楼主: mamigo


 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:26:49 | 显示全部楼层


賽門鐵克企業訊息管理副總Francis deSouz指出:「InfoWorld再次肯定Symantec MailSecurity杜絕垃圾郵件的優異能力,賽門鐵克連續兩年被獲選為最佳垃圾郵件防護解決方案,我們深感榮幸 。」FrancisdeSouz進一步指出:「這項殊榮也肯定賽門鐵克對客戶的承諾, 為他們提供最完善的保護,以抵禦今日迅速增長的電子郵件威脅。」根據InfoWorld 雜誌測試中心的分析師及編輯指出,Symantec MailSecurity展示了絕佳的效能表現,垃圾郵件阻擋率能達到97%以上,因此贏得年度最佳垃圾郵件防護解決方案的殊榮。
該雜誌也同時指出 Symantec Mail Security具有遵循IT規範與保護數位資產的標準特徵,操作容易且平均每個使用者的花費也相當低。

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:12 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:28:10 | 显示全部楼层


2007-2-16基礎架構軟體供應商賽門鐵克(Nasdaq: SYMC),日前宣佈發表Symantec AntiVirus及Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise版本。
其中Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition 10.2 提供對病毒及間諜程式/廣告軟體的自動防禦及回應,同時支援Microsoft Windows Vista系統。
內含Symantec Client Security 3.1的Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise版本,不僅提供企業工作站及網路伺服器的廣告軟體及防間諜程式的產品,同時也針對單一主控平台上透過整合式的防毒、防間諜程式、防火牆及入侵偵測的技術主動提供用戶端保護,以避免複雜攻擊。
Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise Edition 同時也針對 Internet 閘道和 Domino 及 Exchange 環境提供內容篩選及垃圾郵件過濾。

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:13 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:28:39 | 显示全部楼层


2007-2-16--基礎架構軟體供應商賽門鐵克(Nasdaq: SYMC),日前宣佈Windows 資料回復軟體的領先產品-Symantec Backup Exec11d,將支援Microsoft Exchange Server2007,為移轉到全新電子郵件平台的企業用戶提供精細回復技術與不中斷的資料保護。
與Exchange 2000和2003一樣,Backup Exec 11d 將重新定義傳統Exchange 2007 的防護方式,毋需每日備份即可快速復原個別信箱、訊息與文件匣。
不管組織是透過單獨部署、區域連續複製或叢集連續複製的配置來執行 Exchange 2007, Backup Exec 11d都可協助企業確保Exchange 2007的資料能夠迅速回復並且隨時可用。
唯有Backup Exec 11d提供Exchange 2007的精細回復能力,使企業能夠在數秒間回復重要的Exchange資料。

Backup Exec 11d亦將支援全64位元環境的Exchange 2007,以及支援Exchange 2007的Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) 版本。

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:14 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:29:53 | 显示全部楼层


Symantec Mobile AntiVirus 4.0 for Windows Mobile可自動保護行動裝置,防止透過電子郵件及MMS多媒體訊息傳播或經由記憶卡、蜂巢式網路及Wi-Fi的下載,甚至是藍芽或紅外線的連線而產生的威脅。


[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:14 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:31:10 | 显示全部楼层


CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 21, 2007– Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced its executives will bespeaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology Investment Symposium and theMorgan Stanley Technology Conference.
Symantec’s executives will be presenting at the Goldman SachsTechnology Investment Symposium on Feb. 28 at 2 p.m. PT/ 5 p.m. ET inLas Vegas and at the Morgan Stanley Technology Conference on March 5 at8 a.m. PT/ 11 a.m. ET in San Francisco.
A live webcast, replay, and podcast of the presentation will beavailable. Interested parties can view the webcast and the replay overthe Internet through Symantec’s Investor Relations Web site at www.symantec.com/invest.Please go to the Web site at least 15 minutes early to register,download, and install any necessary software. For those who cannotlisten to the live broadcast, a replay and podcast will be available onthis site shortly after the call.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:15 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:32:12 | 显示全部楼层


