems integrators. Organizations seekinga reseller or distributor should contact Symantec at http://enterprisesecurity.symantec.com.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:32 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:13:09 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Announces Veritas Storage Foundation 5.0 HA for Windows

Standardizes Storage Management, Clustering and Disaster Recovery for Windows Data Centers
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 17, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced Veritas Storage Foundation 5.0 High Availability(HA) for Windows, a comprehensive solution that delivers data andapplication availability for Microsoft Windows environments. Itcombines two industry-leading solutions—Storage Foundation for Windowsand Veritas Cluster Server—together with enhanced usability tools tosimplify storage management, high availability and disaster recoveryfor mission-critical Windows applications such as Microsoft Exchange,SQL Server, and SharePoint Portal Server.
“Customers are placing more of their mission critical applications onthe Windows platform. They need storage management solutions thatprovide higher availability and better disaster recovery than everbefore,” said Laura DuBois, research director, Storage Software at IDC.“Storage Foundation HA for Windows offers enterprises uniquecapabilities in non-disruptive storage operations, scalable highavailability, and disaster recovery solutions—along with centralizedstorage visibility and control that are must-have requirements forWindows environments.”
Software Infrastructure Standardization for the Data Center
Veritas Storage Foundation helps manage explosive data growth, optimizestorage hardware investments, provide unparalleled applicationavailability and drive down operational costs via a set of standardtools for Windows, Linux, and UNIX environments. Storage Foundation forWindows introduces new capabilities to help users standardize theirstorage and high availability software infrastructure. New to thisrelease is Veritas Storage Foundation Basic for Windows, a free versionof Storage Foundation for Windows, designed for edge-tier andinfrastructure workloads, enabling customers to leverage StorageFoundation for Windows and capitalize on the benefits of a standardinfrastructure solution across every server in their data center.Storage Foundation Basic for Windows includes Dynamic Multi-pathing(DMP) and runs on physical and virtual servers with systemconfigurations that do not exceed 4 volumes or 2 physical processors ina single physical system. Storage Foundation Basic for Windows isavailable for download at www.symantec.com/sfbasic.
Customers standardizing on Storage Foundation for Windows and DMP canleverage the broadest storage array support of any multi-pathingsolution—including support for leading array families from EMC, HP,HDS, IBM, Network Appliance, and Sun—to achieve the most agility andhighest return on their storage hardware investments. Customers alsohave the flexibility to choose the storage network infrastructure thatbest fits their needs. Symantec is the only vendor fully certified withMicrosoft’s MPIO framework for both Fibre Channel HBA StorPort andMicrosoft iSCSI software. Additionally, Storage Foundation for Windowsintroduces advanced iSCSI SAN management capabilities includingautomated discovery, management, and configuration of IP-based SANs.
“Standardization on Storage Foundation HA for Windows allows customersto have more flexibility in their storage hardware decisions and drivesdown operational costs by enabling them to use a single tool,” said RobSoderbery, senior vice president of Symantec’s Storage FoundationGroup. “This release has furthered the ROI of standardization byreducing the cost of deploying Storage Foundation on every server andenabling customers to have visibility and centralized control ofstorage management, high availability, and disaster recoverycapabilities across their entire data center.”
Improved Storage Manageability and Performance
Storage Foundation for Windows enables customers to drive downoperational cost while improving mission critical application servicelevel agreements by introducing a set of new capabilities for improvingmanageability and performance. Symantec will add support for StorageFoundation Management Server, which provides comprehensive visibilityand control throughout the data center infrastructure. This multi-hostmanagement capability enables IT organizations to centrally managetheir application, server, and storage environments, leading to rapidproblem resolution, simplified data migrations, higher service levels,and reduced risk of human error. Storage Foundation Management Serverwill support Storage Foundation for Windows 4.x and 5.0, Veritas VolumeReplicator Option, and Storage Foundation for Windows Basic, whichmeans customers can view and manage all such instances of StorageFoundation across their entire data center through a single, unifiedtool.
Administration costs are also reduced by a set of new configurationwizards which make storage, cluster, and replication installation setup times more than 50 percent faster and allow administrators to use asimple GUI to schedule point-in-time copies when using the FlashSnapOption.
To ensure that customers can realize the highest levels of performance,Storage Foundation for Windows adds a set of new applicationperformance enhancing capabilities including:
  • Dynamic optimization of storage volume layoutimproves performance by up to 40 percent with its automated trackaligned volume capability;
  • Four new load-balancing algorithmsfor DMP allow granular performance tuning for Microsoft Exchange andSQL Server applications; and
  • Veritas FlashSnap Option offers up to 60 percent better snapshot performance
“Ease-of-useis imperative when settings up clusters, taking point-in-time copies,recovering disk space and ensuring proper server configurations,” saidJerry Craft, assistant vice president and manager of network services,Farmers and Merchants Bank of Long Beach, California . “The wizardsintroduced in Veritas Storage Foundation 5.0 HA for Windows will helpmy team save time and reduce errors, while taking the guesswork out oftraditionally resource-intensive, yet critical storage managementtasks.”
Simplified Clustering with Veritas Cluster Server
Veritas Cluster Server, the most sophisticated high availability anddisaster recovery solution for Windows environments, also introducesnew features designed to improve manageability and reduceadministration burden of providing high availability. Cluster Server’ssecure, web-based Cluster Management Console simplifies the task ofmanaging, monitoring, and configuring multiple clusters for Windows,Linux, and Unix, running in multiple data centers. Cluster Serversignificantly reduces operational costs by providing the samecomprehensive protection across physical and virtual serverenvironments including Windows, VMware, and Microsoft Virtual Server.
Cluster Server also includes Fire Drill, which enables organizations toregularly test disaster recovery scenarios without exposing productionapplications to risk and downtime. The new step-by-step wizard-drivenworkflow simplifies the task of configuring Fire Drill, datareplication, and high availability/disaster recovery solutions forExchange, SQL Server, Oracle, and other applications. It also reducesrisk to the business by preemptively and proactively identifyingpotential configuration issues before they occur by monitoring anyconfiguration drift among cluster nodes.
For mission-critical applications that require coordination ofapplication clustering and remote data protection, the Veritas VolumeReplicator (VVR) Option has added the ability to coordinate snapshotsat both the primary and/or a remote secondary location for consistentbackup or disk-based disaster recovery solutions. Additionally, withthe new bunker replication feature of the VVR Option, organizations canselect a data replication strategy of replicating data over anydistance without losing a single transaction—a recovery point objectiveof zero over any distance. Symantec is the only company providing thislevel of protection for heterogeneous server and storage environments.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:33 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:13:34 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Announces Availability of Veritas Cluster Server 5.0 for VMware ESX

