楼主: The EQs

[讨论] 大概分析了一下nod32之所以支持vb和av-c的原因分析

The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:15:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #30 solcroft 的帖子

The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:17:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-5 02:34:01 | 显示全部楼层
VB100 test procedures        A VB100 award denotes that the product in question showed, in its default        mode, 100 per cent detection of In the Wild        test samples         and no false positives in a selection of clean files.       




瑞星达到84.78%查杀率,阁下说成搞笑评测,金山达到了99.78%查杀率,阁下却拼命找借口... 脸皮的厚度倒是世界权威了
The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:37:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 solcroft 于 2007-3-5 02:34 发表



要把用这么几个病毒来 ...

The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:38:37 | 显示全部楼层

VB100 test procedures
A VB100 award denotes that the product in question showed, in its default mode, 100 per cent detection of In the Wild test samples and no false positives in a selection of clean files.

For on-demand scanning of files, detection is considered to be a note in the product log file that the file is infected or very likely so. For on-demand scanning of boot sector viruses, a notification or log file entry is required.

For on-access scanning the matter is a little more confusing, since the best method of testing - executing all files and using the results from this activity - is clearly impractical. Detection is thus judged by a product denying access to an infected file when the file is opened for writing.

For boot sector on-access scanning a visible notification or log file entry is required. In this case denial of access is not a useful guide to detection since the VB boot sector test floppies are all blank as far as file contents are concerned. Since denial of access is likely to show a blank disk as the only detectable effect, this is not particularly useful. The addition of extra files to the disk for use in deciding whether access has been denied was decided against, for in past testing some products were only able to detect a boot sector virus on a floppy containing other files - a situation which would be apparent only with the use of disks in their current state.

Products which cannot be cajoled into producing reasonable logs on demand are checked by setting the product to delete and/or disinfect. The files are then scanned until no more detections are present, if necessary manually noting those files which are detected as infected but are not deleted or disinfected. Disinfected files are removed from the test set by use of CRC checking, and those files left in the test set are considered to be misses.

Near misses
There remains ample opportunity for products to miss detection, in our tests, of files which they are perfectly able to detect - why? Of the many potential answers, two are most likely. First, there are the matters of default extension lists, a common area for failure over the years, in which products have failed to gain VB100 awards because the default extension lists did not include possible extensions for In the Wild viruses. In most cases these extension-based problems are easily solved by an administrator adding extensions to the default list. We could perform these changes prior to testing. We feel, however, that our readers are better served if they know that they have to do this, than if we scan all files regardless of extension.

Another example of why some products miss out on VB100 awards, is where certain files are not scanned directly on-access. The usual assumption by the product developers is that the files will be scanned when passed on to an application which makes use of them. At the most common level this covers such objects as ZIP files, which are often not scanned until unzipped and EML files, which are not scanned until individual mails are pulled from within. From a developer's point of view these choices make sense in that leaving objects unscanned until use creates fewer overheads. The chance of infection on a protected machine is not increased, since scanning will occur before code execution. Such treatment of objects does, however lead to misses under the VB100 testing methodology.

Three chances
Each product may be tested up to three times on two different test machines. Should any product fail to work after three attempts the testing process will be aborted for that product.

VB100 award
A VB100 award means that a product has passed our tests, no more and no less. The failure to attain a VB100 award is not a declaration that a product cannot provide adequate protection in the real world if administered by a professional. We would urge any potential customer, when looking at the VB100 record of any software, not simply to consider passes and fails, but to read the small print in the reviews.
The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-5 02:42:05 | 显示全部楼层

连ItW List和Supplemental List的差别也分不清
连VB100%测试不使用Supplemental List样本这个简单道理你到现在还搞不懂

[ 本帖最后由 solcroft 于 2007-3-5 02:46 编辑 ]
The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:43:38 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #37 solcroft 的帖子

The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:45:56 | 显示全部楼层
The EQs
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-5 02:46:35 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #37 solcroft 的帖子

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