All-In-One Security Service Featuring PC Security, Transaction Security, Backup and PC Tuneup Now Available
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 26, 2006 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced the availability of the newest product to joinits award winning line of Norton products – Norton 360. Thecomprehensive solution combines Symantec’s proven, industry-leadingtechnologies for antivirus, antispyware, firewall, intrusionprotection, antiphishing, backup and tuneup, eliminating the need topurchase and manage multiple products. The all-in-one security serviceprotects computers and the information stored in them from Internetthreats and risks, as well as data loss, allowing computer users tofreely engage in their everyday online activities without worry. Norton360 helps restore computer users’ trust in the online world withtransaction security features that protect against online fraud. Norton360 also diagnoses and fixes common computer problems, optimizing PCperformance and speed.
Automation, breadth of functionality, user experience and performanceare the key design principles for Norton 360. Designed to work asautomatically as possible, Norton 360 provides comprehensive protectionwhile performing its duties in the background without interruptingusers’ computing experience. The product is designed to offer a userexperience that is reassuring, helpful and unobtrusive as theunderlying technologies are seamlessly integrated for maximumperformance and efficiency.
“People today use their computers for much more than work or storingdocuments. If you ask most computer users what they rely on their PCfor, they’ll tell you they use it to surf the web, bank online, shop,keep in touch with friends and family, listen to music and store theirfavorite photos,” said Enrique Salem, group president, ConsumerBusiness Unit, Symantec Corp. “Norton 360 was created with theseactivities in mind. It not only protects against traditional onlinethreats, but it also helps secure users’ identity when transactingonline and safeguards valuable files like music and photos.”
“With Norton 360, Symantec is rejuvenating its consumer product line.”said Andrew Jaquith, senior analyst, Yankee Group. “By combining thetraditional security features with transaction security, data backupand performance tuning, products like Norton 360 will expand the marketfor consumer security and data protection solutions.”
“As online security threats continue to evolve and become moresophisticated, Norton 360 takes the hassle out of staying saferonline,” said Paul Brody, vice president of desktop products forYahoo!. “By working with Symantec, Yahoo! will be able to deliver thiscomprehensive, automated security solution to our users, enabling themto freely interact with communities and information that is importantto them in the online world.”
"Buy.com is pleased to see Symantec offering consumers an all-in-onesecurity service," said Herb Criscito, vice president of sales andmerchandising at Buy.com. "We're eager to begin offering our Buy.comshoppers a comprehensive solution like Norton 360 to help protect theirPCs from the onslaught of today's online threats and risks, and to alsosafeguard the irreplaceable data files they store on their computers."
Norton 360 is designed for mainstream computer users who require acomprehensive security solution that’s easy-to-use and requires minimaluser interaction. The product delivers complete protection across fivecategories of functionality:
  • PC Security – Norton 360 features Symantec’sindustry-leading protection against a wide range of threats and risks,including viruses, spyware, hackers and more. The Symantec OnlineNetwork for Advanced Response (SONAR) is also included in Norton 360,providing behavior-based malware detection that identifies new threatsin real-time based on application behavior. Norton 360 includes theability to remove kernel mode rootkits through heuristics technology.Rootkits can pose a threat by granting attackers unauthorized access toconfidential data on users’ computers. Norton 360 also boasts a smartfirewall, intrusion prevention, vulnerability assessments and networkdetection, which automatically optimizes firewall protection usingdifferent security settings when connecting to various types ofnetworks.
  • Transaction Security – Antiphishing protectiongives consumers the confidence they need to shop, bank and conductother transactions on the Internet by protecting their online identity.Utilizing black list and heuristic techniques to recognize both knownand unknown phishing sites, dangerous sites are clearly marked throughseamless integration of the Norton Toolbar into Internet Explorer 6 andhigher Web browsers. Norton 360 also features Web Site Authentication,which verifies the authenticity of trusted brands that are commonlyphished.
  • Backup and Restore – Norton 360 introduces newlocal and online backup and restore capabilities. Online backup issecured via users’ Norton Accounts as well as through encryption duringfile transfer and on the storage servers. The product includes 2 GB ofonline storage, and additional online storage can be purchased at$29.99 for 5 GB, $49.99 for 10 GB and $69.99 for 25 GB. Norton 360automatically detects new or changed files and incrementally backs upthose changes through custom backup scheduling or during idle time.Users can choose where to back up their content from a range of storagedestinations including internal drives, CD/DVD drives, USB drives,mapped network drives, external hard drives or secured online backup.
  • PC Tuneup– Norton 360 identifies and removes unnecessary clutter such as WindowsTemp files, Internet Temp files and Internet History files. The PCTuneup feature also analyzes and defragments hard disks for faster andmore efficient operation. Norton 360’s Smart Background Schedulermonitors the system for user input, CPU usage and disk activity,throttling the product’s tasks and minimizing impact on the computingexperience. When idle time parameters are met, the Background Schedulerautomatically initiates remaining scans, backups and tuneups.
  • Embedded Support- Norton 360 also includes embedded support, which automaticallydiagnoses and resolves common issues or guides users to easy issueresolution from within the context of the product. Users have easyaccess to Norton 360 technical support via phone, as well as freesupport via live chat and e-mail.
Norton 360 customers can also receive AntiSpam and Parental Controls through an optional add-on pack at no additional charge.
Norton 360 is backed by Symantec’s unmatched security knowledge andassets, including the company’s extensive Global Intelligence Network,which consists of the Symantec DeepSight Threat Management System andSymantec Managed Security Services, providing more than 40,000 sensorsmonitoring network activity in more than 180 countries. Norton 360 alsotakes advantage of Symantec’s Phish Report Network, an extensiveantifraud community where members contribute and receive fraudulent Website addresses for alerting and filtering, to protect consumers againstfraudulent Web sites.
Pricing and Availability
Norton 360 is now available for purchase through the Symantec online store at www.symantecstore.com.It will be available for purchase at various retail locations andonline retailers in March 2007. The optional add-on pack will beavailable to Norton 360 customers in mid-March 2007.
The suggested retail price of Norton 360 is US$79.99 (includes one-yearservice subscription to use the product and receive Symantec’sprotection updates). Norton 360 can be installed on up to three PCs.
Norton security solutions are designed to leverage the Windows Vistaoperating system, offering the top-choice in Vista-compatible securityperformance. Norton 360, along with Norton Internet Security, NortonAntiVirus and Norton Confidential, delivers all-encompassingintegration with Vista (34-bit and 64-bit) and Windows XP. Customerscan now rely on Norton 360, featuring Norton's patented technologies,to provide the most complete all-in-one security solution to protectagainst today's and tomorrow's threats.
About Symantec
Symantec is the world leader in providing solutions to help individualsand enterprises assure the security, availability, and integrity oftheir information. Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., Symantec hasoperations in 40 countries. More information is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:15 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:33:16 | 显示全部楼层

