楼主: mamigo


 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:21:41 | 显示全部楼层


CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 2, 2007– Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced that James Beer,executive vice president and chief financial officer, will bepresenting at the Thomas Weisel Partners 2007 Technology Conference onFeb. 6 at 9:10 a.m. PT/ 12:10 p.m. ET in San Francisco. Beer willdiscuss the company’s strategic direction and recently announcedinitiatives.
A live webcast, replay, and podcast of the presentation will beavailable. Interested parties can view the webcast and the replay overthe Internet through Symantec’s Investor Relations Web site atwww.symantec.com/invest. Please go to the Web site at least 15 minutesearly to register, download, and install any necessary software. Forthose who cannot listen to the live broadcast, a replay and podcastwill be available on this site shortly after the call.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:06 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:22:01 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Report Identifies Shortcomings in Approaches to Mitigating IT Risk

Organizations anticipatesecurity breaches, believe they are less effective at process controls,and demonstrate misalignment within their own internal IT organizationregarding risk perception
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 5, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ: SYMC)today released the Symantec IT Risk Management Report, highlightingthat 60 percent of respondents expect at least one major IT incidentper year that could halt or disrupt a critical part of the business.The Symantec IT Risk Management Report, a new report aimed at helpingexecutives and IT operational personnel understand the criticalelements involved in an effective IT risk management strategy, is basedon input from quantitative and qualitative survey research conductedover a twelve month period ending October 2006. Symantec collectedinformation from more than 500 respondents from IT managers to top ITexecutives in organizations with worldwide operations, in a widerepresentation of industry segments.
“The ING Renault F1 Team's IT infrastructure is critical to ourrelationships with customers and partners and therefore, we arecommitted to managing IT risk as part of our larger business strategy,”said Graeme Hackland, IT manager, ING Renault FI Team. "In today’senvironment, understanding our exact risk profile and how we can betterprioritize our resources to ensure an effective IT risk strategy is topof mind.”
Organizations Anticipate Security Breaches, Incidents
The Symantec IT Risk Management Report survey data indicated that amajority of respondents expect to be impacted by some type of securityor compliance incident in the next one to five years. Specifically, 66percent of respondents expect a major regulatory incident at least onceevery five years. Additionally, 58 percent of respondents expect amajor data loss caused by events such as data center outage, corruptionof data, or breach of security systems, at least once every five years.
Deployment of Process Controls Falls Behind Technology Controls
Effective IT risk management requires a strong combination of expertiseand investment in process controls and technology controls. The mosteffective IT risk management programs use defined controls that combinewell-chosen technologies and best-practice processes. The Symantec ITRisk Management Report revealed that professionals surveyed at alllevels of organizations, across industries, scale, and geographicreach, view their organizations’ capabilities with technology controlsas more effective than with process controls.
The report findings indicated that authentication, authorization, andaccess was the process control rated highest for effectiveness, with 68percent of respondents rating their organization more than 75 percenteffective. The report also underlined a specific process controlproblem in identifying, classifying and managing IT assets. Only 38percent of respondents rated themselves more than 75 percent effectivein implementing asset inventory, classification and management processcontrols. These controls are of fundamental importance in building anIT risk management program which reflects the organization’spriorities. Without careful risk assessment, all assets are likely tobe treated equally, where some may be overprotected and others underprotected.
“Organizations are beginning to see the value in taking a proactive,rather than reactive approach to their IT risk management strategy,said Jon Oltsik, senior analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group.“Effective IT risk management requires organizations to assess boththeir technology and processes, as well as have clear understanding andagreement about different risks that may impact their systems, andtheir overall business.”
Misalignment Exists Within Internal IT Organizational Roles RegardingPerception of Risk The Symantec IT Risk Management Report revealed anoticeable difference in the way IT staff and IT executives view theirorganization’s IT risk exposure, particularly around perceived riskrelated to both business process and compliance risk. For example, 8percent of IT executives rate business process risk as critical totheir IT operations compared to 22 percent of IT directors, and 23percent of IT executives rate compliance risk as critical to their IToperations compared to 16 percent of IT directors.
Symantec believes that strong alignment between all areas of IT and thebusiness must exist in order for IT risk management investments to besuccessful. These differing internal IT viewpoints could even createrisk by producing poor coordination with the larger business. This mayresult in over- or under- investment in controls, leading to wastedresources and ineffective IT risk management programs. “Asorganizations are growing more and more dependent on their IT systemsto conduct business, IT risk has become a primary concern for businessleaders, and one that should be addressed as part of a larger businessrisk management strategy” said Greg Hughes, executive vice president,Symantec Global Services. “The Symantec IT Risk Management Reportoffers organizations a comprehensive view of IT risk perceived byvarious organizations worldwide.”
Holistic Approach to IT Risk Management Yielded Fewer Incidents
Data from the Symantec IT Risk Management Report identified a trendrelated to Best-in-Class organizations. In this report, Symantecdefines Best-in-Class organizations as the top 25 percent ofrespondents who rated their effectiveness in implementing 16 controlareas. These organizations experience higher levels of compliance andbusiness process risk, but lower levels of IT incidents. A detailedanalysis revealed that Best-in-Class organizations perform with higheffectiveness across a variety of controls, including process controls,creating a holistic approach. The data also indicated thatlower-performing organizations typically focus on a small number ofmore tactical technology controls rather than implementing a broadrange of control areas.
The Symantec IT Risk Management Report provides organizations with thebenchmarks and recommendations that they need to evaluate theeffectiveness of their own IT Risk Management strategy.
The Symantec IT Risk Management Report is available on Symantec’s Web site at www.symantec.com/riskreport.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:06 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:22:21 | 显示全部楼层

