楼主: mamigo


 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:50:39 | 显示全部楼层


Norton 360 User Experience and Security Protection Recognized for Excellence
CUPERTINO, Calif. – March 7, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced that its new all-in-one security service, Norton360, earned the prestigious CNET Editors’ Choice Award. Norton 360combines Symantec’s proven, industry-leading technologies forantivirus, antispyware, firewall, intrusion protection, antiphishing,backup and tuneup — eliminating the need to purchase and managemultiple products. Norton 360 protects computers and the informationstored in them from Internet threats and risks, and allows consumers tofreely engage in their everyday online activities.
“Launching Norton 360 was the culmination of years of research,development and countless hours devoted to creating the bestcomprehensive security solution we could build for our customers,” saidEnrique Salem, group president, Consumer Business Unit, Symantec Corp.“CNET’s recognition of our efforts by naming Norton 360 its Editors’Choice is one of the highest honors we could receive, and we’re excitedfor our customers to experience the confidence that this all-in-onesecurity service will provide them.”
CNET Editors’ Choice winners are recognized as top products in theirrespective technology categories, and contribute to the standard bywhich all future products are judged. A key selection requirement isthe difference it makes in the lives of its users, whether throughinnovative features, exceptional value for the price, remarkable easeof use, or a demonstrable boost to users' productivity.
According to a review from CNET.com, “Norton 360 is a good example ofthe ‘out of the box’ thinking needed by traditional security vendorstoday,” “…we think Norton 360 represents the best value of ease, tools,and performance, and we recommend it over McAfee Total Protection orMicrosoft Windows Live OneCare.”
Norton 360 delivers complete protection across five categories offunctionality: PC Security, Transaction Security, Backup and Restore,PC Tuneup and Embedded Support. The product received high marks fromCNET.com in the areas of:
  • Set Up – Designed to work as automaticallyas possible, Norton 360 provides comprehensive protection whileperforming its duties in the background without interrupting users’computing experience. “Our setup of the final shipping version wassurprisingly fast and easy,” said CNET Senior Editor Robert Vamosi,.“We really like the Norton 360 interface … [it’s] clean, intuitive, andno-nonsense.”
  • Features – “Symantec…designed Norton 360from the ground up…pull[ing] only the tools deemed most beneficial tothe general user from all its product lines. Norton 360 includesantivirus, antispyware, antiphishing, antirootkit protection, afirewall, Symantec's new SONAR (Symantec Online Network for AdvanceResponse) behavioral monitoring software, and a vulnerabilityassessment tool to see what Windows updates your computer might bemissing. An add-on pack of online tools includes Parental Control,Antispam, and other optional features such as blocking private datafrom leaking onto the Internet. Norton 360 also includes tools todefragment your hard drive and clean up temporary files and otherclutter than could slow your PC down…[and] a backup and recovery tool,and provides up to 2GB of free online storage.”
  • Performance– Performance is a key design principle of Norton 360 and CNET.comnoted “…You'll be delighted to learn that Norton 360 feels light.”
  • Support– “The knowledge base is cool, first diagnosing your version of Norton360 for any known problems. If you still want help, the program asksyou what help you need and provides a menu of FAQs. There's also anenvelop icon that leads you to e-mail and chat support (which are free)or telephone support...”editors noted.
Based onextensive testing and evaluation of Norton 360, CNET editors concluded“we think Norton 360 represents the best value for ease of use, toolsoffered, and overall system performance. We recommend it over McAfeeTotal Protection and Microsoft Windows Live OneCare.”
Pricing and Availability
Norton 360 is now available for purchase through the Symantec online store at www.symantecstore.com.It will be available for purchase at various retail locations andonline retailers in March 2007. The optional add-on pack with AntiSpamand Parental Controls will be available to Norton 360 customers inmid-March 2007.
The suggested retail price of Norton 360 is US$79.99 (includes one-yearservice subscription to use the product and receive Symantec’sprotection updates). Norton 360 can be installed on up to three PCs.
Norton security solutions are designed to leverage the Windows Vistaoperating system, offering the top-choice in Vista-compatible securityperformance. Norton 360, along with Norton Internet Security, NortonAntiVirus and Norton Confidential, delivers all-encompassingintegration with Vista (32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows XP. Customerscan now rely on Norton 360, featuring Norton's patented technologies,to provide the most complete all-in-one security solution to protectagainst today's and tomorrow's threats.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:18 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:35:38 | 显示全部楼层