赛门铁克隆重推出诺顿360 全方位抵御新兴网络安全威胁

盖计算机安全、在线交易安全、备份与计算机性能优化的多效防护服务 确保消费者日益增长的网络安全需求北京,2007年2月27日――全球领先的基础架构软件供应商赛门铁克公司 (Nasdaq: SYMC)今天宣布,整合所有屡获大奖之诺顿产品于一身的最新产品—诺顿360正式上市。诺顿360为全方位的产品,结合了赛门铁克经市场验证、业界领先的防病毒、防间谍程序、防火墙、入侵侦测、防网络钓鱼、备份及性能优化等技术,让消费者仅需要选择单一产品就能轻松获得以上所有杰出功能,而不必同时管理多样产品。此全方位 all-in-one的信息安全服务,不仅能够使计算机及存储在计算机内部的数据不会受到网络威胁、各式风险甚至是数据遗失的损害;更使计算机使用者能够在没有任何忧虑的情况下自在悠游每一天的网络生活。此外,诺顿 360 也能够诊断并修复常遇到的计算机问题,使计算机性能和运作速度达到最优化。

诺顿 360 的主要设计考虑包括自动化、包罗万象的安全功能、使用者体验以及性能,因此诺顿 360的设计方向在于能够尽可能在完全不打扰使用者使用计算机的情况下,完全自动运作并且执行所有的防护。它可以说是专为提供使用者一个安心、功能强大又不干扰的计算机使用体验等种种考虑下所设计的整合服务方案。换句话说,这些最基本的功能都能够与最佳的计算机运作性能与效率达到完美整合。

赛门铁克消费业务部门总裁 Enrique Salem表示,“现在人们使用计算机已经不再仅局限于工作或是文件存储。如果你问多数的计算机使用者,他们到底依赖计算机做些什么?他们会告诉你,他们透过计算机来遨游网络世界、使用网络银行、网络购物、跟亲朋好友保持联系、听音乐和将他们最喜爱的照片保存起来。”他进一步指出,“诺顿 360就是因为这些行为而诞生的,它不仅防范传统的网络安全威胁,更能在消费者进行在线交易时保障消费者的身份安全。同时,它也妥善的为消费者保护数字音乐或是照片等珍贵资料。”