赛门铁克助力苏宁电器 主动管理强劲业务

北京,2007年2月5日――赛门铁克公司(Nasdaq:SYMC)今天宣布,中国第二大电器和电子类产品零售商¬——苏宁电器应用赛门铁克解决方案,成功实现高效的自动数据保护和存储管理。凭借赛门铁克Veritas NetBackup和Veritas StorageFoundation解决方案,苏宁电器已经能够满足客户数据50%的年增长速度,同时将备份和存储管理时间降至原来的二分之一。




赛门铁克中国区总裁吴锡源先生表示:“凭借更加快速、可靠和灵活的数据管理和关键应用性能的提高,苏宁电器不断增长的客户数据库将从更为有效和快速的响应服务以及产品中受益。赛门铁克致力于帮助像苏宁电器这样的用户实现重要的业务价值,而用户也将通过使用赛门铁克Data CenterFoundation实现数据保护、存储管理与性能的提高。”

Data Center Foundation集成了数据保护、存储管理、服务器管理以及应用性能管理解决方案,而NetBackup和StorageFoundation是其关键组件。赛门铁克Data CenterFoundation是唯一能够帮助企业实现单层基础结构软件标准化的解决方案,降低整个数据中心的IT复杂性,保护数据和应用,提高可管理性与跨平台存储和服务器资产控制,降低运营成本。

NetBackup实现了从桌面到数据中心的高性能数据保护,为所有备份和恢复操作提供单一的管理控制台。Storage Foundation提供了一组标准的集成工具,集中管理爆炸性的数据增长、最佳化存储硬件投资,提供能够满足业务不断变化需求的数据保护方案。

赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站:www.symantec.com

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:07 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:22:42 | 显示全部楼层