Veritas Cluster Server for VMware ESX Automates Disaster Recovery in VMware Virtualized Environments
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 18, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced the general availability of Veritas™ ClusterServer 5.0 for VMware ESX, an enterprise-class high availability anddisaster recovery solution for business-critical virtual environments.Cluster Server for VMware ESX provides advanced monitoring capabilitiesfor applications running inside virtual machines and automates failoveracross local and remote sites in the event of disasters to provide ahigher level of application availability than existing manual recoverymethods.
Optimal for improving server resource utilization across data centers,Cluster Server for VMware helps prevent downtime associated withapplication, virtual machine, network link, or server failures. Inaddition, Cluster Server for VMware helps ensure availability in asingle data center, as well as multiple data centers across a campus,metropolitan or wide area network (WAN). Cluster Server is a keycomponent of Veritas™ Server Foundation, a comprehensive server andapplication management solution for data center automation (DCA) whichhelps IT organizations meet service level expectations and controloperating costs in complex and changing environments.
Cluster Server for VMware is complementary to Symantec’s clusteringsolutions for Windows, Linux, and UNIX platforms. Symantec is themarket leader in cross-platform server clustering, according to the2006 edition of the IDC Worldwide Clustering and Availability Softwarereport¹.
According to Brian Babineau, Analyst, Enterprise Strategy Group,“Customers require disaster recovery solutions that can expeditebusiness continuity operations. Veritas Cluster Server for VMware ESXallows enterprises to proactively ensure the high availability ofmission-critical applications running in virtual environments. For ITorganizations striving to meet stringent internal service levelagreements, Cluster Server for VMware ESX can help minimize applicationdowntime to just moments per year.”
Enterprise-Class High Availability and Disaster Recovery for Physical and Virtual Environments
Cluster Server for VMware ESX provides high availability and disasterrecovery for both physical and virtual servers. By simplifying andautomating remote failover for VMware virtual server environments,Cluster Server for VMware ESX provides added protection against virtualmachine or application failures, including:
  • Server, application and resource monitoring, which provides a higher level of availability;
  • Automatic recovery from application, network storage, virtual resource, virtual server, and physical server failures;
  • Centralized management of virtual and physical clustered servers from a single console;
  • Comprehensiveprotection from wide area disasters by integrating disaster recoveryplan verification tools, remote application failover features andreal-time data replication to enable organizations to test disasterrecovery without disrupting production environments.
“Customerswho are building out virtual server farms look to Symantec for the samedisaster recovery capabilities they have relied on to maximizeavailability in traditional server environments,” said Dan Lamorena,senior manager of product marketing for Symantec’s Data CenterManagement Group. “Veritas Cluster Server for VMware ESX helpsorganizations reduce the complexity of managing server and applicationreal estate to ensure availability of business-critical applications.”
Price and Availability
Veritas Cluster Server for VMware ESX is available immediately throughSymantec’s direct sales force, enterprise VAR channel, systemintegrators, and select OEM partners. Suggested pricing for ClusterServer for VMware ESX starts at $1,995 per server.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
¹ IDC, Worldwide Clustering and Availability Software 2005 Vendor Shares, Doc #203676, October, 2006
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:33 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:13:55 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Expands Its Application Performance Management Portfolio