市场调查机构Yankee Group资深分析师Andrew Jaquith表示,“诺顿360的上市,显示赛门铁克对消费者信息安全产品线的全面提升。从传统的信息安全功能,到数据的备份及计算机性能优化。像诺顿360这样整合的服务,将在消费性安全及数据防护的产品中独占鳌头。”

Yahoo! Desktop products副总裁 Paul Brody表示,“诺顿360将消费者对网络安全等复杂的问题都挪开了。与赛门铁克的合作,Yahoo!便可以提供这项整合性的防务服务,协助消费者在今日新兴网络安全不断遭威胁的情况下可以免于攻击,使他们可以尽情地在网络世界与社群互动。”

诺顿 360 是专为多数主流计算机使用者所设计,而这些计算机使用者需要的是一套完整的安全产品,操作简易,并将对使用者的干扰减到最低。诺顿360涵盖了全方位的安全防护,具体包括以下5大功能:

     计算机安全 – 诺顿 360提供赛门铁克业界领先的安全防护技术,防范各样的安全威胁与风险,包括病毒、间谍程序、黑客等。诺顿 360 也采用了赛门铁克SONAR前瞻响应的在线网络技术(Symantec Online Network for AdvancedResponse),提供以行为模式为基础(behavior-based)的恶意程序侦测技术,能够根据应用程序的行为模式,实时侦测出包括Rootkits在内的各种新兴威胁。透过 Rootkits 黑客即使未经授权也能够进入使用者计算机窃取机密信息。诺顿 360亦具备智能防火墙、入侵防御、漏洞侦测及网络侦测等功能,网络侦测功能是指当使用者联机至各类型网络时,该功能能够采用不同的安全设定,自动地最佳化防火墙防护。

     在线交易安全 –当消费者需要在网络上进行网络购物、使用网络银行及进行在线交易时,防网络钓鱼安全防护能够确保消费者在线身份安全,从而有充足的信心从事上述网络行为。采用黑名单及启发式技术来辨识已知与未知的网络钓鱼网站,并将诺顿工具列完美整合至 Internet Explore 6或更新版本的浏览器中,能够将有风险疑虑的网站清楚地标示出来。诺顿 360亦包含网站验证功能(Web SiteAuthentication),能够区别那些经常遭到冒用的知名企业/品牌网站之真实性。

     备份与还原 – 诺顿 360 采纳了全新的本机与在线备份还原功能。使用者可透过诺顿账户(NortonAccounts)进行在线备份功能,同时将档案上传至存储服务器时,也都有加密防护。该产品包含了 2 GB的基本在线存储容量,若需更大的在线存储容量也可上网购买。诺顿360能够自动侦测新增档案或变更档案,并且透过订制化备份排序或运用闲置时间,增量备份这些变更后的档案。使用者可自行选择要将他们的数据备份到哪些存储目的地,包括网络硬盘、CD/DVD磁盘、USB、联机网络磁盘驱动器、外接式硬盘或安全的在线备份空间。

     计算机性能优化 – 诺顿 360 能够辨识及移除无用的杂乱档案,像是 Windows暂存盘、网络暂存盘以及网络历史记录等。计算机性能优化功能亦可分析及重新整理硬盘,使运作更为迅速与有效。诺顿 360的智能背景排程功能(Smart Background Scheduler)可监控系统在使用者输入(user input)、CPU使用率及磁盘活动方面的效能,调节该产品的工作事项并减少消费者使用计算机时所受的干扰。当系统的闲置时间到设定的参数值时,此智能型背景排程功能就会自动启动既有的侦测、备份及优化等作业。

     内置全方位支持功能 – 诺顿 360 亦包含了内置支持功能,该产品内置内容能够自动诊断及解决一般问题,或是提供使用者简易的问题解决方法。使用者可轻松的透过电话、免费的在线实时沟通及电子邮件等方式,获得诺顿 360 的技术支持服务。

同时诺顿360客户可根据需要自由选择免费的附加功能下载软件包,其中包括反垃圾邮件、 父母控制等防护功能。

诺顿 360 至推出公测版以来已获得来自全球超过10 万名参与公开测试计划的测试者的积极响应:
“诺顿 360 是完美绝伦的产品,非常容易上手使用,它提供了我的计算机所需要的所有安全功能。”– Ramon “我已经爱上诺顿 360为我做所有决策的感觉,不需要做任何猜测,就能够确认我是否安全的受到保护。”– Rita