Media General Secures IM Traffic and Streamlines Data Protection With Symantec

Symantec IM Manager and Backup Exec Help Boost Productivity at Media General
CUPERTINO, Calif. – March 7, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced that Media General, Inc. is using Symantec software and Enterprise Support Services to improve instant messaging (IM) security and protect critical data, while boosting employee productivity and improving storage utilization. Symantec IM Manager helps prevent threats from penetrating Media General’s network and seamlessly manages, secures, logs, and archives the company’s instant messaging traffic.
Media General owns and operates three metropolitan newspapers, 25 daily community newspapers, and 150 weekly newspapers, in addition to 23 network-affiliated television stations and an interactive media division that includes more than 75 online enterprises. Operating primarily in the Southeastern United States, Media General is independent and publicly owned.
Instant messaging has become an increasingly important business communications tool for Media General. Symantec IM Manager gives Media General the confidence that employees can securely use instant messaging to maximize their productivity and increase competitiveness by communicating quickly and efficiently. IM Manager protects Media General’s instant messaging traffic from viruses, worms, and other Internet threats that might consume network bandwidth, impede productivity, or even shut down the network.
“As a multimedia company, boosting our staff’s productivity through communication tools like instant messaging has become increasingly important for delivering 24/7 content,” says Mike Miller, director of support services for Media General. “Symantec IM Manager helps enable us to focus on delivering content to our readers and viewers rather than worry about network security and data protection issues that could hinder our ability to get a newspaper out the door or keep a station on the air. You can’t assign a dollar figure to that confidence.”
IM Manager Adds Real-Time Protection
Transparent to end users, IM Manager provides interoperability with various networks, including public networks, to ensure continuity of basic business operations. The company uses this solution to define access rights, prevent unauthorized access, block corrupted file attachments, and scan for viruses and malicious code. While threats to IM have grown exponentially—nearly 1,700 percent between 2004 and 2005—Media General has not had a single instance of malicious code infiltration through instant messaging or experienced any lag in productivity.
Additionally, instant messaging provides a distinct competitive advantage for meteorologists in Media General’s Broadcast Division who receive IM weather alerts from the National Weather Service. Through secure IM alerts, weather staff are able to forward viewers severe weather notifications in real-time. IM Manager also works with multiple IM services, giving Media General the option of offering staff various IM clients. Ninety days of IM traffic is also logged in an effort to assist the company with legal discovery and human resource-related issues.
Efficient Data Protection
Media General has experienced exponential data growth, particularly from e-mail traffic, over the past five years. In an effort to ensure the most efficient backup environment, the company deployed Symantec Backup Exec 10d in its two data centers. With the assistance of Backup Exec, Media General has reduced server backup and restore time, realizing significant savings in labor and hardware cost avoidance.
“With Symantec’s solutions we have significantly improved our application availability by speeding up server restoration and by shortening the backup and restore windows to eliminate overlapping operations so we can dedicate more time to other critical issues,” says Miller. “The result is an overwhelming 88 percent reduction in our backup window—from 24 hours to three hours. We have also experienced an 85 percent reduction in the time to restore servers, from 13 hours to just two hours—all without compromising user productivity.” Symantec’s data protection solution helped Media General significantly decrease its operational costs. As a result of its work with Symantec, the company has eliminated the need to hire additional IT staff to handle backups. And, with less demand on its tape library, Media General has also avoided the purchase of an additional tape drives. With these savings, the company realized an immediate return on investment from its purchase of Symantec solutions.
Extended Support for a Worry-Free IT Environment
With Symantec’s Extended Support offering, Media General receives fast, around-the-clock access to technical expertise and product upgrades. “We have always received first-rate answers and help from Symantec's technical support staff,” says Miller. “We find Symantec’s responsive support, complemented with its solid, reliable products and big-company staying power to be invaluable.”
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enabling businesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. The company helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, and interactions by delivering software and services that address risks to security, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. More information is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information on Symantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec News Room at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:36:22 | 显示全部楼层


