Looking back at test data, F-Prot has always scored spectacularly well on macro virii, even achieving 100% detection rate during the Febuary 2007 on-demand comparative. If the statement is true that only missed samples are sent to vendors and Frisk have only seen the samples they did not detect, it then must be questioned that, for all his personal insults, whether Mr Bontchev will produce any credible evidence to back his standing, or at least explain this strange logical loophole in his remarks.
My remarks are directed at the person or entity who made them. If those were indeed Mr Bontchev's personal opinions, then I see no need or obligation for Frisk to apologize for them - that responsibility should, as is proper, fall squarely on Mr Bontchev. As the facts stand right now, there seems to be two possibilities. One is that Mr Bontchev is indeed right and the AV-C testbed is full of crap, but if this is true, then F-Prot detected 99-100% of those crap and Mr Bontchev would not possibly be in possession of the evidence that he claims his stand was based on. The second possibility, which seems far more likely to me, is that Mr Bontchev was not making very good use of his supposedly superior intellect as he delivered his barrage of personal disparagements at IBK, which contained more holes than President Bush's patriotic war speeches, and in the end turned out to be just as laughable.
[ 本帖最后由 solcroft 于 2008-2-14 21:39 编辑 ] |