Norton 360 Secures More Than 100,000 Registered Beta Testers Worldwide

CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 6, 2007– Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced that its upcomingall-in-one consumer security service, Norton 360, has secured more than100,000 registered beta testers worldwide after just two months inpublic beta. Norton 360 brings together Symantec’s leading PC securityand tuneup technologies with essential transaction security protection,automated backup capabilities and embedded support. The highlyanticipated solution helps protect consumers from today’s evolvingInternet threats, including online scams and identity theft. Inaddition, Norton 360 safeguards valuable documents, photos and musicstored on users’ computers through its automated local and onlinebackup features.
“We are pleased to see the enthusiasm among computer users about Norton360,” said Enrique Salem, group president, Consumer Business Unit,Symantec Corp. “Reaching more than 100,000 registered beta testers is asignificant milestone for us as it not only shows the interest amongthe public towards a comprehensive protection solution like Norton 360,but it also allows us to draw from the valuable feedback these betatesters provide in order to further enhance the product.”
“Today's consumers use their computers to send e-mail, surf the web,store their photos and movies and buy goods and services on-line. Withmore at stake than every before, they need products to keep their PCstuned-up, backed-up and secure,” said Andrew Jaquith, senior analyst,Yankee Group. "Symantec's Norton 360 addresses all of these needs. Thestrong response to the beta program shows that it is filling a realneed with consumers.”
Beta testers have shared their experiences using Norton 360 and have contributed their positive feedback:
  • “I’ve used your product for years now, and thisis the best one yet. I love it. I feel confident about doing my bankingand checking my credit card statements online.” – Ernie
  • “[Norton360] makes sense to me…monitoring key features to help remove theburden from inexperienced users from having to figure protection out.It does this more or less in the background, not really interferingwith the user’s activity.” – Thomas
  • “I found Norton 360to be a very good combination of Internet security features and PCmaintenance. A very good product for the novice to intermediate user.With this product, there’s no excuse for a[n] unprotected or poorlymaintained system." – Gary
  • “Norton 360 is a greatproduct and does exactly what its name says in covering the security ofyour computer. It’s nice to have a product that’s user friendly and soefficient.” – Nathan
  • “Norton 360 was the most completehassle free system security software that I’ve used in a long time.Most applications seem very burdensome and hard to use while Norton 360had the feel of a small application while providing big benefits.” – Amos
Userscan download the free public beta of Norton 360 for Windows XP andVista at http://www.norton.com/norton360beta/. The final version ofNorton 360 is scheduled to be available by the end of March 2007through the Symantec online store at www.symantecstore.com, as well asat various retail locations and online retailers.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:07 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:22:58 | 显示全部楼层

Skype Symantec Sign Agreement to Offer Small Office and Home Office Customers

Relationship will Bring Protection to Consumers and Small Businesses
LUXEMBOURG and CUPERTINO, Calif., February 7, 2007 – Skype, theglobal Internet communications company, and Symantec Corp. (NASDAQ:SYMC), today announced a relationship to deliver PC security solutionsto small office and home office Skype™ users for a secure PCenvironment. As part of the co-marketing agreement, Skype will offer aspecial promotion to business users who click through Skype to aco-branded PC security information website and download Norton InternetSecurity and other Symantec Norton branded products.
Symantec’s Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus 2007 products,which are suitable for both home users and small offices, have beenSkype Certified™. This confirms that Symantec’s Norton line of securityproducts meet Skype’s strict standards for security, quality andusability.
Symantec’s most recent Internet Security Threat Report, compiled fromdata on more than 120 million systems worldwide, shows a decline inviruses and worms, but a sharp rise in crimeware and phishing designedto steal personal information for financial gain. Small business ownersand home office users are especially vulnerable to potential securityrisks when conducting business over multiple wireless and fixednetworks. Their unprotected data and systems are exposed to a plethoraof harmful viruses and malicious code that causes damage, collectsprivate data and degrades performance. Compromised network connectionscause systems to crash and deteriorate the quality of video andInternet calls.
Symantec’s security software proactively equips users with theadditional protection they need to safeguard their personalinformation. Norton Internet Security 2007 includes the antivirus andantispyware protection of Norton AntiVirus that provides sophisticatednew phishing protection, an enhanced firewall and defense againstsoftware vulnerabilities. Symantec’s Norton branded products will beavailable in Skype’s online store at a discount to retail prices.
“Skype has always been focused on providing a secure environment forits community of more than 171 million users, so they can safely makecalls, send instant messages and transfer files,” said Kurt Sauer,Skype's chief security officer. “Skype and Symantec’s mutual commitmentto security reinforces our pledge to ensure all users can have thenecessary protection to keep their home and business IT environmentssafe.”
Skype was built from the ground up with security in mind, to ensurethat Skype calls and chats remain safe and secure. Using end-to-endencryption technology, users are protected from a wide range ofpossible attacks, such as impersonation, eavesdropping and modificationof data while in transit. Skype’s software developers and engineerswork vigilantly to make security an integral part of the product’sdevelopment.
“Keeping data safe, systems up and running and users productive intoday’s information-driven environment has never been more important,”said Rowan Trollope, vice president, Consumer Engineering, Symantec.“Utilizing Symantec’s security software and Skype’s unique technologyfor communications, home office and small business users can create anoptimal IT environment to work with confidence.”
About Symantec
Symantec is the world leader in providing solutions to help individualsand enterprises assure the security, availability, and integrity oftheir information. Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., Symantec hasoperations in 40 countries. More information is available at www.symantec.com. About Skype
Skype is the world’s fastest-growing Internet communication offering,allowing unlimited free voice, video and instant messagingcommunication between users of Skype Software. With over 171 millionregistered users, Skype is available in over 28 languages and is usedin almost every country around the world. Skype generates revenuethrough its premium offerings such as making and receiving calls to andfrom landline and mobile phones, voicemail, call forwarding andpersonalization including ringtones and avatars. Skype also hasrelationships with a growing network of hardware and software providers.
Skype is an eBay company (NASDAQ: EBAY). To learn more visit skype.com.
Access to a broadband Internet connection is required for Skype and allSkype Certified devices and accessories. Skype is not a replacement foryour traditional telephone service and cannot be used for emergencycalling.
Skype, SkypeIn, SkypeOut, Skype Me, Skype Certified, Skypecasts,associated logos and the “S” symbol are trademarks of Skype Limited.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:08 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:23:51 | 显示全部楼层