诺顿 360以赛门铁克无与伦比的安全专业知识与积累为坚强的后盾,包括赛门铁克全球全天候(24×7)互联网安全专家支持的智能型网络,该网络包含了Symantec DeepSight Threat Management System 及赛门铁克安全代管服务 SymantecManaged Security Services,于全球部署超过 40,000 个监测器,监控超过180 个国家的网络活动状况。诺顿 360亦得利于赛门铁克庞大的反在线诈欺社社群—网络钓鱼网络 Symantec’s Phish ReportNetwork,社群会员们回报并接收诈骗网站位置等警示及过滤的信息,因而能保障消费者免于诈骗网站的损害。,

诺顿360 于三月中旬即可在赛门铁克网络商店 cn.symantecstore.com 购买。各大市场门市将在三月底全面上架销售。

诺顿 360 可安装至3台个人计算机上使用。诺顿 360 建议零售价为 人民币799元(包含产品使用一年期服务以及获得赛门铁克安全防护更新)。升级版建议零售价为人民币599元(包含产品使用一年期服务以及获得赛门铁克安全防护更新)


赛门铁克公司是全球领先的基础架构软件供应商,致力于确保企业和个人消费者在互联世界中的信心。赛门铁克公司帮助用户保护基础架构、信息和交互,提供软件和服务来抵御对安全性、可用性、遵从和性能方面的风险威胁。公司总部设在美国加州的 Cupertino ,现已在40多个国家设有分支机构。要了解更多相关信息,欢迎访问赛门铁克公司网站:http://www.symantec.com

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:16 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:35:24 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Announces Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Unique Program Allows Award Winners to Mentor Under Top Industry Researchers While Leveraging Symantec’s Research Resources
CUPERTINO, Calif. – March 2, 2007 – Symantec (Nasdaq: SYMC)today announced the recipients of its new Symantec Graduate Fellowshipprogram to identify and support exceptional graduate students who areinvestigating novel ways to solve real-world problems in protectingsecurity and availability. In addition to a cash stipend, recipientswill have the opportunity to work directly with Symantec’s topresearchers on new investigations and will also have access to securityinsight from Symantec’s global intelligence network.
The Symantec Research Labs team conducted the assessment and selectionprocess, choosing David Brumley, Jack Lange, and Justin Ma to beawarded full one-year fellowships covering 100 percent of tuition andfees, along with a competitive stipend to fund ongoing research intheir respective areas of expertise. The program also includes theoption of a salaried summer internship, offering recipients directon-site collaboration with leading scientists from Symantec ResearchLabs. This allows the students to research and develop next-generationtechnologies that could impact millions of customers, in a real-worldindustry environment.
“Symantec is committed to fostering innovative research and supportingpromising new technologies across the security and availabilitylandscape,” said Darren Shou, senior manager of the Symantec ResearchLabs University Research Program. “Our support of the nation’s topgraduate students underscores this commitment, as these brilliantresearchers apply their ingenuity and passion to solving relevantcustomer challenges.”
David Brumley is a doctoral candidate in computer science at CarnegieMellon University. Brumley is working on novel binary analysistechniques for computer security. Using formal methods in programanalysis, model checking, and programming language theory, he isdeveloping innovative intrusion prevention techniques that can be usedto automatically generate vulnerability-based signatures. Thistechnology promises to help proactively protect computer users frommany classes of critical network attacks.
Jack Lange is a doctoral candidate in electrical engineering andcomputer science at Northwestern University. Lange is interested inhigh performance distributed communication frameworks for opticalnetworks. By observing current demands on the network, his technologycan automatically reconfigure the existing topology to dynamicallyimprove network performance.
Justin Ma is a doctoral candidate in computer science and engineeringat the University of California, San Diego. Ma’s primary work revolvesaround malicious code analysis and defense. He recently collaborated onwhat became the largest honeypot system in existence today, creating asystem of hundreds of thousands of virtual machines that lure and trapattackers.
Symantec’s University Research Program, a part of Symantec ResearchLabs, was established to facilitate and coordinate Symantec’sinvolvement with universities that emphasize research and study in theareas of information security and availability. The group is alsodedicated to increasing the number of students enrolling into computerscience and electrical engineering academic programs. In addition, theUniversity Research Program funds and provides feedback on universityresearch projects, conducts technical exchange seminars with leadingacademic researchers, and provides input on applicable course curricula.
About Symantec Research Labs
Symantec Research Labs (SRL) is Symantec’s global research division andhas developed and helped commercialize numerous cutting-edgetechnologies across Symantec’s business areas. Commercializedtechnologies from the group include the company’s recently announcedSymantec Database Security, Symantec’s first antispam technology,generic exploit blocking technology that proactively blocksfast-spreading threats, and technology to help protect our nation’scritical power-grid infrastructure. SRL also partners with outsideorganizations on joint projects, through its university and governmentresearch efforts.
About Symantec</B Symantec is a global leader in infrastructuresoftware, enabling businesses and consumers to have confidence in aconnected world. The company helps customers protect theirinfrastructure, information, and interactions by delivering softwareand services that address risks to security, availability, compliance,and performance. Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., Symantec hasoperations in 40 countries. More information is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:17 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:46:52 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Delivers Online Education Portal for Small and Mid-Sized Businesses