北京,2007年3月21日――基础架构软件供应商赛门铁克,今天发布《第十一期互联网安全威胁研究报告 (Internet Security Threat Report)》。根据报告显示,当前威胁环境的主要特征是数据窃取、数据泄漏和为了获利而以特定组织为目标进行攻击所创造的恶意代码不断增加。攻击者不断改进攻击方法,逃避检测,进而建立全球性的协作网络,用来支持持续增长的犯罪活动。网络犯罪者以获利为目的,不断开发目的性更强的恶意威胁,试图在窃取机密信息时逃避检测。

密歇根州首席信息安全官Dan Lohrmann表示:“赛门铁克互联网安全威胁报告为我们提供了全球互联网威胁状况的详细分析,帮助我们监控安全风险,调整现有的技术和流程。由于我们需要为广大市民提供法律执行、医疗保健和许多市政服务,因此保护敏感信息获得大众信任对于我们来说至关重要。该报告提供了必要的综合数据,我们因此能够对全球威胁前景拥有进一步的了解。”

2006年下半年,全球共有超过 600万个僵尸(Bots)网络。与上半年相比,受到感染而被远程黑客控制的计算机数量增加了 29%。尽管感染僵尸网络的计算机数量持续增加,赛门铁克检测到被僵尸网络控制的Command and Control服务器数量却减少了 25%。减少的原因可能是由于这一类服务器被成功移除,迫使僵尸网络所有者通过合并网络扩大现有规模。

2006年下半年,排名前50的恶意代码样本中,木马程序占45%,相较于2006年上半年增加了23%。这一明显上升,也证实了赛门铁克在上一期报告当中的预测:供给这回通过大量发送电子邮件传播蠕虫,转而使用木马程序进行攻击。 赛门铁克在 2006 年下半年一共发现了 12 个零日攻击漏洞,远远超过 2006年上半年所发现的 1个零日攻击漏洞,使消费者和企业面临未知威胁。犯罪分子和犯罪组织使用地下交易服务器兜售所窃取的机密信息的服务器,这些信息包括社会安全号码 (SSN)、信用卡、银行卡、个人识别码 (PINs) 以及电子邮件地址列表。计算机或其他数据存储或传输介质(USB或备份盘)遭窃或丢失,占此期间与数据破坏相关的身份盗用总量的54%。赛门铁克首次指出了恶意活动主要来源国家。美国发生恶意活动的比例最高,占全球的31%。中国次之,占10%;德国第三,占7%。

赛门铁克安全响应中心兼托管服务高级副总裁Arthur Wong 表示:“网络罪犯越来越不怀好意,他们不断改良攻击方法,使其更加精密而复杂而逃避检测。无论是消费者还是企业用户,所有的终端用户都需要部署适当的安全措施,才能防范攻击者访问机密信息,避免经济损失、对重要客户造成伤害、或是使其信誉受损。”

赛门铁克首次针对已遭窃的机密信息交易进行追踪,同时也截获了地下交易服务器之间经常买卖的机密信息。所谓“地下交易服务器”,是指黑客与犯罪组织用于兜售所窃取的机密信息的服务器,这些信息包括社会安全号码 (SSN)、信用卡、个人识别码 (PINs) 以及电子邮件地址列表。2006年下半年,全球所有已知的地下交易服务器中,有51% 位于美国。美国的信用卡 (具有信用卡验证卡号) ,可以美金 1 元至6 元间的价格购得。而一个含有美国银行账号、信用卡、出生日期以及政府所发的识别码的身份账号,也可以美金 14 元至18 元间的价格购得。

在本次报告监测阶段,赛门铁克也观察到由于木马程序及僵尸网络的增加,使黑客能够访问受害计算机,导致针对机密信息的威胁数量大幅增多。如果已被感染的计算机上存储的敏感数据受到攻击威胁,极有可能导致重大的经济损失,尤其是信用卡或银行信息。根据赛门铁克的报告,针对机密信息的威胁在排名前50的恶意代码中占66%,高出上一阶段的48%。而在2006年下半年针对机密信息的威胁中,又有62%的威胁能够输出用户数据,例如用户名和密码,而上半年仅有 38%。


赛门铁克检测到了许多高水平的组合攻击包含了垃圾邮件、恶意代码和网络诈欺。2006年下半年,垃圾邮件占所监测的电子邮件总量的59%,相较于2006 年上半年呈现稳定增加的趋势。因为炒作股票的诈欺邮件 (Pump and Dump)增加,导致30%的垃圾邮件与金融产品或服务有关。通过这类邮件,网络罪犯就可以在股价偏低时买入,然后通过发送包含错误预测的垃圾邮件,哄抬股价进而从中获利。而垃圾邮件收件者一旦相信邮件内容并买入该股,便会产生需求的假象,最后导致股价攀升。当股价攀升时,网络罪犯便可卖掉手中持股从而大赚一笔。