Bolsters the Market’s Most Comprehensive Network Access Control Software

New Version Expands Options for Evaluating the Health of Both Managed and Unmanaged Endpoints in a Single Product
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 6, 2006 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC)today announced it has extended its Symantec Network Access Controlsoftware with new features that enable enterprises to more easilyenforce network access control across all managed and unmanagedendpoints. It is the only network access control (NAC) product to offerremote scanning in addition to both persistent and dissolvable agents,and to offer agentless NAC enforcement, Mac OS X agent support, and anintegrated 802.1X supplicant in a single product.
“Through offering a software product that integrates three assessmentoptions: persistent agents, dissolvable agents, and remotevulnerability scanning, Symantec provides a thorough solution forevaluating endpoints on the LAN,” says Chris Liebert, senior analyst,Yankee Group. “Enterprises have multiple requirements for evaluatingendpoints that may be managed, unmanaged, with disparate operatingsystems and that require both wired and wireless network access.”
The addition of Symantec Network Access Control Scanner’s agentlessassessment functionality provides an enterprise with a third means toevaluate or assess the health of endpoints connecting to theirnetworks. This includes endpoints not managed by the organization, suchas guest users, non-Windows endpoints (i.e. UNIX systems) and networkeddevices (i.e. printers). With the addition of the agentless scanner,the Symantec Enforcement Agent for Mac OS X, and the integrated 802.1Xsupplicant, Symantec Network Access Control extends its lead as themost flexible and deployable network access control software product.
“Symantec Network Access Control holds a significant advantage overother solutions because it can be deployed immediately without waitingfor emerging standards, across a wide range of a company’s existingenvironments,” said Brad Kingsbury, vice president, product delivery,Endpoint Security, Symantec Corp. “Symantec Network Access Control isnot built on proprietary protocols and therefore does not restrict acustomer’s ability to deploy it across all their various environments.”
The latest version of Symantec Network Access Control 5.1.5 is expectedto be available this month directly and through the network ofSymantec’s channel partners, and worldwide in March 2007.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:09 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:24:17 | 显示全部楼层

诺顿360 测试版试用体验

北京,2007年2月8日――全球领先的基础架构软件供应商赛门铁克公司 (Nasdaq: SYMC)今天宣布,即将推出全方位消费者安全服务软件 -诺顿360,在仅仅两个月的公开测试过程中,有超过十万名的消费者上网注册,并实际参与了诺顿360完整版的上市计划。诺顿360结合了赛门铁克领先业界的 PC安全与性能调整技术,提供符合消费者实际需求的网络交易安全防护、自动备份及设定等功能。此外,它可保护消费者免受日趋严峻的网络诈欺及身份盗用等网络威胁 。此外,诺顿360 更通过本机及在线备份功能,主动将消费者的重要文件、照片及音乐档案进行存储,避免因系统损坏而造成的信息损失。

赛门铁克公司消费业务部门总裁 Enrique Salem表示:“看到计算机用户对诺顿360的热情与期待,我们感到十分高兴。就赛门铁克而言,在全球拥有超过十万名注册的测试版用户对诺顿来说具有里程碑意义。因其不仅表现了消费者对诺顿 360 全面性保护的期待,同时也让我们获得了测试版用户提出的宝贵意见,从而能够实现产品的进一步提高。”