eCampus Streamlines Access to Technical Training and Complimentary Learning Materials
CUPERTINO, Calif. – Feb. 28, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC)today announced the availability of Symantec eCampus, an onlineeducation portal that aggregates affordable, in-depth product trainingand a robust library of complimentary learning materials specificallygeared toward small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs). eCampus helps SMBcustomers maximize their Symantec technology investments to bettermanage security, availability, performance, and compliance risks withintheir Information Technology (IT) environments. In addition toproduct-based training, customers have access to a wealth of freecontent on relevant, SMB-specific IT risk management topics.
Symantec designed the user-friendly eCampus interface to help SMBsminimize their time spent locating online training content, andtherefore maximize their time spent actually learning. In addition,budget and resource constrained organizations can easily access theaffordable online training and free learning materials, such as whitepapers, webcasts, case studies, multimedia tours, and podcasts, allfocused on Symantec products, solutions, and IT industry-related topics.
“We have a very small IT staff supporting more than 130 users and 15servers in four locations, so effective use of our time and resourcesis imperative to our success,” said Steve Wilson, MIS manager,Cincinnati Thermal Spray. “Symantec eCampus allows us to quickly findthe training resources we need and provides us with additional contentfree of charge to help us get the most from our software investmentswhile maximizing our staff’s time.”
eCampus is comprised of five dedicated training centers focused aroundSymantec’s top products and programs, including Backup Exec, ControlCompliance Suite, Enterprise Vault, Symantec AntiVirus, and SecurityAwareness. The fee-based training is delivered through a variety ofmethods – self-paced Web-based training, CDs, or live online webcasts –to accommodate a range of learning preferences, schedules, and budgets.Within the self-paced training option, customers can sign up for aone-year subscription that grants them access to a wide array of onlineWeb-based training modules. eCampus contains the most up-to-datetechnical content and industry-tested best practices, refined with thefeedback from more than 30,000 annual Symantec Education Servicesstudents.
“By taking the product-based technical training in Symantec eCampus,customers can gain a better understanding of the products they havepurchased and can realize the benefits of new features to help themimprove IT efficiency, compliance or risk posture,” said Paula Hamm,vice president, Symantec Education and Business Critical Services. “Wehope small and mid-sized businesses take full advantage of the varietyof knowledge and information available on eCampus so they can improvetheir IT environment, and ultimately, their overall business.”
The fee-based online training modules and free learning materialscontained within each of the five dedicated training centers will berefreshed on an ongoing basis. Symantec pricing for one-yearsubscriptions to the self-paced, Web-based training centers ranges from$50 to $150 USD. eCampus is available now and can be accessed at http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/theme.jsp?themeid=ecampus.
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:17 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-24 08:49:20 | 显示全部楼层