2006年下半年,赛门铁克共检测到166,248条不同的网页仿冒信息,相当于平均每天904条,比2006年上半年高出 6%。另外,赛门铁克首次针对工作日与季节性活动能够对于网页仿冒攻击产生的影响进行分析。根据赛门铁克的检测,2006年全年中,工作日的网页仿冒信息为平均每日961条,平均高出周末27%。这一趋势表明网页仿冒活动能够反映出攻击者试图模仿合法企业发送电子邮件。但同时这也说明网页仿冒攻击的生命周期很短,而且最有效的攻击方式,就是当网页仿冒邮件发送出去之后,收件者立即接受并且读取。赛门铁克还检测,在主要的假期或世界杯足球赛等大型活动举办时,网页仿冒活动便会随之增加。这是由于攻击者认为围绕假日或活动主题对社会工程攻击(Social Engineering Attack)进行包装,更容易达到攻击效果。

赛门铁克公司第十一期《互联网安全威胁报告》涵盖了2006年7月1日到2006年12月31日六个月的时间周期。报告基于赛门铁克从分布在180多个国家/地区的40,000 多个传感器中采集的数据,同时拥有并维护完善的数据库,涵盖可能危及4,000多家厂商30,000多项技术的20,000多个漏洞。赛门铁克还审查来自全球20个不同国家的200多万个诱捕帐户,使赛门铁克能够对全球的垃圾邮件和网页仿冒活动进行评估。为了加深针对不断发展病毒威胁的认识,这次发布的报告包括了一些新的内容,例如网页浏览器的空窗期,和原来没有被发现的恶意代码的组成。完整的《互联网安全威胁报告》包括更多的统计数据和详细信息,可以从下述网址下载:www.symantec.com/threatreport/。广播媒体可以从下述网址下载多媒体:www.thenewsmarket.com/symantec

赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在 40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站:http://www.symantec.com
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:37:10 | 显示全部楼层

安全护航 全家共享

赛门铁克推出诺顿网络安全特警 2007中文版家庭防护包,具备强大的安全防护能力,可确保家庭每位成员免受层出不穷的网络攻击,为便捷的网络生活保驾护航
北京,2007年3月12日―― 赛门铁克公司(Nasdaq:SYMC)今天宣布推出同时兼容Windows Vista及Windows XP的诺顿网络安全特警2007中文版三用户家庭防护包,建议零售价为人民币399元,以作为答谢广大用户对诺顿产品的厚爱和长期以来的支持。这款产品是诺顿网络安全特警2007中文版的家庭装,价格仅比诺顿网络安全特警单用户版本高30%,用一个序列号即可以同时安装在3台电脑上,以确保家庭中的多位成员与多台电脑都能免受层出不穷的网络攻击,从而享受便捷安全的网络生活。




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2007年2月获 学电脑杂志 杀毒软件年度编辑推荐奖
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:38:03 | 显示全部楼层


Symantec Enterprise Vault 7.0提供自动化分类功能并率先为企业内容管理系统提供开放式整合,包括EMC、IBM、Microsoft、Open Text,Oracle和CA等
北京,2007年3月7日――基础构架软件供应商赛门铁克(Nasdaq: SYMC),今天宣布推出业界领先的智能型内容归档解决方案Symantec Enterprise Vault 7.0。它能存储电子邮件和共同协作内容,符合成本效益,并且依据保存与遵守法规的要求进行内容管理,亦可搜索内容以支持电子搜索(E- Discovery)和知识管理。

赛门铁克Information Foundation部门副总裁Francis deSouza表示:“电子信息内容的大量增长,已成为所有企业金融与法规的严峻挑战。Symantec Enterprise Vault为全球近5,000位客户管理超过8百万个邮箱,可降低IT和法规的相关成本与信息风险,并具备高度可扩展性,供上万个用户使用并且存储数十亿的归档信息。”