市场调查机构Yankee 高级分析师 Andrew Jaquith表示:“消费者使用个人计算机来接收电子邮件、浏览网页、存储照片及影音文件,进行各种网上购物与在线体验,已成为当前的主要发展趋势,因此所面临的问题较之以往更为复杂。因此,消费者需要一个针对PC 性能调整、备份及安全的全方位产品。测试版能够获得这样的反馈,足以显示出诺顿360真正以消费者的需求为导向。”

以下是来自诺顿360测试版用户的反馈 :

「我已使用诺顿产品多年,但这是我所用过最好的一项产品。我喜欢它。当我在进行在线银行交易及查询我的信用卡对账单时,我感到十分放心。」– Ernie
「诺顿360是个很棒的产品 …它监控我所需要的主要功能,以减轻像我这种没有经验的人对于了解保护措施的负担。它保护我在网络上的一切活动,但不会让我觉得它在执行工作。」– Thomas
「我觉得诺顿360 是一套因特网安全功能及 PC 维护的极佳组合,无论是初学者还是中级使用者均可适用。使用此产品就没有借口说系统未受保护或维护极差。」– Gary
「诺顿360 是一个很棒的产品,且就像它的名称一样,可360度全面保护我们的计算机安全。拥有这样一套便于消费者使用且具效率的产品真是不错。」– Nathan
「我长久使用系统安全性软件以来,诺顿 360是唯一的一套最为方便的产品。大部分的应用程序似乎都非常麻烦且难以使用,而诺顿360看似很小、却提供了很的大效益。」– Amos

用户可访问以下网站下载适用于 Windows XP 和 Vista 的免费诺顿360 公开试用版,网址为:www.norton.com/norton360beta/。诺顿360 预计将于 2007 年 3 月底推出正式推出,消费者可通过赛门铁克网络商店http://cn.symantecstore.com或各个零售地点与在线经销商购买。

赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站: www.symantec.com/zh/cn

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:10 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:24:35 | 显示全部楼层

赛门铁克发布《IT风险管理研究报告》 指出IT风险管理方法疏失

北京,2007年2月9日――领先的基础架构软件供应商赛门铁克公司(Nasdaq:SYMC)今天发布《赛门铁克IT风险管理研究报告》(Symantec IT Risk ManagementReport)。报告指出,60%的受访者预期每年至少会发生一次重大IT事件,可能会使企业关键营运停止或中断。《赛门铁克IT风险管理研究报告》是一份全新的报告,调查为期12个月,至2006年10月为止,以量化与质化调查研究所得资料为基础,旨在协助IT管理高层及操作人员了解构成一套有效IT风险管理策略的要素。赛门铁克从全球、跨产业的企业机构中收集超过500份问卷资料,受访者涵盖IT经理人至IT高层管理者。

ING Renault F1车队IT经理Graeme Hackland 表示:“ING Renault F1车队的IT基础架构对我们与客户和合作伙伴的关系来说至为重要,因此我们承诺将IT风险管理纳入重大企业策略的一环。在今日的环境之中,切实了解我们的风险概况以及如何改善资源的优先级以确保一套有效的IT风险管理策略,是我们的首要任务。”

《赛门铁克 IT风险管理研究报告》调查结果指出,多数受访者预期于最近的1至5年内将遭受某种安全或法规遵从事件的影响。其中,66%的受访者预期每5年至少会发生一次重大法规遵从事件。此外,58%的受访者预期每5年至少会发生一次重大资料流失(如由于数据中心停摆、数据毁损,或安全系统漏洞等事件而导致的数据流失)。

有效的IT风险管理需要将流程控管和技术控管之专业与投资做强而有力的整合。最有效的IT风险管理计划使用精选技术结合最佳实务流程的明确控管。《赛门铁克 IT风险管理研究报告》显示,这次调查所访问的专家们,无论是位于组织内的各个层级、还是横跨各产业、规模、区域,都认为其组织在技术控管上的能力较流程控管来得更为有效。