Symantec Survey Reveals Need for PureDisk Technology Across IT Environments

Enhancements to Symantec’s Veritas NetBackup PureDisk Help Customers Streamline Backup
CUPERTINO, Calif. – March 6, 2007 – Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC) today announced the latest release of its innovative VeritasNetBackup PureDisk product and unveiled the results of a surveyoutlining key issues facing organizations in protecting data outsidethe data center. The survey findings underscore the need to employ dataprotection strategies which leverage innovative solutions such asNetBackup PureDisk and highlight the need for effective data protectiontechnology in the remote office. PureDisk delivers data deduplicationtechnology that reduces the capacity of disk required for backup inaddition to more efficiently using bandwidth that exists between theremote site and the central data center.
Survey Substantiates Need for New Microsoft and SQL Server Features in NetBackup PureDisk
According to a recent survey commissioned by Symantec, respondentsindicated that distribution of data occurs mainly via database data,such as Microsoft SQL Server. In addition, 25 percent of respondentssaid applications such as Microsoft Exchange are part of the data beingbacked up at the remote office. The latest release of NetBackupPureDisk provides Microsoft Exchange and SQL Server agents that deliverPureDisk storage and bandwidth efficiencies for two applications quitecommon at remote sites. Additionally, PureDisk delivers its firstintegration point with NetBackup. Users can now export PureDisk backupdata to tape as well as direct recovery from tape using NetBackup,simplifying disaster recovery and the long-term management of backupdata.
The latest release of NetBackup PureDisk is immediately availablethrough Symantec’s certified value-added resellers and direct salesforce.
State of Indiana and Centralized Remote Office Protection
In an effort to consolidate the state government’s IT infrastructure,the Indiana Office of Technology has established as a single agencywith sole responsibility for core infrastructure, including e-mailbackup and recovery, storage, and data center consolidation. Byrelieving the burden of local backups, NetBackup PureDisk helps theState of Indiana effectively protect information in more than 300remote offices, while providing the state with the flexibility tosupport multiple platforms, applications, and remote sites.
“Our IT organization is tasked with providing secure, reliable, andcost-efficient enterprise technology services for more than 32,000state government employees,” said Jim Rose, manager of systemsadministration for the state of Indiana Office of Technology.“Symantec’s NetBackup PureDisk has helped us streamline our backupprocesses at our remote sites, helping us ensure backup windows arenever missed and critical data is secure and protected. In addition,PureDisk revealed that 99 percent of our daily backed up data wasduplicate information that was already protected. As a result, we wereable to reduce our daily backups by 99 percent, leading to asignificant time and cost savings.”
Survey Results Highlight Remote Office Backup Challenges
When asked about current backup practices, survey respondents cited anumber of reasons for remote restore failure, including media failure(53 percent), corrupt backup (50 percent), no backup made (39 percent),and media loss (22 percent). Additionally, close to half of the surveysample requires an IT person to be onsite while restoration takes placeat the remote site. Not surprisingly, reducing the time it takes torestore data and reducing man hours spent by IT backing up remoteoffice data is considered very to extremely important by therespondents.
Most respondents (75 percent) consider security of remote office datato be either very or extremely important. Thirty percent of respondentshave lost or misplaced backup media. An additional 12 percent have hadbackup media stolen, while nearly one-third of respondents are notcurrently encrypting backup data on tape. NetBackup PureDisk addressesthese user pain points by eliminating tape from the remote officebackup equation, centralizing control at the data center, and addingtechnologies such as encryption within the product.
The survey was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2006. Surveyrespondents included 500 IT professionals in North America. Symanteccommissioned Applied Research to conduct the survey.
“Corporations are grappling with the challenge of backing up andrecovering data in remote offices. Remote tape handling is costly onresources and puts important corporate data at risk,” said MattKixmoeller, senior director of product management for NetBackup atSymantec. “These survey results emphasize the need for tape-less,secure data protection and easier recovery of both file and applicationdata outside the data center. NetBackup PureDisk enables companies tocentralize data protection of files and applications at the data centerand integrates with NetBackup in the datacenter to export data to tapefor long-term retention and compliance.”
About Symantec
Symantec is a global leader in infrastructure software, enablingbusinesses and consumers to have confidence in a connected world. Thecompany helps customers protect their infrastructure, information, andinteractions by delivering software and services that address risks tosecurity, availability, compliance, and performance. Headquartered inCupertino, Calif., Symantec has operations in 40 countries. Moreinformation is available at www.symantec.com.
NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information onSymantec Corporation and its products, please visit the Symantec NewsRoom at http://www.symantec.com/news. All prices noted are in U.S. dollars and are valid only in the United States.
Symantec and the Symantec Logo are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Symantec Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. andother countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

[ 本帖最后由 mamigo 于 2007-6-24 09:18 编辑 ]
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