根据市场分析机构Enterprise Strategy Group(ESG),未来四年内,企业将对7,000千兆电子邮件进行归档,对IT部门管理与确保公司重要资产安全的能力形成严峻挑战。此外,ESG指出约有77%的企业在满足电子搜索要求的同时会生成新的电子邮件。根据2006年12月1日美国联邦民事诉讼法规,以及欧亚地区类似的标准与法规, IT专业人员必须部署系统实现电子信息的持续管理。

Enterprise Strategy Group分析师Brian Babineau表示:“无论是在法规遵从、电子搜索,或IT效率等方面,将电子邮件与其他内容进行将使用户受益匪浅。通过Enterprise Vault 7.0,用户可轻松实现自动化以及基于用户的分类,并能持续建立并执行信息保存期限,这是部署法规遵从与电子搜索的主要特点。对于内容管理解决方案支持的扩展进一步表明Enterprise Vault的灵活性和可扩展性,在用户需要对多种内容记录进行管理而整合解决方案时尤为适用。”

由于并非所有的信息均相同,企业必须根据其各自价值来加以管理与保存。事实上,根据ESG最近的一份调查指出,63%的企业要求根据内容或来源设置不同的保存策略。当某些内容需要保存数年,例如订单与合约,而其他数据如个人电子邮件与电子通讯便可较快的删除。有效的信息管理需要将数据分到相关的类别,并针对这些类别强制执行保存方式。Symantec Enterprise Vault 7.0提供新的智能分类功能,可依据其商业价值来保存和清除内容,包括:

自动分类引擎(Automated Classification Engine)——通过50个预先定义的分类规则或无限数量的自定义规则,来降低归档文件大小和搜索时间。 用户分类引擎(User Classification Engine)——用户可在Microsoft Office Outlook直接对所有电子邮件进行分类,确保信息保存计划能持续进行并获得有效保护。 企业内容管理(Enterprise Content Management,ECM)整合——在Symantec Enterprise Vault存储、搜索、保护内容时,可利用已经部署的ECM解决方案来定义内容保存管理。除了既有对Microsoft SharePoint和CA MDY的支持外,同样支持EMC Document、IBM DB2 Content Manager、Open Text LegalKey、Open Text LiveLink、 Oracle Stellen Universal Records Manager,及CA MDY FileSurf。

Microsoft Exchange 2007的最佳整合
Symantec Enterprise Vault 7.0几乎能够与所有2007年Microsoft协作与生产力解决方案的新版本相符,Symantec Enterprise Vault 7.0将持续引领市场,采用新的Microsoft技术,包括:

支持Microsoft Exchange Server 2007——提供已减少的信箱容量、删除PST档案与配额的需求,并加速转移至Microsoft Exchange 2007。第一个支持Microsoft Windows桌面搜索(WDS)的归档系统——通过常用简单的搜索工具来快速搜索文件、已归档的电子邮件及正使用的电子邮件,以提高用户生产力。第一个支持Microsoft Windows权限管理服务(RMS)的归档系统——通过索引及搜索RMS加密内容,以确保安全性与可搜索掘性。第一个可自动获取Microsoft Live Communication Server信息归档——无需经由Exchange就能对所有企业即时通讯流量进行归档,以降低服务器负载与信息丢失风险。

随着用户对于归档解决方案的经验不断累积,并且归档解决方案的重要性与日俱增,IT企业在进行归档时必须拥有与其他基础架构应用相同的可管理性。Symantec Enterprise Vault 7.0可帮助企业集中管理归档部署:

安全、基于角色的管理(Secure, Roles-based Administration)——通过控制每位管理员在相同的基础架构上进行的任务以维护其安全性,对一线的管理员分派普通任务。粒度配给(Granular Provision)——根据不同的要求,为用户执行不同的归档捷径与保存策略(例如,用量大的用户、行政管理用户、移动用户,或受限员工。)高级报告与监控——经由自动化、基于网页的定制诊断与操作面板以追踪归档的状态与使用情况,从而降低管理成本。

Symantec Enterprise Vault可通过赛门铁克的全球授权增值经销商与系统集成商来获得。如欲与赛门铁克本地经销商及代理商联络,请访问: http://enterprisesecurity.symantec.com

Symantec Enterprise Vault同时也是Symantec Information Foundation 2007重要的一环,唯一具备单一SKU及价格的全新安全与归档解决方案组合。此解决方案组合包括赛门铁克在业界领先的网关安全性、群件安全性与归档解决方案。除了作为整合式解决方案套件,Symantec Information Foundation 2007能够持续防止信息流失,并降低信息管理的整体拥有成本。

赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在 40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站:http://www.symantec.com
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:38:38 | 显示全部楼层
Symantec Information Foundation 抵御企业信息风险

北京,2007年3月7日――基础架构软件供应商赛门铁克(Nasdaq: SYMC),今天宣布推出 Symantec Information Foundation 2007,是一款全新的整合式信息安全和归档套件,为企业从电子邮件网关的安全到归档,提供共同架构以进行内容控制策略的统一执行。部署Symantec Information Foundation,IT 专业人员可主动抵御由于信息流失和策略违规而导致的风险,同时快速有效的满足电子搜索(E-Discovery)的各种需求。

此外,赛门铁克今天也同时宣布推出 Symantec Information Foundation Mail Security 6.0 for Exchange 的试用版,这也是 Symantec Information Foundation 套件的主要解决方案。此解决方案预定于三月份全面上市,它将通过提供市场领先的技术,以降低内部信息流通或信息经由 Microsoft Exchange 服务器 (包括 Microsoft Exchange 2007) 进出企业所产生的风险。

赛门铁克Information Foundation 部门副总裁 Francis deSouza 表示:“企业所有用于交换和存储信息的系统,都面临安全、遵从和法规方面相关风险的威胁。Symantec Information Foundation可帮助企业自行抵御各种风险,包括来自电子邮件、即时通讯、网络通讯、文件共享、以及企业内部其它信息系统。”

Symantec Information Foundation 特别提供了下列独一无二的功能: 利用自动分类与策略强制执行以进行统一内容控制,进而有效地管理风险-当信息在网络网关、内部服务器,和企业归档间流通时,Symantec Information Foundation将根据风险与业务价值,对内容进行统一获取、扫描以及分类。 为确保风险管理法规遵从而整合事故管理与修复-如检测到机密信息流失、客户数据泄漏,和违反法规遵从等策略违规事件时,将会自动建立事故管理,进而提交进行检查并采取行动。 集中式归档、审计、和搜索-主动保留标记为可疑或违反策略的数据,作为日后搜索与调查的依据。

IDC安全产品兼服务事业部副总裁Christian Christiansen 表示:“不连贯且分散的法规遵循解决方案几乎无法提供可扩展性,且需要极高的管理费用。凭借 Information Foundation,赛门铁克可提供应对未来法规与内部策略要求的法规遵从基础结构。此外,Information Foundation的整合性更能够降低IT 工作量,简化政策管理,并改善审计执行。”  

基于赛门铁克市场领先的反病毒、反垃圾邮件、内容过滤、归档、保存、电子搜索、和策略管理等技术,Symantec Information Foundation为存在于企业电子邮件、即时通讯、网络通讯、门户网站、文件共享及其它企业信息系统内的信息提供了整合式保护。此外, Symantec Information Foundation还通过整合来自单一厂商的统一平台来简化管理,并帮助 IT 企业降低持续管理及维护的成本,同时运用共同策略架构以有效管理风险。

Symantec Information Foundation 包含了下列领先市场的技术:Symantec Enterprise Vault、Symantec Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator、Symantec Enterprise Vault Compliance Accelerator、Symantec Mail Security 8300 Series、Symantec IM Manager、Symantec Information Foundation Mail Security for Exchange、Symantec Mail Security for Domino,及 Symantec Web Security for Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA)。

Symantec Information Foundation 可经由单一企业授权,根据订购年数(每年)及用户人数(每人)来计价,大量订购与多年订购另有折扣。

Symantec Information Foundation 可通过赛门铁克授权增值经销商、代理商与系统商的全球销售网络来获取。如需联络赛门铁克本地经销商及代理商,详细联络方式请访问: http://enterprisesecurity.symantec.com

赛门铁克用户如需使用 Symantec Information Foundation Mail Security 6.0 for Exchange 试用版,可与其赛门铁克客户经理获取更多信息,或访问以下网站https://symbeta.symantec.com/cal ... 604-59E51080FFB3%7d

赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在 40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站:http://www.symantec.com
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:39:36 | 显示全部楼层
哎!真辛苦! [:15:]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:40:32 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:40:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 09:41:57 | 显示全部楼层
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