报告调查结果指出,在流程控管中,验证(authentication)、授权(authorization)及存取(access)被评为有效性最高的项目, 68%的受访者认为自己组织在验证、授权及存取上有超过75%的有效性。报告同时指出在判别、分类及管理IT资产上存有特定的流程控管问题。仅38%的受访者认为自己在施行资产盘点、分类及管理流程控管上具有超过75%的有的有效性。这些管控对于制订反映企业组织优先级的IT风险管理计划来说,是十分重要的基本原则。若缺乏谨慎的风险评估,所有资产极有可能被视为同等重要,因而造成某些资产过度保护,而有些资产反而保护不足的问题。

美国Enterprise Strategy Group高级分析师JonOltsik表示:“企业组织开始认知到采取主动而非被动管理手法对其IT风险管理策略的价值所在。”Jon Oltsik进一步指出,“有效的IT风险管理需要企业组织兼顾技术和流程两个部分,清楚地认知到会造成其系统甚至整体业务冲击的各式不同风险,且具备相同共识。”

内部 IT 组织各职务对风险认知缺乏共识
《赛门铁克 IT风险管理研究报告》显示,IT员工与IT高层管理者在看待其组织的IT风险漏洞时有显著差异,特别是与营运流程及法规遵从风险有关的风险认知。例如,有8%的IT高层管理者认为营运流程风险对IT作业是“严重风险”,而22%的IT总监视其为“严重”;另外23%的IT高层管理者认为法规遵从风险对IT作业是“严重风险”,但有16%的IT总监视其为“严重”。


赛门铁克全球服务部门执行副总裁GregHughes表示:“随着企业组织在执行业务方面越来越依赖IT系统,IT风险已成为企业领导者的主要顾虑,并且应被视为重大营运风险管理策略的一环。《赛门铁克 IT 风险管理研究报告》为企业机构提供一份来自全球不同组织对IT风险的完整观点。”


《赛门铁克 IT风险管理研究报告》资料指出一项与标竿企业相关的趋势。报告中,赛门铁克将标竿企业定义为在16种实际施行控管领域的效度中,排名前25%的受访者。这些标竿企业虽遭遇较高程度的法规遵从及营运流程风险,但发生IT意外事件的频率较低。一份详细的分析显示标竿企业于不同的控件(包括流程控制)间具有高效率的表现,其产生之管理方法较具全面性。此数据亦指出绩效较低的组织通常着重于一小部份较具技术性的控制,而非施行大范围的控制领域。

《赛门铁克 IT 风险管理研究报告》提供企业组织所需要评估企业内部之IT风险管理策略有效性的指标与建议。

《赛门铁克 IT 风险管理研究报告》可于赛门铁克网站 www.symantec.com/riskreport获得。

赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站:www.symantec.com

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:11 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:26:08 | 显示全部楼层


基礎架構軟體供應商賽門鐵克 (Nasdaq︰SYMC),今(7)宣佈推出Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5,利用自動化意外事件管理生命週期,為用戶提供 IT 治理與法規遵循計畫的基礎。
Symantec Security Information Manager 藉由回報 IT 安全控制項的有效性,並讓 IT 管理員快速回應網路環境中的安全風險及意外事件,以協助企業用戶降低 IT 風險。

Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5 提供整合的事件歸檔及管理、強化的法規遵循回報,以及強大的企業部署管理功能。

Novacoast 技術長 Adam Cray 表示︰「Symantec SecurityInformationManager提供了全方位網路環境的安全觀點,包括在多重平台上執行的協力廠商安全解決方案也都在我們的監控之中。藉由將企業中的每一個節點集中化並建立關聯性,我們可以更簡單、快速地偵測並回應問題。」

Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5 為用戶提供長期保存的日誌,以符合法令及法規遵循的強制規定。
為了降低整體擁有成本,也新增許多儲存選項,包括 DAS、SAN 及 NAS。
Symantec Security Information Manager 還提供一種基礎架構監控使用者介面,並透過 Active Directory 整合及角色管理(Role Management)來管理使用者。

賽門鐵克法規遵循與安全管理部門副總裁 Arshad Matin表示︰「唯有賽門鐵克才能提供全面性的企業風險洞察能力,因為它能透過與『賽門鐵克全球智慧型網路』的整合,使主機及網路活動與獨特的全球風險情勢觀察產生關聯。用戶能夠採用閉合的問題管理系統、工作流程整合,和賽門鐵克安全機制應變中心全球專家提供的整合安全內容,以維持企業處於低度風險。」