New Application ServiceDashboard and Enhanced Insight Inquire Products Enable IT Organizationsto Master Application Performance
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 23, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ:SYMC) today announced the expansion of its end-to-end ApplicationPerformance Management (APM) solution, which proactively monitors,analyzes and diagnoses performance and availability bottlenecks thatimpact business-critical applications. Symantec’s new ApplicationService Dashboard allows IT organizations to easily customize Symanteci3 performance and service-level metrics via a single, portal-baseddashboard, enabling IT staff members to maximize their efficiency insupporting today’s multi-tier business applications. Symantec alsoannounced enhancements to Symantec Insight Inquire, a monitoringsolution designed to track availability and performance of critical Webapplications.
These products provide a strong complement to the Symantec i3 productfamily, which tightly integrates the collection, correlation, andperformance tuning advice relevant to the performance of multi-tierenterprise applications. Symantec’s APM solution is a key component ofthe Symantec Data Center Foundation, an integrated family of dataprotection, storage management, server management, and applicationperformance management solutions.
“IT organizations are under pressure to meet stringent service levelagreements for application availability and performance, while beingsqueezed to hold down head count and costs,” said Richard L. Ptak, aprincipal analyst with Ptak, Noel and Associates. “Symantec’scomprehensive APM solution, which now includes the Application ServiceDashboard and enhancements to Insight Inquire, provides customers withan integrated, end-to-end view of application performance andavailability across the network.”
Symantec Application Service Dashboard: An Extensible, Customizable Performance View
The Symantec Application Service Dashboard aggregates performance datafrom multiple sources to present a comprehensive, integrated view ofapplication performance from a single screen. Built on the open portalstandard JSR-168, Symantec Application Service Dashboard can be easilyextended to display customer specific-data from other sources compliantwith the JSR-168 standard. It offers additional distinct advantagesincluding:
  • Easy customization: Users can easily customize thedashboard to their specific job function with just a few mouse clicks.Separating the dashboard’s presentation layer from its data collectionand aggregation functionality eliminates the need for users to learn acomplex scripting language.
  • Increased user productivity: Userscan view the performance of multiple applications and databaseinstances in a consolidated environment, and no longer need to switchbetween different views to investigate potential issues. As a result,users can work more effectively and productively.
Symantec Insight Inquire Provides Expanded Support and Lower TCO
Symantec Insight Inquire delivers agentless Web application monitoringto ensure performance and availability of business-criticalapplications. Through user-simulated business transactions andcomponent diagnostics of multi-tier applications, Insight Inquireensures that the application is available and sending the correctinformation. In the event of an outage or a failure to meet a ServiceLevel Agreement (SLA), Insight Inquire automatically pinpoints theinfrastructure component that caused the problem. By continuouslytesting system robustness, Insight Inquire helps enterprise ITorganizations ascertain that critical Web systems are continuouslyrunning, serving customers, and delivering business value at thehighest performance levels. Enhancements in version 3.0 include:
  • An embedded database for collecting performance data, streamlining deployment, and reducing associated costs;
  • Simplified installation and overall usability;
  • Broader support for ERP-based applications including Oracle Apps, SAP, Siebel, and PeopleSoft;
  • Businesstransaction recording and playback capabilities test applicationavailability on a scheduled basis, without requiring complicatedscripting or manual content and response check coding. Enhancementsoffer improved reliability, accuracy, and ease-of-use.
“Today’senterprise relies on multi-tier applications for critical businessoperations, but pinpointing the source of performance problems can bechallenging due to complex interactions across the applicationtransaction path,” said Rob Greer, director of product marketing,Server Foundation and APM product group at Symantec Corp. “Symantec’send-to-end APM solution, comprised of i3, Insight Inquire, andApplication Service Dashboard delivers the full spectrum of applicationperformance management capabilities.”
Availability and Pricing
Symantec Application Service Dashboard, Insight Inquire and i3 are allimmediately available through Symantec’s certified value-addedresellers and direct sales force. Suggested pricing for tools withinthe Application Performance Management solution include:
  • Application Service Dashboard starts at $300 USD per CPU.
  • Insight Inquire starts at $500 USD per CPU.
  • Components of Symantec i3 starts at USD $1,500 USD per CPU.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:34 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:14:17 | 显示全部楼层


CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 24, 2007– Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced that its Board ofDirectors has approved a $1 billion share repurchase program. Thisopen-ended program is effective immediately. Shares may be purchasedfrom time to time on the open market or in privately negotiatedtransactions. Depending on market conditions and other factors, thesepurchases may be commenced or suspended from time to time without priornotice.
In January 2007, Symantec completed its $1 billion share repurchaseprogram announced in January 2006. Earlier in 2006, Symantec completedthe $1.5 billion share repurchase program announced in June 2006. Overthe past eight quarters, Symantec has repurchased nearly $6 billion ofits shares.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in USdollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains statements regarding our planned sharerepurchase program, which may be considered forward-looking within themeaning of the U.S. federal securities laws. These statements aresubject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factorsthat may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance orachievements to differ materially from results expressed or implied inthis press release. Such risk factors include those related to whetheror not we will complete our share repurchase program during anyparticular time frame or at all and whether our cash and short terminvestments may be insufficient to fund our share repurchase program.Actual results may differ materially from those contained in theforward-looking statements in this press release. Additionalinformation concerning these and other risk factors is contained in theRisk Factors section of our Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2006and our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended Sept. 30, 2006. We assume noobligation to update any forward-looking information contained in thispress release.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:35 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:14:39 | 显示全部楼层