藉由採納適用於降低風險及減輕風險的套裝內容,Symantec Security Information Manager 有助於提高員工效率。
安全監控中心 (SOC) 分析師可以有效地回應客戶環境中最危急的安全威脅。
賽門鐵克從 100 個以上事件來源收集資料,藉以確保所有重要的資產均已包含在內,所提供的範圍涵蓋了各種客戶環境。

Symantec Security Information Manager 日前在「ForresterWave: Enterprise Security Information Management, Q4 2006 」(ForresterWave︰2006年第四季企業安全資訊管理)報告中,被評定為領導品牌。
Forrester資深分析師 Paul Stamp 寫道︰「賽門鐵克具有穩固的最新產品,尤其對 SOC 的分析師來說更是有用,這個版本是SIM解決方案中很強的版本,應該相當適用於 IT生態系統。」根據這份報告,安全資訊管理可以協助用戶︰辨識出需要應變的最嚴重問題、調查政策違規與安全漏洞、洞察組織的 IT法規遵循狀態,並展示對安全計畫的有效性。

Symantec Security Information Manager 可讓客戶識別、制訂優先順序、回應及檢閱意外事件。


Symantec Security Information Manager 4.5硬體裝置可透過賽門鐵克加值經銷商、代理商與系統整合業者的全球銷售網路獲得。

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:11 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:26:31 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Unveils New Partner Program Initiatives For Global Partner Community

Initiatives Aimed at Enhancing Partner Experience; Streamlining Partner Engagement Processes
CUPERTINO, Calif. – February 12, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced three new initiatives aimed at enhancing theexperience that partners have with Symantec: a new Technical Specialistand Assessments Program, a Unified Technical Support Program, and athree-fold investment in its partner infrastructure. The goal of thesenew initiatives is to help make it easier for Symantec’s partners toengage with Symantec as well as be more successful in servicing theircustomers.
Self-paced Training and Accreditation
Designed to help differentiate partner services and ensure partnercredibility, Symantec’s new Technical Specialist Program will enableSymantec’s more than 60,000 global partners to accelerate theirtechnical knowledge of Symantec products via individual self-pacedproduct training modules, which assess the technical skills andknowledge required to earn accreditation. These individual productassessments help measure product-specific knowledge across coreelements, including product strategy and architecture, configurationand installation, and management and reporting.
In addition, the new Technical Specialist Program, which representsSymantec’s most efficient, cost-effective training and accreditationprocess to date, provides globally consistent technical validation onSymantec products whether partners focus on specific practice areas orchoose to follow a broad, overall solution roadmap.
All of the assessments are now available via Symantec’s online partnerportal, PartnerNet, at no cost to Symantec partners and will be updatedon a quarterly basis.
“This technical validation program is a cost effective way to ensureour product knowledge is current,” said Adam Gray, chief technologyofficer, Novacoast. “The online feature saves us time and money so thatwe can concentrate on servicing the needs of our customers. Theaccreditation is also an important delineator in the marketplace,offering another point of validation of our product-level expertise.”
“Symantec continues to invest in its partner community by providingfree, online technical assessments to our global partners,” said JulieParrish, vice president of Global Channel Office at Symantec. “This newaccreditation rounds out Symantec’s current sales and technicaltraining offerings to help our partners establish themselves ascredible experts on Symantec products with their customers.”
Unified Technical Support
In its ongoing efforts to streamline legacy systems, Symantec hasunified its technical support offerings for partners. Through UnifiedTechnical Support, Symantec partners who are eligible for partnertechnical support will now have access to 24 x 7 availability andsecurity technical support for any Symantec enterprise product.Previously, security partners only had access to business-hourtechnical support. However, with the unification, both security andavailability technical support is now available to anyone within aneligible partner’s organization.
PartnerNet Enhancements
To further enhance the experience partners have with Symantec, Symantechas also made a three-fold investment in its partner infrastructure byshifting its unified PartnerNet partner portal platform from an oldertechnology stack onto a new, more robust platform. Symantec has alsomade several enhancements to its PartnerNet portal which will now makeit easier for partners to gain access to all of the programinformation, sales training, technical enablement toolkits, and supportthey need to develop new business opportunities and take full advantageof Symantec’s partner programs.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:12 编辑 ]
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