Company announces $200 million in cost savings target
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Jan. 24, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) todayreported results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2007, ended Dec.29, 2006. GAAP revenue for the quarter was $1.313 billion and non-GAAPrevenue was $1.324 billion. Non-GAAP revenue grew 6 percent over thecomparable period a year ago.
GAAP deferred revenue at the end of the December 2006 quarter was $2.46billion. Non-GAAP deferred revenue at the end of the quarter reached$2.49 billion, growing 25 percent compared to the December 2005 quarter.
GAAP Results: GAAP net income for the fiscal third quarter was$114 million, compared to $91 million for the same quarter last year.Diluted earnings per share was $0.12 compared to $0.08 per share forthe same quarter last year.
Financial Highlights
For the quarter, Symantec’s Consumer business represented 31 percent oftotal revenue and grew 24 percent year-over-year on a non-GAAP basis.Services represented 4 percent of total revenue and grew 8 percentyear-over-year. The Security and Data Management business represented39 percent of total revenue and grew 3 percent year-over-year. The DataCenter Management business represented 26 percent of total revenue anddeclined 8 percent year-over-year.
International revenues represented 50 percent of total revenue in thethird quarter and grew 7 percent year-over-year on a non-GAAP basis.The Asia Pacific/Japan revenue for the quarter represented 14 percentof total revenue and grew 11 percent year-over-year. The Americas,including the United States, Latin America, and Canada, represented 55percent of total revenue and increased 5 percent year-over-year. TheEurope, Middle East, and Africa region represented 31 percent of totalrevenue for the quarter and grew 5 percent year-over-year.
Cost-Saving Initiative
In order to align costs with new revenue expectations, Symantec plansto reduce its cost structure by $200 million. The company hasidentified a number of areas to achieve its target: reduce new hires;reduce contractor and consulting spending; reduce travel spending;consolidate additional facilities; and reduce the current workforce incertain business functions and geographies.
March Quarter and Fiscal Year 2007 Guidance
Symantec is reaffirming its revised guidance provided on Tuesday, Jan.16, 2007. The impact of the cost-saving initiative is expected to bemodest in the March 2007 quarter and has been taken into account in theguidance.
For the March 2007 quarter, GAAP revenue is estimated between $1.24billion and $1.27 billion. GAAP diluted earnings per share for theMarch quarter is estimated between $0.04 and $0.06. For the fiscal yearending March 2007, GAAP revenue is estimated in the range of $5.08billion to $5.11 billion. GAAP diluted earnings per share is estimatedbetween $0.36 and $0.39. It is possible, however, that there will be arestructuring charge related to the cost savings efforts that wouldaffect GAAP earnings for the March 2007 quarter.
Non-GAAP revenue for the March 2007 quarter is estimated between $1.25billion and $1.28 billion. Non-GAAP diluted earnings per share isestimated between $0.18 and $0.20. For the fiscal year ending March2007, non-GAAP revenue is estimated in the range of $5.13 billion to$5.16 billion. Non-GAAP diluted earnings per share is estimated between$0.92 and $0.95.
Deferred revenue is expected to be in the range of $2.60 billion and$2.65 billion. Cash flow from operations is expected to be of the orderof $1.5 billion.
Quarterly Highlights
  • Symantec signed 389 contracts worldwide worth morethan $300,000 each, including 112 worth more than $1 million each,during the quarter. Of those 389 contracts, nearly 80 percent weremultiple product deals.
  • In North America, Symantec signed new or extended agreements with customers including Devon Energy Corp., one of the largest independent oil and gas producers and processors of natural gas and natural gas liquids in North America; Nortel, a global leader in delivering communications capabilities; Palm Inc., a leader in mobile computing; Savvis, Inc., global leader in IT infrastructure services for business applications; and United States Postal Service,which delivers 213 billion pieces of mail to more than 146 millionhomes, businesses and Post Office boxes in virtually every state, city,and town in the United States.
  • New or extended agreements with international customers included Absa Group Limited, one of South Africa's largest financial services organizations; ANZ, a major Australian financial institution; Bank of Communications Co., Ltd, one of the famous commercial banks of China; Beijing Mobile and Hebei Mobile,subsidiaries of China Mobile Ltd., the leading mobile services providerin China; CTI Móvil, a subsidiary of América Móvil, S.A. de C.V., theleading provider of wireless services in Latin America with more than115 million wireless subscribers as of October 2006; Fujian Telecom, a subsidiary of China Telecom Corporation Limited; HDFC, a leading Indian private sector bank with more than 400 branches and offices nationwide; KAZ, the largest Australian owned ICT company and a leading provider of managed IT services; Malam Communications, a specialist in a variety of IT solutions serving hundreds of customers in all sectors of economy; Mindware SA, a leading distributor of quality IT products to the Middle East and North Africa; Mobile Telephone Networks (MTN), a GSM cellular network operator delivering services in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East; National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX), a national-level, professionally managed, online commodity exchange; Rostelekom, Russia’s national long-distance telecom carrier; The Suncorp Group, one of Australia's leading banking, insurance, investment and superannuation organizations; and WIPRO Limited, the world's largest independent R&D Services Provider.
Conference Call
Symantec has scheduled a conference call for 5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT todayto discuss results from the fiscal third quarter, ended Dec. 29, 2006,and to review guidance for the fiscal year 2007. Interested parties mayaccess the conference call on the Internet at http://www.symantec.com/invest/index.html.To listen to the live call, please go to the Web site at least 15minutes early to register, download, and install any necessary audiosoftware. A replay and script of our officers’ remarks will beavailable on the investor relations’ home page shortly after the callis completed.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.
FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: This press release containsstatements regarding our financial and business results, which may beconsidered forward-looking within the meaning of the U.S. federalsecurities laws, including statements relating to projections of futurerevenue and earnings per share for the fourth quarter and fiscal year2007, and projections of deferred revenue, cash flow from operations,amortization of acquisition-related intangibles and stock-basedcompensation. These statements are subject to known and unknown risks,uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results,levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materiallyfrom results expressed or implied in this press release. Such riskfactors include those related to: maintaining customer and partnerrelationships; the anticipated growth of certain market segments,particularly with regard to security and storage; the competitiveenvironment in the software industry; changes to operating systems andproduct strategy by vendors of operating systems; fluctuations incurrency exchange rates; the timing and market acceptance of newproduct releases and upgrades; the successful development of newproducts and integration of acquired businesses, and the degree towhich these products and businesses gain market acceptance; and anypotential effects of Staff Accounting Bulletin 108, “Considering theEffects of Prior Year Misstatements when Quantifying Misstatements inCurrent Year Financial Statements,” which we will be required to adoptin fourth quarter of fiscal year 2007, on our results of operations andfinancial conditions. Actual results may differ materially from thosecontained in the forward-looking statements in this press release.Additional information concerning these and other risk factors iscontained in the Risk Factors section of our Form 10-K for the yearended March 31, 2006 and our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended Sept. 30,2006. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking informationcontained in this press release.
USE OF NON-GAAP FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Our results ofoperations have undergone significant change due to a series ofacquisitions, the impact of SFAS 123(R) and other corporate events. Tohelp our readers understand our past financial performance and ourfuture results, we supplement the financial results that we provide inaccordance with generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, withnon-GAAP financial measures. The method we use to produce non-GAAPresults is not computed according to GAAP and may differ from themethods used by other companies. Our non-GAAP results are not meant tobe considered in isolation or as a substitute for comparable GAAPmeasures and should be read only in conjunction with our consolidatedfinancial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. Our managementregularly uses our supplemental non-GAAP financial measures internallyto understand, manage and evaluate our business and make operatingdecisions. These non-GAAP measures are among the primary factorsmanagement uses in planning for and forecasting future periods.Investors are encouraged to review the reconciliation of our non-GAAPfinancial measures to the comparable GAAP results, which is attached toour quarterly earnings release and which can be found, along with otherfinancial information, on the investor relations page of our Web siteat www.symantec.com/invest/center.html.
Reconciliation of projected GAAP revenue and earnings per share
to non-GAAP revenue and earnings per share

Q4 FY'07
Revenue reconciliation (in billions)

GAAP revenue range $1.24 - $1.27
$5.08 - $5.11

   Add back:

   Fair value adjustment to Veritas deferred revenue    (1)$0.01

Non-GAAP revenue range* $1.25 - $1.28
$5.13 - $5.16

Earnings per share reconciliation

GAAP earnings per share range$0.04 - $0.06
$0.36 - $0.39

   Add back:

   Stock-based compensation, net of tax  (2)$0.03
   Fair value adjustment to Veritas deferred revenue    and amortizationof acquired product rights$0.11
    and other intangible assets  (1,3,4)

Non-GAAP earnings per share range*$0.18 - $0.20
$0.92 - $0.95
*Webelieve that providing a forecast of the non-GAAP items set forth aboveis useful to investors, and such items are used by our management, forthe reasons associated with each of the adjusting items as describedbelow.

(1) Fair value adjustment to Veritas deferred revenue.  Weinclude revenue associated with Veritas deferred revenue that wasexcluded as a result of purchase accounting adjustments to fair valuebecause we believe they are reflective of ongoing operating results.

(2) Stock-based compensation, net of tax.  Consistsof expenses for employee stock options, restricted stock units, andemployee stock purchase plan determined in accordance SFAS 123(R). Weexclude these stock-based compensation expenses because they arenon-cash expenses that we believe are not reflective of ongoingoperating results.  Further, we believe it is useful to investors tounderstand the impact of the application of SFAS 123(R) to our resultsof operations.

(3) Amortization of acquired product rights and other intangible assets.  Theamounts recorded as amortization of acquired product rights and otherintangible assets arise from prior acquisitions and are non-cash innature.  We exclude these expenses because we believe they are notreflective of ongoing operating results in the period incurred and notdirectly related to the operation of our business.

(4)Fiscal 2007 also excludes amounts related to executive incentivebonuses, restructuring, and gain on sale of the Milpitas building,which net to an insignificant amount. We exclude these amounts becausewe believe they are not reflective of ongoing operating results in theperiod incurred and not directly related to the operation of ourbusiness.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 08:37 编辑 ]
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